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Add an initial HAXE grammar
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mingodad committed Apr 5, 2021
1 parent 1a48a53 commit dc2dfa7
Showing 1 changed file with 244 additions and 0 deletions.
244 changes: 244 additions & 0 deletions haxe.ebnf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
The begning of a HAXE grammar
program ::= stmt*

stmt ::=
| 'using' access_field
| 'import' access_field ('.*')? (('in' | 'as') ID)?
| class_decl
| interface_decl
| enum_decl
| function_decl ';'
| structure_type
| abstract_decl
| '@' ':'? anotation_id ('(' expr ')')?
| '#' ('if' expr | 'else' | 'elseif' expr | 'end')

class_decl ::= 'extern'? 'final'? 'class' ID type_paramter? extends* implements* '{' class_members '}'

interface_decl ::= 'final'? 'interface' ID extends* '{' interface_members '}'

enum_decl ::= 'enum' ID type_paramter? '{' enum_item_list '}'

type_paramter ::= '<' one_type_param (',' one_type_param)* '>'

one_type_param ::= ID (':' type)?

type ::=
| Bool
| Float
| Int
| Dynamic
| ID type_paramter?

anotation_id ::=
| 'allow'
| 'arrayAccess'
| 'author'
| 'broken'
| 'coreType'
| 'enum'
| 'forward'
| 'from'
| 'generic'
| 'keep'
| 'native'
| 'notNull'
| 'noUsing'
| 'op'
| 'range'
| 'to'
| 'using'

var_decl ::= ('var' | 'final') ID (':' type)? '=' expr

extends ::= 'extends' ID
implements ::= 'implements' ID

class_members ::=
('var' | 'final') ID ('(' ID ',' ID ')')? (':' type)? '=' expr
| function_decl

interface_members ::=

enum_item_list ::= enum_item+

enum_item ::= ID ';'

function_def ::= function_decl block_stmt

function_decl ::= 'static'? 'inline'? ('public' | 'private')? ('override' | 'final')? 'dynamic'? 'extern'? function_id_decl

function_id_decl ::= 'function' ID type_paramter? '(' param_decl_list? ')' (':' type)?

lambda_decl ::= 'function' '(' param_decl_list? ')' (':' type)?

param_decl_list ::= param_decl (',' param_decl)*

param_decl ::= '?'? ID ':' type ('=' literal_expr)?

structure_type ::= 'typedef' ID type_paramter? '=' struct_type_def

struct_type_def ::=
'{' ('>' ID ',')? structure_type_member_list '}'
| ID '&' '{' structure_type_member_list '}'
| ID type_paramter
| function_id_decl

structure_type_member_list ::= structure_type_member (',' structure_type_member)*

structure_type_member ::= ('var' | 'final') '?'? ID ':' type

abstract_decl ::= 'enum'? 'abstract' ID '(' type ')' ('from' type 'to' type)? '{' stmt '}'

block_stmt ::=
| if_stmt
| switch_stmt
| 'return' expr
| for_stmt
| while_stmt
| do_while_stmt
| debug_stmt
| throw_stmt
| try_catch_stmt
| 'break'
| 'continue'

if_stmt ::= 'if' '(' expr ')' block_stmt ('else' block_stmt)?

while_stmt ::= 'while' '(' expr ')' block_stmt

do_while_stmt ::= 'do' block_stmt 'while' '(' expr ')'

for_stmt ::= 'for' '(' ID ('=>' ID)? 'in' (range_def | ID) ')' block_stmt

range_def ::= expr '...' expr

throw_stmt ::= 'throw' expr

try_catch_stmt ::= 'try' block_stmt catch_clause+

catch_clause ::= 'catch' '(' ID (':' type)? ')' block_stmt

switch_stmt ::= 'switch' '(' expr ')' switch_body switch_default?

switch_body ::=
'case' (literal_expr ('|' literal_expr)* | ID | ('{' structure_type_member (',' structure_type_member)* '}') | ('[' (literal_expr | '_') (',' (literal_expr | '_'))* ']') | '_') ('if' expr)? ':' block_stmt*

switch_default ::= 'default' block_stmt

debug_stmt ::= '$' function_call

literal_expr ::=

expr ::=
| 'null'
| 'new' ID
| literal_expr
| function_call
| 'new' type
| anonymous_struct
| literal_array
| access_field
| expr op_binary expr
| lambda_decl
| 'cast' (expr | '(' expr ',' type ')')
| '(' expr ':' type ')' // compile time type check
| 'inline' expr
| '[' (for_stmt | while_stmt) ']'
| switch_stmt

op_binary ::=
| '||' //Logical or
| '&&' //Logical and
| '>=' //Comparison and equality
| '>'
| '<'
| '<='
| '=='
| '!='
| '&' | '|' | '^' //Bitwise and, or, xor
| '<<' | '>>' //Bitwise shifts
| '+' | '-' //Plus, minus
| '%' | '*' | '/' //Modulo, multiply, divide

function_call ::= ID '(' param_list? ')'

param_list ::= param (',' param)*

param ::= expr

anonymous_struct ::= '{' anonymous_struct_member_list '}'

anonymous_struct_member_list ::= anonymous_struct_member (',' anonymous_struct_member)*

anonymous_struct_member ::=
(ID | STRING) ':' expr
| '?'? ID ':' type

literal_array ::= '[' expr_list? ']'

expr_list ::= expr (',' expr)*

access_field ::= ID ('.' ID)+

keywords ::=
| 'break'
| 'case'
| 'cast'
| 'catch'
| 'class'
| 'continue'
| 'default'
| 'do'
| 'dynamic'
| 'else'
| 'enum'
| 'extends'
| 'extern'
| 'false'
| 'final'
| 'for'
| 'function'
| 'if'
| 'implements'
| 'import'
| 'in'
| 'inline'
| 'interface'
| 'macro'
| 'new'
| 'null'
| 'operator'
| 'overload'
| 'override'
| 'package'
| 'private'
| 'public'
| 'return'
| 'static'
| 'switch'
| 'this'
| 'throw'
| 'true'
| 'try'
| 'typedef'
| 'untyped'
| 'using'
| 'var'
| 'while'

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