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A Kafka Connect sink plugin to invoke AWS Lambda functions


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A Kafka Connect sink plugin to invoke AWS Lambda functions.

Compatibility Matrix

kafka-connect-lambda Kafka Connect API AWS SDK
1.1.0 2.2.0 1.11.592
1.1.1 2.2.0 1.11.592
1.2.0 2.3.0 1.11.651

Due to a compatibility issue with Apache httpcomponents, connector versions 1.1.1 and earlier may not work with Kafka Connect versions greater than 2.2


Build the connector with Maven using the standard lifecycle goals:

mvn clean
mvn package


In addition to the standard Kafka Connect connector configuration properties, the kafka-connect-lambda properties available are:

Property Required Default value Description
aws.credentials.provider.class No Default AWS provider chain Class name of an AWSCredentialsProvider implementation
aws.lambda.function.arn Yes Full ARN of the Lambda function No 300000 Time to wait for a lambda invocation before continuing
aws.lambda.invocation.mode No SYNC SYNC for a synchronous invocation; otherwise ASYNC
aws.lambda.invocation.failure.mode No STOP Whether to STOP processing, or DROP and continue after an invocation failure
aws.lambda.batch.enabled No true true to batch messages together before an invocation; otherwise false
aws.region Yes AWS region of the Lambda function No HTTP proxy host name
http.proxy.port No HTTP proxy port number No 500,503,504 HTTP status codes that will trigger an invocation retry
retry.backoff.millis No 500 Time to append between invocation retries
retries.max No 5 Maximum number of invocation retries
topics Yes Comma-delimited Kafka topics names to sink
payload.formatter.class No com.nordstrom.kafka.connect.formatters.PlainPayloadFormatter Specifies the formatter to use.
payload.formatter.key.schema.visibility No min Determines whether schema (if present) is included. Only applies to JsonPayloadFormatter
payload.formatter.value.schema.visibility No min Determines whether schema (if present) is included. Only applies to JsonPayloadFormatter


The connector includes two payload.formatter.class implementations:

  • com.nordstrom.kafka.connect.formatters.PlainPayloadFormatter
  • com.nordstrom.kafka.connect.formatters.JsonPayloadFormatter

Including the full schema information in the invocation payload may result in very large messages. Therefore, use the schema.visibility key and value properties to control how much of the schema, if present, to include in the invocation payload: none, min, or all (default=min). These settings apply to the JsonPayloadFormatter only; The PlainPayloadFormatter always includes the min schema information.

Configuration Examples

An example configuration represented as JSON data for use with the Kafka Connect REST interface:

  "name": "example-lambda-connector",
  "config": {
    "tasks.max": "1",
    "connector.class": "com.nordstrom.kafka.connect.lambda.LambdaSinkConnector",
    "topics": "<Your Kafka topics>",
    "key.converter": "",
    "value.converter": "",
    "aws.region": "<Your AWS region>",
    "aws.lambda.function.arn": "<Your function ARN>",
    "aws.lambda.batch.enabled": "false"

IAM assume-role options

By supplying com.nordstrom.kafka.connect.auth.AWSAssumeRoleCredentialsProvider as the aws.credentials.provider.class configuration, the connector can assume an IAM Role. The role must include a policy that allows lambda:InvokeFunction and lambda:InvokeAsync actions.

Property Required Description
aws.credentials.provider.role.arn Yes Full ARN of the IAM Role to assume Yes Name that uniquely identifies a session while the role is being assumed No External identifier used by the kafka-connect-lambda when assuming the role

Invocation payloads

The default invocation payload is a JSON representation of a SinkRecord object, which contains the Kafka message in the value field. When aws.lambda.batch.enabled is true, the invocation payload is an array of these records.

Avro schema

This simple schema record describes our "hello, world" message.

  "type": "record",
  "name": "Hello",
  "doc": "An example Avro-encoded `Hello` message.",
  "namespace": "com.nordstrom.kafka.example",
  "fields": [
      "name": "language",
      "type": {
        "type": "enum",
        "name": "language",
        "symbols": [ "ENGLISH", "FRENCH", "ITALIAN", "SPANISH"
      "name": "greeting",
      "type": "string"


This example uses the following (partial) connector configuration which defaults to payload.formatter=com.nordstrom.kafka.connect.formatters.PlainPayloadFormatter:

Expected output:

    "key": "my_key",
    "keySchemaName": null,
    "value": "Struct{language=ENGLISH,greeting=hello, world}",
    "valueSchemaName": "com.nordstrom.kafka.example.Hello",
    "topic": "example-stream",
    "partition": 1,
    "offset": 0,
    "timestamp": 1567723257583,
    "timestampTypeName": "CreateTime"


This example uses the following (partial) connector configuration with key and value schema visibility as min (the default):

Expected output:

    "key": "my_key",
    "keySchemaName": null,
    "keySchemaVersion": null,
    "value": {
        "language": "ENGLISH",
        "greeting": "hello, world"
    "valueSchemaName": "com.nordstrom.kafka.example.Hello",
    "valueSchemaVersion": "1",
    "topic": "example-stream",
    "partition": 1,
    "offset": 0,
    "timestamp": 1567723257583,
    "timestampTypeName": "CreateTime"

Try the example demo

Follow the demo in order to: create an AWS Lambda function, build the connector plugin, run the connector, and send a message.

Create an AWS Lambda function

With an active AWS account, can create a simple AWS Lambda function using the CloudFormation template in the config/ directory:

aws cloudformation create-stack \
  --stack-name example-lambda-stack \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
  --template-body file://config/cloudformation.yml

To make sure our Lambda works, invoke it directly and view the result payload in result.txt:

aws lambda invoke --function-name example-function --payload '{"value": "my example"}' result.txt

The function simply sends the payload back to you in result.txt as serialized json.

Use the describe-stacks command to fetch the CloudFormation output value for ExampleFunctionArn, which we'll need later when setting up our connector configuration:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name example-lambda-stack --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[]"

Build the connector plugin

mvn clean package

Once built, a kafka-connect-lambda uber-jar is in the target/plugin directory.

Run the connector using Docker Compose

Ensure you have AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables exported in your shell. Docker Compose will pass these values into the connect container.

Use the provided Docker Compose file and run docker-compose up.

With the Kafka Connect REST interface, verify the Lambda sink connector is installed and ready: curl http://localhost:8083/connector-plugins.

Next, supply a connector configuration. You can use config/connector.json.example as a starting-point. Fill in values for <Your AWS Region> and <Your function ARN> and run:

curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8083/connectors -d @config/connector.json

Run the connector using the Confluent Platform

Run the ZooKeeper and Kafka components from the Confluent Platform.

Next, configure a Java properties-file containing your connector configuration. You can use config/ as a starting-point. Fill in values for <Your AWS Region> and <Your function ARN>.

Ensure you have AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables exported in your shell. Then, run the connector in "standalone-mode":

connect-standalone config/ config/

Send messages

Using the Kafka console producer, send a message to the example-stream topic. Your example-lambda-connector will read the message from the topic and invoke the AWS Lambda example-function.

Use the AWS Console to read the output of your message sent from the CloudWatch logs for the Lambda.


A Kafka Connect sink plugin to invoke AWS Lambda functions







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