A simple tool for combining Helmfile and Kustomize and Raw Manifests together to build highly customizable manifests
using a customized chart can lead to a disconnect from the original and hinder updates. When needing to include additional manifests but unable to modify the original chart, an algorithm integrating Helm charts, Kustomize, and raw manifest files is proposed to create a highly customizable set of manifests.
The hekura.yaml
configuration is like this:
- sample-manifests/helmfile/
- sample-manifests/kustomize/
- sample-manifests/raw-manifests/
your manifest files can be structured likes this:
└── sample-manifests
├── helmfile
│ ├── helmfile.yaml
│ └── values.yaml
├── kustomize
│ ├── kustomization.yaml
│ └── patch.yaml
└── raw-manifests
└── network-policy.yaml
The Hekura will start to generating and applying the manifests by the following order:
1- helmfiles
2- kustomize
3- raw manifests
in the above configuration you can pass multiple helmfile and kustomize and raw-manifests directories.
you can generate the manifests using the following command:
$ hekura template --config hekura.yaml
the main idea behind this repository described at the following article: https://medium.com/itnext/helm-kustomize-raw-manifests-combination-570f81acf996