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Implemented SplitApplyCombine
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moataz-sabry committed Jan 29, 2023
1 parent 202ca59 commit 92f4b03
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Showing 8 changed files with 68 additions and 49 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion LICENSE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
MIT License

Copyright (c) 2022 moataz-sabry
Copyright (c) 2023 moataz-sabry

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
Expand Down
19 changes: 18 additions & 1 deletion Manifest.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

julia_version = "1.8.3"
manifest_format = "2.0"
project_hash = "02b8adcbf7ffa58e50b1cd6b9fa5d6b318486a61"
project_hash = "3cb89865eaa8c104f3136e377a234921cf7a5336"

deps = ["ChainRulesCore", "LinearAlgebra"]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,6 +117,12 @@ git-tree-sha1 = "0fba8b706d0178b4dc7fd44a96a92382c9065c2c"
uuid = "244e2a9f-e319-4986-a169-4d1fe445cd52"
version = "0.1.2"

deps = ["Indexing", "Random", "Serialization"]
git-tree-sha1 = "e82c3c97b5b4ec111f3c1b55228cebc7510525a2"
uuid = "85a47980-9c8c-11e8-2b9f-f7ca1fa99fb4"
version = "0.3.25"

deps = ["StaticArraysCore"]
git-tree-sha1 = "782dd5f4561f5d267313f23853baaaa4c52ea621"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,6 +187,11 @@ git-tree-sha1 = "2e99184fca5eb6f075944b04c22edec29beb4778"
uuid = "7869d1d1-7146-5819-86e3-90919afe41df"
version = "0.4.7"

git-tree-sha1 = "ce1566720fd6b19ff3411404d4b977acd4814f9f"
uuid = "313cdc1a-70c2-5d6a-ae34-0150d3930a38"
version = "1.1.1"

git-tree-sha1 = "4da0f88e9a39111c2fa3add390ab15f3a44f3ca3"
uuid = "22cec73e-a1b8-11e9-2c92-598750a2cf9c"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -391,6 +402,12 @@ git-tree-sha1 = "d75bda01f8c31ebb72df80a46c88b25d1c79c56d"
uuid = "276daf66-3868-5448-9aa4-cd146d93841b"
version = "2.1.7"

deps = ["Dictionaries", "Indexing"]
git-tree-sha1 = "48f393b0231516850e39f6c756970e7ca8b77045"
uuid = "03a91e81-4c3e-53e1-a0a4-9c0c8f19dd66"
version = "1.2.2"

deps = ["Setfield", "Test"]
git-tree-sha1 = "e08a62abc517eb79667d0a29dc08a3b589516bb5"
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ version = "1.0.0"
Combinatorics = "861a8166-3701-5b0c-9a16-15d98fcdc6aa"
SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
SplitApplyCombine = "03a91e81-4c3e-53e1-a0a4-9c0c8f19dd66"
ThreadsX = "ac1d9e8a-700a-412c-b207-f0111f4b6c0d"
Unitful = "1986cc42-f94f-5a68-af5c-568840ba703d"
Zygote = "e88e6eb3-aa80-5325-afca-941959d7151f"
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Apophis.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ using Base.Iterators: filter, flatten, partition, take
using Base: OneTo, rest
using Combinatorics
using SparseArrays
using SplitApplyCombine: combinedimsview, mapview
using Unitful
using Zygote
# using ThreadsX
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/calc.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ update_reaction_rates(v::Val, (; mechanism, state)::Gas{<:Number}) = foreach(rea
update_production_rates((; mechanism)::Gas{<:Number}) = foreach(species -> _update_production_rates(species), mechanism.species)
update_production_rates(v::Val, (; mechanism)::Gas{<:Number}) = foreach(species -> _update_production_rates(v, species), mechanism.species)

update(gas::Gas{<:Number}) = ((update_thermodynamics, update_reaction_rates, update_production_rates)(gas); return nothing)
update(gas::Gas{<:Number}, d::Symbol) = ((update_thermodynamics, update_reaction_rates, update_production_rates)(Val(d), gas); return nothing) ## Val(d) allocates 1
update(gas::Gas{<:Number}, ds::Vararg{Symbol}) = foreach(d -> update(gas, d), ds)
update!(gas::Gas{<:Number}) = ((update_thermodynamics, update_reaction_rates, update_production_rates)(gas); return nothing)
update!(gas::Gas{<:Number}, d::Symbol) = ((update_thermodynamics, update_reaction_rates, update_production_rates)(Val(d), gas); return nothing) ## Val(d) allocates 1
update!(gas::Gas{<:Number}, ds::Vararg{Symbol}) = foreach(d -> update!(gas, d), ds)

_kinetics_sensitivity((; mechanism, state)::Gas{<:Number}, d::Int = 1) = @inbounds map(reaction -> _kinetics_sensitivity(reaction, state)[d], mechanism.reactions)
kinetics_sensitivity(gas::Gas{N}, d::Int = 1) where {N<:Number} = @inbounds _kinetics_sensitivity(gas, d) |> dqdk -> map(s -> sum(dqdk[i] * ν for ((; i), ν) in s.inreactions; init=zero(N)), species(gas)) |> Diagonal
85 changes: 42 additions & 43 deletions src/utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
Gas, State, Species, Reaction, TPC!, TρC!, TPY!, TPX!, TρY!, TρX!
Gas, Species, species, Reaction, reactions, TPC!, TρC!, TPY!, TPX!, TρY!, TρX!, update!, temperature, pressure, density, mass_fractions, molar_fractions, mass_fractions,
molecular_weights, production_rates, heat_capacities_pressure, average_heat_capacity_pressure, heat_capacities_volume, average_heat_capacity_volume,
enthalpies, internal_energies, entropies, forward_rates, reverse_rates, progress_rates, stoichiometry_matrix

@generated (t::Union{NTuple{N, Function}, NTuple{N, Arrhenius}})(x...) where N = :($((:(t[$i](x...)) for i in OneTo(N))...),)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,66 +51,63 @@ temperature((; state)::Gas) = state.T
pressure((; state)::Gas; in=nothing) = state.P * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"dyn/cm^2"))
density((; state)::Gas; in=nothing) = state.ρ * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"g/cm^3"))
mass_fractions((; state)::Gas) = state.Y
mass_fraction(gas::Gas, s::Union{String, Symbol}) = species(gas, s) |> s -> mass_fractions(gas)[s.k]
molar_fractions((; state)::Gas) = state.X
molar_concentrations((; state)::Gas) = state.C
molar_concentrations((; state)::Gas; in=nothing) = isnothing(in) ? state.C : mapview(c -> c * ustrip(in, 1u"mol/cm^3"), state.C)

species((; mechanism)::Gas) = mechanism.species
species(gas::Gas, i::Int) = species(gas)[i]
species(gas::Gas, s::Union{String, Symbol}) = assign(species(gas), s)

molecular_weights(gas::Gas) = map(s -> s.weight, species(gas))
molecular_weights(gas::Gas{<:Number}, f::Function=identity) = mapview(s -> f(s.weight), species(gas))
stoichiometry_matrix(gas::Gas) = [(s.k, r.i, ν) for s in species(gas) for (r, ν) in s.inreactions] |> v -> sparse((getfield.(v, i) for i in OneTo(3))...)

heat_capacity_pressure(species::Species; in=nothing) = heat_capacity_pressure(species, Val(:val); in)
heat_capacity_pressure(species::Species, ::Val{:val}; in=nothing) = species.thermo.cₚ.val[] * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"erg/(mol*K)"))
heat_capacity_pressure(species::Species, ::Val{:dT}; in=nothing) = species.thermo.cₚ.dT[] * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"erg/(mol*K^2)"))
heat_capacities_pressure(gas::Gas, v::Val = Val(:val); in=nothing) = map(s -> heat_capacity_pressure(s, v; in), species(gas))
heat_capacity_pressure(species::Species{<:Number}, ::Val{:val} = Val(:val); in=nothing) = species.thermo.cₚ.val[] * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"erg/(mol*K)"))
heat_capacity_pressure(species::Species{<:Number}, ::Val{:dT}; in=nothing) = species.thermo.cₚ.dT[] * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"erg/(mol*K^2)"))
heat_capacities_pressure(gas::Gas{<:Number}, v::Val = Val(:val); in=nothing) = mapview(s -> heat_capacity_pressure(s, v; in), species(gas))
average_heat_capacity_pressure(gas::Gas{<:Number}, v::Val = Val(:val); in=nothing) = sum(cₚ * y / w for (cₚ, y, w) in zip(heat_capacities_pressure(gas, v; in = in * u"g/mol"), mass_fractions(gas), molecular_weights(gas)))

average_heat_capacity_pressure(gas::Gas{<:Number}, f::Symbol = :val; in=nothing) = sum(heat_capacity_pressure(s, f) * y * inv(s.weight) for (s, y) in zip(species(gas), mass_fractions(gas))) * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"erg/(g*K)"))
heat_capacities_volume(gas::Gas{<:Number}, ::Val{:val} = Val(:val); in=nothing) = mapview(cₚ -> cₚ - R, heat_capacities_pressure(gas; in))
heat_capacities_volume(gas::Gas{<:Number}, v::Val{:dT}; in=nothing) = heat_capacities_pressure(gas, v; in)
average_heat_capacity_volume(gas::Gas{<:Number}, v::Val = Val(:val); in=nothing) = sum(cᵥ * y / w for (cᵥ, y, w) in zip(heat_capacities_volume(gas, v; in = in * u"g/mol"), mass_fractions(gas), molecular_weights(gas)))

heat_capacity_volume(species::Species, v::Val = Val(:val)) = heat_capacity_pressure(species, v) - R
average_heat_capacity_volume(gas::Gas{<:Number}) = sum(heat_capacity_volume(s) * y * inv(s.weight) for (s, y) in zip(species(gas), mass_fractions(gas)))
enthalpy(species::Species{<:Number}; in=nothing) = enthalpy(species, Val(:val); in)
enthalpy(species::Species{<:Number}, ::Val{:val}; in=nothing) = species.thermo.h.val[] * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"erg/mol"))
enthalpy(species::Species{<:Number}, ::Val{:dT}; in=nothing) = species.thermo.h.dT[] * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"erg/(mol*K)"))
enthalpies(gas::Gas{<:Number}, v::Val = Val(:val); in=nothing) = mapview(s -> enthalpy(s, v; in), species(gas))

enthalpy(species::Species; in=nothing) = enthalpy(species, Val(:val); in)
enthalpy(species::Species, ::Val{:val}; in=nothing) = species.thermo.h.val[] * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"erg/mol"))
enthalpy(species::Species, ::Val{:dT}; in=nothing) = species.thermo.h.dT[] * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"erg/(mol*K)"))
enthalpies(gas::Gas, v::Val = Val(:val); in=nothing) = map(s -> enthalpy(s, v; in), species(gas))
internal_energies(gas::Gas{<:Number}, ::Val{:val} = Val(:val); in=nothing) = mapview(h -> h - R * temperature(gas), enthalpies(gas; in))
internal_energies(gas::Gas{<:Number}, v::Val{:dT}; in=nothing) = mapview(h -> h - R, enthalpies(gas, v; in))

internal_energy(gas::Gas, species::Species, v::Val = Val(:val)) = enthalpy(species, v) - R * temperature(gas)
entropy(species::Species{<:Number}; in=nothing) = entropy(species, Val(:val); in)
entropy(species::Species{<:Number}, ::Val{:val}; in=nothing) = species.thermo.s.val[] * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"erg/(mol*K)"))
entropy(species::Species{<:Number}, ::Val{:dT}; in=nothing) = species.thermo.s.dT[] * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"erg/(mol*K^2)"))
entropies(gas::Gas{<:Number}, v::Val = Val(:val); in=nothing) = mapview(s -> entropy(s, v; in), species(gas))

entropy(species::Species; in=nothing) = entropy(species, Val(:val); in)
entropy(species::Species, ::Val{:val}; in=nothing) = species.thermo.s.val[] * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"erg/(mol*K)"))
entropy(species::Species, ::Val{:dT}; in=nothing) = species.thermo.s.dT[] * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"erg/(mol*K^2)"))
entropies(gas::Gas, v::Val = Val(:val); in=nothing) = map(s -> entropy(s, v; in), species(gas))

production_rate(species::Species; in=nothing) = production_rate(species, Val(:val); in)
production_rate(species::Species, ::Val{:val}; in=nothing) = species.rates.ω̇.val[] * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"mol/(cm^3*s)"))
production_rate(species::Species, ::Val{:dT}; in=nothing) = species.rates.ω̇.dT[] * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"mol/(cm^3*K*s)"))
production_rate(species::Species, ::Val{:dC}; in=nothing) = species.rates.ω̇.dC * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"s^-1"))
production_rate(gas::Gas, s::Union{String, Symbol}, v::Val = Val(:val); in=nothing) = species(gas, s) |> s -> production_rate(s, v, in)
production_rates(gas::Gas{N}, v::Val = Val(:val); in=nothing) where {N<:Number} = map(s -> production_rate(s, v; in), species(gas)) |> s -> s isa Vector{Vector{N}} ? mapreduce(permutedims, vcat, s) : s
production_rates!(dest::AbstractArray, gas::Gas{N}, ::Val{S}) where {N<:Number, S} = for s in species(gas), (j, d) in enumerate(getfield(s.rates.ω̇, S)) dest[s.k, j] = d end
production_rate(species::Species{<:Number}, ::Val{:val} = Val(:val); in=nothing) = species.rates.ω̇.val[] * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"mol/(cm^3*s)"))
production_rate(species::Species{<:Number}, ::Val{:dT}; in=nothing) = species.rates.ω̇.dT[] * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"mol/(cm^3*K*s)"))
production_rate(species::Species{<:Number}, ::Val{:dC}; in=nothing) = species.rates.ω̇.dC
production_rates(gas::Gas{<:Number}, v::Val = Val(:val); in=nothing) = mapview(s -> production_rate(s, v; in), species(gas)) |> x -> v isa Val{:dC} ? combinedimsview(x, 1) : x
#production_rates(gas::Gas{<:Number}, v::Val{:dC}; in=nothing) =

reactions((; mechanism)::Gas) = mechanism.reactions
reaction(gas::Gas, i::Int) = reactions(gas)[i]
reaction(gas::Gas, r::Union{String, Symbol}) = assign(reactions(gas), r)

order_unit(reaction::Reaction{N}, part::Vector{Pair{Species{N}, N}}) where {N<:Number} = sum(abs last, part) + (reaction isa ElementaryReaction ? zero(N) : one(N))

forward_rate(reaction::Reaction, f::Symbol = :val) = forward_rate(reaction, Val(f))
forward_rate(reaction::Reaction, ::Val{:val}) = reaction.rates.kf.val[]
forward_rate(reaction::Reaction, ::Val{:dT}) = reaction.rates.kf.dT[]
forward_rate(reaction::Reaction, ::Val{:dC}) = reaction.rates.kf.dC
forward_rates(gas::Gas{N}, f::Symbol = :val) where {N<:Number} = map(r -> forward_rate(r, f), reactions(gas)) |> r -> r isa Vector{Vector{N}} ? mapreduce(permutedims, vcat, r) : r

reverse_rate(reaction::Reaction, f::Symbol = :val) = reverse_rate(reaction, Val(f))
reverse_rate(reaction::Reaction, ::Val{:val}) =[]
reverse_rate(reaction::Reaction, ::Val{:dT}) =[]
reverse_rate(reaction::Reaction, ::Val{:dC}) =
reverse_rates(gas::Gas{N}, f::Symbol = :val) where {N<:Number} = map(r -> reverse_rate(r, f), reactions(gas)) |> r -> r isa Vector{Vector{N}} ? mapreduce(permutedims, vcat, r) : r

progress_rate(reaction::Reaction, f::Symbol = :val; in=nothing) = progress_rate(reaction, Val(f); in)
progress_rate(reaction::Reaction, ::Val{:val}; in=nothing) = reaction.rates.q.val[] * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"mol/(cm^3*s)"))
progress_rate(reaction::Reaction, ::Val{:dT}; in=nothing) = reaction.rates.q.dT[] * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"mol/(cm^3*K*s)"))
progress_rate(reaction::Reaction, ::Val{:dC}; in=nothing) = reaction.rates.q.dC * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"s^-1"))
progress_rates(gas::Gas{N}, f::Symbol = :val; in=nothing) where {N<:Number} = map(r -> progress_rate(r, f; in), reactions(gas)) |> r -> r isa Vector{Vector{N}} ? mapreduce(permutedims, vcat, r) : r
forward_rate(reaction::Reaction{<:Number}, ::Val{:val}=Val(:val)) = reaction.rates.kf.val[]
forward_rate(reaction::Reaction{<:Number}, ::Val{:dT}) = reaction.rates.kf.dT[]
forward_rate(reaction::Reaction{<:Number}, ::Val{:dC}) = reaction.rates.kf.dC
forward_rates(gas::Gas{<:Number}, v::Val = Val(:val)) = mapview(r -> forward_rate(r, v), reactions(gas))

reverse_rate(reaction::Reaction{<:Number}, ::Val{:val}=Val(:val)) =[]
reverse_rate(reaction::Reaction{<:Number}, ::Val{:dT}) =[]
reverse_rate(reaction::Reaction{<:Number}, ::Val{:dC}) =
reverse_rates(gas::Gas{<:Number}, v::Val = Val(:val)) = mapview(r -> forward_rate(r, v), reactions(gas))

progress_rate(reaction::Reaction{<:Number}, ::Val{:val}=Val(:val); in=nothing) = reaction.rates.q.val[] * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"mol/(cm^3*s)"))
progress_rate(reaction::Reaction{<:Number}, ::Val{:dT}; in=nothing) = reaction.rates.q.dT[] * (isnothing(in) || ustrip(in, 1u"mol/(cm^3*K*s)"))
progress_rate(reaction::Reaction{<:Number}, ::Val{:dC}; in=nothing) = reaction.rates.q.dC
progress_rates(gas::Gas{<:Number}, v::Val = Val(:val)) = mapview(r -> forward_rate(r, v), reactions(gas))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/Manifest.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

julia_version = "1.8.3"
manifest_format = "2.0"
project_hash = "d9c53e86e2a09f376fee7818180905d4b58ec3aa"
project_hash = "3eb3c26938ca79971810ff77468fc0f0d57806f3"

deps = ["ChainRulesCore", "LinearAlgebra"]
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ BenchmarkTools = "6e4b80f9-dd63-53aa-95a3-0cdb28fa8baf"
Conda = "8f4d0f93-b110-5947-807f-2305c1781a2d"
PyCall = "438e738f-606a-5dbb-bf0a-cddfbfd45ab0"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
Unitful = "1986cc42-f94f-5a68-af5c-568840ba703d"

0 comments on commit 92f4b03

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