A HTTP/1.1 benchmarking tool for Parse Server backends.
Parse Benchmark is a highly configurable tool for testing Parse Server instances against different load tests.
This tool also features a trigger bot that queues merged pull requests on Parse Server repo and runs benchmarks.
The results can be view on the benchmark website.
$ npm install -g mongodb-runner
$ mongodb-runner start
Note: If installation with -g
fails due to permission problems (npm ERR! code 'EACCES'
), please refer to this link.
Install PostgreSQL. If you have Mac the PostgreSQL App is recommended.
$ psql -c 'create database parse_benchmark;' -U postgres
$ psql -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;' -U postgres -d parse_benchmark
$ psql -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;' -U postgres -d parse_benchmark
$ git clone https://github.com/parse-community/benchmark.git
$ cd benchmark
$ npm install
$ npm start
-c, --connections The number of concurrent connections to use. default: 10.
-p, --pipelining The number of pipelined requests to use. default: 1.
-d, --duration The number of seconds to run the autocannnon. default: 10.
-o, --output Output to JSON file. default: result.json
-h, --help output usage information
You can pass in the file name of the server and benchmark to test against.
$ npm start -- test <server> <benchmark> <args> # runs one to one benchmark test
Example: servers/mongo benchmarks/get
# 100 connections, 1 thread, run for 20 seconds
$ npm start -- test mongo get -c 100 -p 1 -d 20
$ npm start -- run <args>
This tool uses autocannon under the hood. You can pass options directly to run against any server.
The is a sample json file options.sample.json.
Learn more about options here.
$ npm start -- options <path to json> <args>
PARSE_APP_NAME: 'Parse Server Benchmark',
PARSE_APP_ID: 'app-id',
PARSE_JAVASCRIPT_KEY: 'javascript-key',
PARSE_MASTER_KEY: 'master-key',
SERVER_URL: 'http://localhost:1337`,
DATABASE_URL: 'postgres://localhost:5432/parse_benchmark',
MONGODB_URI: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/parse_benchmark',
VERBOSE: false,
CLEAR: false, # If set clears database before each test
You can track the progress of your benchmark setting the DEBUG=1
environment variable.
You can generate detailed server logs by setting VERBOSE=1
You can track the progress of this project here.
docker run -it --rm --name parse-benchmark -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app node:16 yarn
docker run -it --rm --name parse-benchmark -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app node:16 yarn start