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added utility class for webcomponents
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Signed-off-by: Silvan Struebi <[email protected]>
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Weedshaker committed Jun 4, 2020
1 parent 0708ca7 commit f539afd
Showing 1 changed file with 314 additions and 0 deletions.
314 changes: 314 additions & 0 deletions src/es/components/prototypes/MasterShadow.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
// @ts-check
/** @typedef {ShadowRootMode | 'false'} mode */

/* global HTMLElement */
/* global document */
/* global customElements */
/* global CustomEvent */

* MasterShadow is a helper with a few functions for every web component (atom, organism and molecule)
* @export
* @function MasterShadow
* @param {HTMLElement | *} ChosenHTMLElement
* @attribute {mode} [mode='open']
* @property {
export const MasterShadow = (ChosenHTMLElement = HTMLElement) => class MasterShadow extends ChosenHTMLElement {
* Creates an instance of MasterShadow. The constructor will be called for every custom element using this class when initially created.
* @param {{mode?: mode | undefined}} [masterArgs = {mode: undefined}]
* @param {*} args
constructor (masterArgs = { mode: undefined }, ...args) {

* Digest attribute to have shadow or not
* open, closed or no shadow resp. open or closed only differs by exposing shadowRoot, which can be worked around anyways.
* @type {mode}
const mode = typeof masterArgs.mode === 'string' ? masterArgs.mode : this.getAttribute('mode') || 'open'
if (mode === 'open' || mode === 'closed') this.shadow = this.attachShadow({ mode })

* Store all created custom events in this map by using this.getCustomEvent
* @protected
* @type {Map<string, CustomEvent>}
this._customEvents = new Map()

* move children to shadow, if there is one, otherwise they won't be visible
if (this.hasShadow) Array.from(this.childNodes).forEach(childNode => this.shadow.appendChild(childNode))
/** @type {function[]} */
this.connectedCallbackEventListeners = []
/** @type {function[]} */
this.connectedCallbackEventOnceListeners = []

* Lifecycle callback, triggered when node is attached to the dom
* @return {void}
connectedCallback () {
this.connectedCallbackEventListeners.forEach(listener => listener())
this.connectedCallbackEventOnceListeners.forEach(listener => listener())
this.connectedCallbackEventOnceListeners = []

* Lifecycle callback, triggered when node is detached from the dom
* @return {void}
disconnectedCallback () {}

* return object if JSON parsable or null
* @static
* @param {string} attribute
* @return {{} | null}
static parseAttribute (attribute) {
if (!attribute || typeof attribute !== 'string') return null
try {
return JSON.parse(attribute.replace(/'/g, '"')) || null
} catch (e) {
return null

// customized built-in
* imports the desired web component, when not already done, defines it and gives back an instance of each or name string
* @static
* @param {{path:string, name: string, moduleName?:string | undefined, options?:{extends:string} | undefined, createElement?: boolean}[]} [elements=[{moduleName: 'default', options: undefined, createElement: true}]]
* @returns {[Promise<HTMLElement[] | string[]>, Promise<HTMLElement | string>[]]}
static importCustomElementsAndDefine (elements = []) {
const promises = => {
// @ts-ignore
if (!element.path || ! return Promise.resolve(document.createElement(console.warn(`not-found-at-master-shadow-import-custom-elements-and-define-${ || 'undefined'}`)))
return import(element.path).then(module => {
if (!customElements.get( customElements.define(, module[element.moduleName || 'default'].toString().includes(' => class') ? module[element.moduleName || 'default']() : module[element.moduleName || 'default'], element.options)
return element.createElement === false ? : document.createElement(
return [Promise.all(promises), promises]

* easily make or reuse (when eventInit == undefined) a CustomEvent and store it
* @param {string} type
* @param {CustomEventInit} [eventInit = {bubbles: true, cancelable: true, detail: null, composed: true}]
* @return {CustomEvent}
getCustomEvent (type, eventInit) {
if (!eventInit && this._customEvents.has(type)) return this._customEvents.get(type)
const event = new CustomEvent(type, Object.assign({ bubbles: true, cancelable: true, detail: null, composed: true }, eventInit))
this._customEvents.set(type, event)
return event

* Register functions to be executed at connectedCallback
* @param {(any?)=>void} listener
* @param {boolean} [once=false]
* @return {void}
addConnectedCallbackEventListener (listener, once = false) {
if (once) {
// immediately execute when already intersecting
if (this.isConnected) {
} else {
} else {
// immediately execute when already intersecting
if (this.isConnected) listener()

* !!! Try not to use this but refactor your events smartly (eg. listens once at start to general event and then to onchange event) !!!
* listens once at first event, waits for the specified timeout to receive no event, triggers with last recent event and an array of all passed events -> then keeps listening as usual event listeners do
* use this to not trigger the listener function excessively at startup, when all other elements request events but have a first immediate feedback
* @param {HTMLElement} target
* @param {string} type
* @param {(event:CustomEvent | Event, events?:CustomEvent[])=>void} listener
* @param {*} [options={}]
* @param {number} [timeout=1000]
addEventListenerInitialOnce (target, type, listener, options = {}, timeout = 1000) {
target.addEventListener(type, event => {
this.addEventListenerInitialTimeout(target, type, listener, options, timeout)
}, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { once: true }))

* !!! Try not to use this but refactor your events smartly (eg. listens once at start to general event and then to onchange event) !!!
* waits for the specified timeout to receive no event, triggers with last recent event and an array of all passed events -> then keeps listening as usual event listeners do
* use this to not trigger the listener function excessively at startup, when all other elements request events
* @param {HTMLElement} target
* @param {string} type
* @param {(event:CustomEvent | Event, events?:CustomEvent[])=>void} listener
* @param {*} [options={}]
* @param {number} [timeout=500]
addEventListenerInitialTimeout (target, type, listener, options = {}, timeout = 500) {
let dispatchTimeoutID = null
const events = []
const func = event => {
dispatchTimeoutID = setTimeout(() => {
target.removeEventListener(type, func, options)
listener(event, events)
target.addEventListener(type, listener, options)
}, timeout)
target.addEventListener(type, func, options)

* This can have a shadow (open | closed) or no shadow at all
* @readonly
* @return {ShadowRoot | null}
get shadow () {
return this._shadow || null

* @param {ShadowRoot} shadow
set shadow (shadow) {
if (!this._shadow) this._shadow = shadow

* check if we operate with a shadow
* @readonly
* @return {boolean}
get hasShadow () {
return this.shadow !== null

* this or this.shadow, depends if a shadow was initiated, for this reason use this.root and you will always get the component element to work with
* @readonly
* @return {ShadowRoot | MasterShadow}
get root () {
return this.shadowRoot || this.shadow || this

* selector :host only works when shadow is active, fallback to id then nodeName
* @readonly
get cssSelector () {
return this.hasShadow ? ':host' : this.getAttribute('id') ? `#${this.getAttribute('id')}` : this.nodeName

* the master css style of this component
* @return {string}
get css () {
return this._masterHTMLStyleElement.textContent

* to clear, set empty string otherwise it gets prepended to already set style
* @param {string} style
set css (style) {
if (!this._masterHTMLStyleElement) {
/** @type {HTMLStyleElement} */
this._masterHTMLStyleElement = document.createElement('style')
this._masterHTMLStyleElement.setAttribute('protected', 'true') // this will avoid deletion by html=''
this._masterHTMLStyleElement.textContent = (!this._masterHTMLStyleElement.textContent ? style : !style ? '' : this._masterHTMLStyleElement.textContent + '\n' + style).replace(/this\s{0,5}/g, `${this.cssSelector} `)

* returns innerHTML STRING of shadow else this
* @return {string | HTMLCollection | HTMLElement[]| ChildNode[] | HTMLElement | NodeList}
get html () {
return this.root.innerHTML

* set innerHTML of shadow else this
* @param {string | HTMLCollection | HTMLElement[]| ChildNode[] | HTMLElement | NodeList} innerHTML
set html (innerHTML) {
if (typeof innerHTML === 'string') {
if (!innerHTML) {
// save all protected
innerHTML = this.root.querySelectorAll('[protected=true]')
// clear all childNodes but keep protected
this.root.innerHTML = ''
} else {
* this div is used to render string to childNodes and avoids:
* "this.root.innerHTML = this.root.innerHTML + innerHTML"
* the above would re-initiate (newly construct) already set childNodes, which is bad for performance but also destroys references
* @type {HTMLElement}
const div = document.createElement('div')
div.innerHTML = innerHTML
innerHTML = div.childNodes
// @ts-ignore
if (innerHTML.length === undefined) innerHTML = [innerHTML]
// @ts-ignore
Array.from(innerHTML).forEach(node => this.root.appendChild(node))

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