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A sample data science project that uses a Lasso Linear Regression Python model to predict house price from the Ames Housing Data dataset. Specifically, this example is used to demonstrate the creating of ModelOp Center-compliant code.


  • lasso.pickle is the trained model artifact.
  • train_encoded_columns.pickle is a binarized list of final column names that the model will accept.
  • standard_scaler.pickle is a sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler transformer object that is fit on the training data.
  • The datasets used for scoring are df_baseline.json and df_sample.json. These datasets represent raw data that would first be run into a batch scoring job.
  • The datasets used for metrics are df_baseline_scored.json and df_sample_scored.json. These datasets represent data that has gone through the scoring process, meaning that the data is already transformed into model-ready input and that the predictions for each row are stored in the prediction column. Furthermore, the SalePrice column contains the actual sale price.
  • The dataset used for training is house_price_data.csv.
  • The input_schema.avsc file is an AVRO-compliant json file that details the input schema, as needed for ModelOp Center Monitoring (out-of-the-box) functionality.

Scoring Jobs

Sample Inputs

Choose one of

  • df_baseline.json
  • df_sample.json

Schema Checking

Schema Checking is disabled in model code (slots in-use).

Sample Output

The output of the scoring job when the input data is df_sample.json is a JSONS file (one-line JSON records). Here are the first two output records:

{"Id":564,"MSSubClass":50,"MSZoning":"RL","LotFrontage":66.0,"LotArea":21780,"Street":"Pave","Alley":null,"LotShape":"Reg","LandContour":"Lvl","Utilities":"AllPub","LotConfig":"Inside","LandSlope":"Gtl","Neighborhood":"Edwards","Condition1":"Norm","Condition2":"Norm","BldgType":"1Fam","HouseStyle":"1.5Fin","OverallQual":6,"OverallCond":7,"YearBuilt":1918,"YearRemodAdd":1950,"RoofStyle":"Gable","RoofMatl":"CompShg","Exterior1st":"Wd Sdng","Exterior2nd":"Wd Sdng","MasVnrType":"None","MasVnrArea":0.0,"ExterQual":"TA","ExterCond":"TA","Foundation":"BrkTil","BsmtQual":"Gd","BsmtCond":"TA","BsmtExposure":"Mn","BsmtFinType1":"Unf","BsmtFinSF1":0,"BsmtFinType2":"Unf","BsmtFinSF2":0,"BsmtUnfSF":1163,"TotalBsmtSF":1163,"Heating":"GasA","HeatingQC":"Ex","CentralAir":"Y","Electrical":"SBrkr","1stFlrSF":1163,"2ndFlrSF":511,"LowQualFinSF":0,"GrLivArea":1674,"BsmtFullBath":0,"BsmtHalfBath":0,"FullBath":2,"HalfBath":0,"BedroomAbvGr":4,"KitchenAbvGr":1,"KitchenQual":"TA","TotRmsAbvGrd":8,"Functional":"Typ","Fireplaces":1,"FireplaceQu":"Gd","GarageType":"Detchd","GarageYrBlt":1955.0,"GarageFinish":"Fin","GarageCars":2,"GarageArea":396,"GarageQual":"TA","GarageCond":"TA","PavedDrive":"N","WoodDeckSF":72,"OpenPorchSF":36,"EnclosedPorch":0,"3SsnPorch":0,"ScreenPorch":144,"PoolArea":0,"PoolQC":null,"Fence":null,"MiscFeature":null,"MiscVal":0,"MoSold":7,"YrSold":2008,"SaleType":"WD","SaleCondition":"Normal","SalePrice":185000}

Metrics Jobs

Model code includes a metrics function used to compute R2, RMSE, and MAE metrics. The metrics function expectes a dataframe with at least the following columns: prediction (score) and SalePrice (ground truth).

Sample Inputs

Choose one of

  • df_baseline_scored.json
  • df_sample_scored.json

Training Jobs

Model Code includes a training function used to train a model binary, along with other dependencies (encoded columns, standard scaler).

Sample Inputs

Use the following CSV file as input to the training Job:

  • house_price_data.csv

Output Files

In order to be able to download the three pickle files that are written by the training function, add all of the following files as outputs to the training job:

  • lasso.pickle
  • standard_scaler.pickle
  • train_encoded_columns.pickle


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