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JS guidance

adam edited this page Jan 30, 2019 · 1 revision

Event based methods must be bound to the component

When calling a method, it must be bound to the component itself. This ensures that closures are preserved and avoids scope issues. It also means that functions are more likely to be resuable.


This is not acceptable

toggleMenu: function() {
     var menu = $('.js-menu-toggle');
     if(menu.length) {
         menu.on('click', function() {
             //do something


This is acceptable

this.$el = $('.js-menu'),
this.$el.on('click', '.js-menu__toggle',  ['params', 'go', 'here'], this.toggleMenu.bind(this)); // toggleMenu()

this.toggleMenu: function() {
    // do something

Using bind(this) isn't always required but it allows you to pass the 'this' context into the method and thereby provides access to the parent scope.

Each function/method should only have one job.

A function should be written to do one thing and one thing only. This improves modularity and readability.

Always use type comparison

When writing if statements, avoid using == if using === is possible, ensuring that code is strongly typed helps to maintain code parity, also no type conversion is carried out when using === which helps to increase performance.

See this article for more information: Comparison Operators tutorial

If listing errors or warnings appear during build. Make sure you correct them.

The build tool uses StandardJS to ensure that code quality is maintained. If an error or a warning appears on the build then ensure you correct them. If time is a factor then warnings can be temporarily ignored but ensure you add them to your technical debt.

Comment everything as comprehensively as possible

In large projects such as this one, it's vital that everyone understands what the code is doing. Therefore if you write a piece of JavaScript then make sure you document it thoroughly.

This is not acceptable

// Menu toggle
toggleMenu: function(el, speed) {

**This is acceptable**

  * Menu toggle - opens and closes the mobile nav menu
  * @method toggleMenu
  * @return true
  * @args el(string) = The element to target (note: This is a selector, not an object)
  * @args speed(int) = The speed (in milliseconds) it should take the menu to open

  toggleMenu: function() {

Keep local variables in one place

When instantiating a local function, ensure that you keep all the local variables at the top of the function. This will improve readability and will eliminate the need for hoisting.

** This is not acceptable **

var function = bigDamnHeroes() {
  var mal = 'in the nick of time';
  if(mal === 'in the nick of time') {
    var river = 'our witch';
    var zoe = 'big damn heroes, sir';

This is acceptable

var function = bigDamnHeroes() {
  var mal = 'in the nick of time',
    zoe = 'big damn heroes, sir',
    river = 'burning at the stake';

  if(mal === 'in the nick of time') {
    river = 'our witch';;

Try to write encapsulated code. Use jQuery plugin architecture where possible.


/* global jQuery */

;(function ($) {
 * Ensures that in a set of elements, they all have an equal height (equal to the height of the largest elemement)
 * Usage: Simply add your container element to script-loader.js and add .moji_equaliser() on to it.
 * Make sure you reference the container and child elements. e.g. $('.c-news-list > .js-article-item').moji_equaliser()
  $.fn.moji_equaliser = function () {
    var container = this
    var tallestHeight = 0
    var heightCheck = 1
    for (var i = 0; i < container.length; i++) {
      var height = $(container[i]).outerHeight(true)
      if (height > tallestHeight) tallestHeight = height
      if (heightCheck === container.length) {
        // All items accounted for, now make all items the same height
        $(container).css('height', tallestHeight + 'px')
      } else {

    return container

More information on jQuery plugins can be found here

If it can be global, make it global

When writing javscript tools. Think if it is something that could be re-used in another component? If so then make it into a plugin and put it in the /src/globals/js folder.