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missdan2015 committed May 18, 2017
1 parent 31a35d8 commit 6d6d420
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Showing 370 changed files with 54,295 additions and 0 deletions.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions README.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
This MATLAB code implements the image stitching method proposed in

Che-Han Chang, Yoichi Sato, and Yung-Yu Chuang.
Shape-Preserving Half-Projective Warps for Image Stitching.
CVPR 2014.

Run the "run_examples.m" in MATLAB to reproduce the results shown in the paper and in the supplementary materials.
Please email to me ([email protected]) if you have any problems/questions about this code.

The following images are from [1]:

[1] J. Gao, S. J. Kim, and M. S. Brown. Constructing image panoramas using dual-homography warping. CVPR 2011.
276 changes: 276 additions & 0 deletions SPHP_stitching.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
function SPHP_stitching(in_name, edge_list, ref, tar, warp_type, zeroR_ON)

img_n = size(in_name, 1);
edge_n = size(edge_list, 1);

% check
for ei = 1 : edge_n
i = edge_list(ei, 1);
j = edge_list(ei, 2);
if i == j, fprintf('Index pair error.\n'); pause; end

% load
I = cell(img_n, 1);
for i = 1 : img_n
I{i} = imread(in_name{i});
% preprocessing
% T{i} is the coordinate transform of image i that change from the image
% coordinate (origin at the upper-left corner of the image, x towards right, y towards down) to
% the standard coordinate (origin at the center of the image, x towards
% right, y towards up)
max_size = 1000 * 1000;
imgw = zeros(img_n, 1);
imgh = zeros(img_n, 1);
resized_in_name = cell(img_n, 1);
T = cell(img_n, 1);
for i = 1 : img_n
if numel(I{i}(:, :, 1)) > max_size % downsample
I{i} = imresize(I{i}, sqrt(max_size / numel(I{i}(:, :, 1))));
resized_in_name{i} = sprintf('%s_resized%s', in_name{i}(1:end-4), in_name{i}(end-3:end));
imwrite(I{i}, resized_in_name{i});
imgw(i) = size(I{i}, 2);
imgh(i) = size(I{i}, 1);
T{i} = [1 0 -(imgw(i)+1)/2; ...
0 -1 (imgh(i)+1)/2; ...
0 0 1];
for i = 1 : img_n
I{i} = im2double(I{i});

%% compute homography of image pairs
H = cell(img_n, img_n); % H{i,j} is the transformation from I{j} to I{i} (using standard coordinates)
for i = 1 : img_n
H{i, i} = eye(3);
for ei = 1 : edge_n
i = edge_list(ei, 1);
j = edge_list(ei, 2);
tmpH = sift_mosaic(I{i}, I{j}); % tmpH is the transform from I{i} to I{j} (using image coordinates)
H{j, i} = T{j} * tmpH * inv(T{i}); % change of coord.
H{i, j} = inv(H{j, i});
mdltpara = [];
mdlt_results = [];

%% for every image I, compute the homography between I and I_ref, and the homo. between I and I_target
% construct graph
G = sparse([edge_list(:, 1); edge_list(:, 2)], ...
[edge_list(:, 2); edge_list(:, 1)], ...
[ones(edge_n, 1); ones(edge_n, 1)], img_n, img_n); % construct a graph represented by a sparse mat
% compute homography between ith img and REFERENCE img
for i = 1 : img_n
if i == ref, continue; end
[~, path, ~] = graphshortestpath(G, i, ref); % path from ith img to ref img
tmpH = eye(3);
for ppi = 1 : numel(path)-1
tmpH = H{path(ppi+1), path(ppi)} * tmpH;
H{ref, i} = tmpH;
H{i, ref} = inv(H{ref, i});
% compute homography between ith img and TARGET img
for i = 1 : img_n
if i == tar, continue; end
[~, path, ~] = graphshortestpath(G, i, tar); % path from ith img to tar img
tmpH = eye(3);
for ppi = 1 : numel(path)-1
tmpH = H{path(ppi+1), path(ppi)} * tmpH;
H{tar, i} = tmpH;
H{i, tar} = inv(H{tar, i});
% normalize all homography s.t. h9 = 1
for hi = 1 : numel(H)
if H{hi}
H{hi} = H{hi} / H{hi}(3, 3);

%% let H0 be the homography from reference to target, extract its parameters for computing our warp
H0 = H{tar, ref};
A = H0(1:2, 1:2);
t = H0(1:2, 3);
h31 = H0(3, 1);
h32 = H0(3, 2);
B = A - t*[h31 h32];
c = sqrt(h31^2+h32^2);
theta = atan2(-h32, -h31); % for compute ub1 and ub2

%% compute ub1 and ub2
% compute cu
cu = zeros(img_n, 1);
for i = 1 : img_n
[tmpx, tmpy] = apply_transform(0, 0, H{ref, i}); % transform center (0, 0) of ith img to ref img
[cu(i), ~] = apply_transform(tmpx, tmpy, [cos(theta), sin(theta), 0; ...
-sin(theta), cos(theta), 0; ...
0, 0, 1]);
oriub1 = min(cu);
oriub2 = max(cu);
% ub1 = oriub1; ub2 = oriub2;

s_itv = 20; % sample interval
[offset_table1, offset_table2] = meshgrid(-300:10:600, -300:10:200);
totalcost_table = zeros(size(offset_table1));
for oi = 1 : size(offset_table1, 1)
for oj = 1 : size(offset_table1, 2)
ub1 = oriub1 + offset_table1(oi, oj);
ub2 = oriub2 + offset_table2(oi, oj);
if ub2 - ub1 < 120
totalcost_table(oi, oj) = nan;
c1para = compute_c1_warp_coeff(H0, t, c, theta, ub1, ub2, zeroR_ON);

% Jacobian of each image
invR = [cos(theta), sin(theta), 0; ...
-sin(theta), cos(theta), 0; ...
0, 0, 1];
cost_list = zeros(1, img_n);
for i = 1 : img_n
x = linspace(1, imgw(i), ceil(imgw(i)/s_itv));
y = linspace(1, imgh(i), ceil(imgh(i)/s_itv));
[x, y] = meshgrid(x, y);
[x, y] = apply_transform(x, y, T{i}); % coord change
tmpH = invR * H{ref, i}; % tmpH maps (x,y) in ith img to (u,v) in ref img
[u, v] = apply_transform(x, y, tmpH);
reg1_mask = u < ub1;
reg2_mask = u > ub1 & u < ub2;
reg3_mask = u > ub2;

J11_map = zeros(size(x));
J12_map = zeros(size(x));
J21_map = zeros(size(x));
J22_map = zeros(size(x));
for reg = 1 : 3 % for each region
if reg == 1, reg_mask = u < ub1;
elseif reg == 3, reg_mask = u > ub2;
else reg_mask = ~(u < ub1 | u > ub2);
if nnz(reg_mask) == 0, continue; end
x1 = x(reg_mask);
y1 = y(reg_mask);
u1 = u(reg_mask);
v1 = v(reg_mask);

if reg == 1 % region 1
A = c1para.H * H{ref, i};
elseif reg == 2 % region 2
A = tmpH; % as described above
elseif reg == 3 % region 3
A = c1para.S * H{ref, i};
A = A / A(3, 3);
h1 = A(1, 1); h2 = A(1, 2); h3 = A(1, 3); h4 = A(2, 1); h5 = A(2, 2); h6 = A(2, 3); h7 = A(3, 1); h8 = A(3, 2);

J11 = h1./(h7*x1 + h8*y1 + 1) - (h7*(h3 + h1*x1 + h2*y1))./(h7*x1 + h8*y1 + 1).^2; J12 = h2./(h7*x1 + h8*y1 + 1) - (h8*(h3 + h1*x1 + h2*y1))./(h7*x1 + h8*y1 + 1).^2;
J21 = h4./(h7*x1 + h8*y1 + 1) - (h7*(h6 + h4*x1 + h5*y1))./(h7*x1 + h8*y1 + 1).^2; J22 = h5./(h7*x1 + h8*y1 + 1) - (h8*(h6 + h4*x1 + h5*y1))./(h7*x1 + h8*y1 + 1).^2;
if reg == 2
if c1para.zeroR_ON == 0
JT11 = (2*c1para.a(1)*u1 + c1para.a(2)) .* v1 + (2*c1para.b(1)*u1 + c1para.b(2));
JT12 = c1para.a(1)*u1.^2 + c1para.a(2)*u1 + c1para.a(3);
JT21 = (2*c1para.e(1)*u1 + c1para.e(2)) .* v1 + (2*c1para.f(1)*u1 + c1para.f(2));
JT22 = c1para.e(1)*u1.^2 + c1para.e(2)*u1 + c1para.e(3);
JT11 = (3*c1para.a(1)*u1.^2 + 2*c1para.a(2)*u1 + c1para.a(3)) .* v1 + (2*c1para.b(1)*u1 + c1para.b(2));
JT12 = c1para.a(1)*u1.^3 + c1para.a(2)*u1.^2 + c1para.a(3)*u1 + c1para.a(4);
JT21 = (3*c1para.e(1)*u1.^2 + 2*c1para.e(2)*u1 + c1para.e(3)) .* v1 + (2*c1para.f(1)*u1 + c1para.f(2));
JT22 = c1para.e(1)*u1.^3 + c1para.e(2)*u1.^2 + c1para.e(3)*u1 + c1para.e(4);
tmp11 = JT11.*J11 + JT12.*J21;
tmp12 = JT11.*J12 + JT12.*J22;
tmp21 = JT21.*J11 + JT22.*J21;
tmp22 = JT21.*J12 + JT22.*J22;
J11 = tmp11; J12 = tmp12; J21 = tmp21; J22 = tmp22;
J11_map(reg_mask) = J11;
J12_map(reg_mask) = J12;
J21_map(reg_mask) = J21;
J22_map(reg_mask) = J22;
% As-GlobalSimilar-As-Possible cost
avg_alpha = (sum(J11_map(:)) + sum(J22_map(:))) / (numel(x)*2);
avg_beta = (sum(J21_map(:)) + (-sum(J12_map(:)))) / (numel(x)*2);
cost = sum( (J11_map(:)-avg_alpha).^2 + (J12_map(:)-(-avg_beta)).^2 + ...
(J21_map(:)-avg_beta).^2 + (J22_map(:)-avg_alpha).^2 );
% done
cost_list(i) = cost;
totalcost = sum(cost_list);
totalcost_table(oi, oj) = totalcost;
% figure; surf(totalcost_table);
% fprintf('min cost = %f\n', min(totalcost_table(:)));
[idx1,idx2] = find(totalcost_table==min(totalcost_table(:)));
ub1 = oriub1 + offset_table1(idx1, idx2);
ub2 = oriub2 + offset_table2(idx1, idx2);
% fprintf('init (u1,u2) = (%.0f,%.0f). offset = (%.0f, %.0f).\n', oriub1, oriub2, offset_table1(idx1, idx2), offset_table2(idx1, idx2));

%% Compute parameters/coefficients of our warp
c1para = compute_c1_warp_coeff(H0, t, c, theta, ub1, ub2, zeroR_ON);

%% c1 warp for each image
img_grid_size = 10; % for warping
[c1out, c1omask, Td] = texture_mapping(resized_in_name, imgw, imgh, img_grid_size, T, warp_type, H, ref, tar, c1para, mdltpara, 0, 'white');
for i = 1 : img_n
%figure; imshow(c1out{i}); % the warped result of each image

for i = 1 : img_n
eval(['delete ' resized_in_name{i}]);

%% composite by linear blending
for i = 1 : img_n
if i == 1
out = c1out{1};
out_mask = c1omask{1};
% center of out
[r, c] = find(c1omask{1}(:, :, 1));
out_center = [mean(r) mean(c)];
else % blend out and c1out{i}
% center of c1out{i}
[r, c] = find(c1omask{i}(:, :, 1));
out_i_center = [mean(r) mean(c)];
% compute weighted mask
vec = out_i_center - out_center; % vector from out_center to out_i_center
intsct_mask = c1omask{i}(:, :, 1) & out_mask(:, :, 1); % 1 channel
out_only_mask = out_mask(:, :, 1) - intsct_mask;
out_i_only_mask = c1omask{i}(:, :, 1) - intsct_mask;

[r, c] = find(intsct_mask(:, :, 1));
idx = sub2ind(size(c1omask{i}(:, :, 1)), r, c);
out_wmask = zeros(size(c1omask{i}(:, :, 1)));
proj_val = (r - out_center(1))*vec(1) + (c- out_center(2))*vec(2); % inner product
out_wmask(idx) = (proj_val - (min(proj_val)+(1e-3))) / ...
((max(proj_val)-(1e-3)) - (min(proj_val)+(1e-3))); % weight map (of overlapped area) for c1out{i}, 1 channel
% blending
mask1 = out_mask(:, :, 1)&(out_wmask==0);
mask2 = out_wmask;
mask3 = c1omask{i}(:, :, 1)&(out_wmask==0);
mask1 = cat(3, mask1, mask1, mask1); mask2 = cat(3, mask2, mask2, mask2); mask3 = cat(3, mask3, mask3, mask3);
out = out.*(mask1+(1-mask2).*(mask2~=0)) + c1out{i}.*(mask2+mask3);
% update
out_mask = out_mask | c1omask{i};
out_center = out_i_center; % update out_center by assign center of c1out{i}
c1all = out;
denom = zeros(size(c1out{1}));
for i = 1 : img_n
denom = denom + c1omask{i};
bgcolor = 'white'; % background color
if strcmp(bgcolor, 'white')
c1all(denom==0) = 1;
c1all(denom==0) = 0;
figure; imshow(c1all); % the final result
rename = sprintf('%sresult%s', in_name{1}(1:end-4), in_name{1}(end-3:end));
imwrite(c1all, rename);
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions apply_transform.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
function [out_x, out_y] = apply_transform(x, y, T)

out_x = (T(1, 1)*x + T(1, 2)*y + T(1, 3)) ./ ...
(T(3, 1)*x + T(3, 2)*y + T(3, 3));

out_y = (T(2, 1)*x + T(2, 2)*y + T(2, 3)) ./ ...
(T(3, 1)*x + T(3, 2)*y + T(3, 3));
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions c1_warp_ver2.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
function [out_x, out_y] = c1_warp_ver2(x, y, c1para)

theta = c1para.theta;
H = c1para.H;
if c1para.ub1 == inf && c1para.ub2 == inf % pure homography
out_x = (H(1, 1)*x + H(1, 2)*y + H(1, 3)) ./ ...
(H(3, 1)*x + H(3, 2)*y + H(3, 3));
out_y = (H(2, 1)*x + H(2, 2)*y + H(2, 3)) ./ ...
(H(3, 1)*x + H(3, 2)*y + H(3, 3));
a = c1para.a;
b = c1para.b;
e = c1para.e;
f = c1para.f;

u = cos(theta)*x + sin(theta)*y;
v = -sin(theta)*x + cos(theta)*y;
% mask
H_mask = u <= c1para.ub1; % homography
Interp_mask = u <= c1para.ub2 & u > c1para.ub1;
S_mask = u > c1para.ub2; % similarity

% homography transform
x1 = x(H_mask);
y1 = y(H_mask);
outx1 = (H(1, 1)*x1 + H(1, 2)*y1 + H(1, 3)) ./ ...
(H(3, 1)*x1 + H(3, 2)*y1 + H(3, 3));
outy1 = (H(2, 1)*x1 + H(2, 2)*y1 + H(2, 3)) ./ ...
(H(3, 1)*x1 + H(3, 2)*y1 + H(3, 3));
% similarity transform
x3 = x(S_mask);
y3 = y(S_mask);
S = c1para.S;
outx3 = S(1, 1)*x3 + S(1, 2)*y3 + S(1, 3);
outy3 = S(2, 1)*x3 + S(2, 2)*y3 + S(2, 3);
% interpolation
u2 = u(Interp_mask);
v2 = v(Interp_mask);
if c1para.zeroR_ON == 0
outx2 = (a(1)*u2.^2 + a(2)*u2 + a(3)) .* v2 + (b(1)*u2.^2 + b(2)*u2 + b(3));
outy2 = (e(1)*u2.^2 + e(2)*u2 + e(3)) .* v2 + (f(1)*u2.^2 + f(2)*u2 + f(3));
outx2 = (a(1)*u2.^3 + a(2)*u2.^2 + a(3)*u2 + a(4)) .* v2 + (b(1)*u2.^2 + b(2)*u2 + b(3));
outy2 = (e(1)*u2.^3 + e(2)*u2.^2 + e(3)*u2 + e(4)) .* v2 + (f(1)*u2.^2 + f(2)*u2 + f(3));

out_x = zeros(size(x));
out_x(H_mask) = outx1;
out_x(Interp_mask) = outx2;
out_x(S_mask) = outx3;

out_y = zeros(size(x));
out_y(H_mask) = outy1;
out_y(Interp_mask) = outy2;
out_y(S_mask) = outy3;

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