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Welcome to the home of Azure IoT Edge for Linux on Windows, a composite project enabling the abilty to run Linux-based Edge modules on Windows using a curated virtual machine based on CBL Mariner Linux with Azure IoT Edge built-in.
Azure IoT Edge for Linux on Windows supports the following versions:
1.4 LTS using Azure IoT Edge 1.4 LTS - Generally Available.
Continuous Release (CR) using Azure IoT Edge 1.3 currently in Public Preview.
Azure IoT Edge for Linux on Windows unsupported versions:
- 1.1 LTS using Azure IoT Edge 1.1 LTS - End of Life as of December 13, 2022.
- Get Started Now
- Learn More
- Sample Codes
- EFLOW Auto Deploy sample
- EFLOW Remote Deploy sample (Azure Arc/ Microsoft Intune)
- Build & Debug IoT Edge Linux modules using EFLOW
Issues can be filed in the issues section of either the iotedge or iotedge-eflow Github repositories depending on the specific issue that you are experiencing. If you are encountering a production level issue in which you require assistance, we strongly suggest that you Create an Azure Support Request.
Feature requests can be filed in our iotedge-eflow isssues page.
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct.
- Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct
- Microsoft Code of Conduct FAQ
- Contact [email protected] with questions or concerns