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Grafana DuckDB Data Source Plugin

The DuckDB data source plugin lets you query and visualize DuckDB data in Grafana. DuckDB is an in-process SQL OLAP database management system that provides fast analytics on local files. DuckDB's SQL dialect is derived from PostgreSQL so this plugin works similarly to the Grafana Postgres plugin and works for most SQL queries that would work in Postgres.

The plugin is built and maintained by MotherDuck, a data platform that provides a cloud-based serverless DuckDB as a service, with additional features like data sharing, read scaling and more.

Query Editor

Version Compatibility

Requires Grafana Version 10.4.0 or later.


  • Query editor with syntax highlighting and auto-completion.
  • Import data from various file formats (CSV, Parquet, JSON) through DuckDB extensions.
  • Automatically reload the DuckDB file when the file has changed, allowing for data updates via hot-swapping the file.
  • Connect to and query data in MotherDuck.


Download the plugin for your (OS, architecture) from the releases page.

Since the plugin is currently unsigned, modify the grafana.ini file to allow unsigned plugins:

allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = motherduck-duckdb-datasource

Then, unzip the plugin and move it to the Grafana plugins directory:

mv motherduck-duckdb-datasource-<version>.zip
unzip motherduck-duckdb-datasource-<version>.zip -d YOUR_PLUGIN_DIR/motherduck-duckdb-datasource

Finally, restart the Grafana server.

Running with Docker

To run the plugin with a Grafana Docker container, you must use the Ubuntu-based Grafana image instead of the default Alpine-based one. Use the following command to start a Grafana container with the plugin:

docker run -d \
  --name=grafana \
  -p 3000:3000 \
  -v $(pwd)/motherduck-duckdb-datasource:/var/lib/grafana/plugins/motherduck-duckdb-datasource \
  -e "GF_PLUGINS_ALLOW_LOADING_UNSIGNED_PLUGINS=motherduck-duckdb-datasource" \

This mounts your local plugin directory into the container and configures Grafana to allow loading the unsigned plugin. Remember to replace $(pwd)/motherduck-duckdb-datasource with the actual path to your plugin directory if needed.


Data Source Options

Name Description Required
Path Path to DuckDB database file, if empty, connects to duckDB in in-memory mode. Yes
MotherDuck Token Token for MotherDuck API access No

Query Editor Options

The query editor supports standard SQL syntax and includes special Grafana macros for time range filtering and variable interpolation.


Macro Description Example
$__timeFilter Adds a time range filter using the dashboard's time range WHERE $__timeFilter(time_column)
$__timeFrom Start of the dashboard time range WHERE time_column > $__timeFrom
$__timeTo End of the dashboard time range WHERE time_column < $__timeTo
$__interval Dashboard time range interval GROUP BY time_bucket($__interval, time_column)
$__unixEpochFilter Time range filter for Unix timestamps WHERE $__unixEpochFilter(timestamp_column)

Query Examples

Time Series Data

  time_bucket($__interval, timestamp) AS time,
  avg(value) as average,
  max(value) as maximum
FROM metrics
WHERE $__timeFilter(timestamp)

Table Query

FROM metrics
WHERE $__timeFilter(timestamp)

File Import Support

Through a rich eacosystem of extensions, DuckDB supports reading data from various file formats:

-- CSV import
SELECT * FROM read_csv_auto('path/to/file.csv');

-- Parquet import
SELECT * FROM read_parquet('path/to/file.parquet');

-- JSON import
SELECT * FROM read_json_auto('path/to/file.json');

Known Issues

Updating data in the DuckDB file

DuckDB's concurrency support does not allow multiple processes to attach the same DuckDB database file at the same time, if at least one of them requires read-write access. This means another process cannot connect to the same DuckDB database file to write to it while Grafana has it as a data source. There are a few ways to work around this:

  • Copy the DuckDB file for updates, then copy the updated DuckDB file to overwrite the original file. The plugin will automatically reload the file when it detects a change.
  • Write to other file formats, and read using DuckDB extensions. Note that this may be much less performant than directly querying the DuckDB file.
  • Host the database using MotherDuck, which allows writing to the database while querying it from Grafana and other clients at the same time.

Local Development


  • Node.js (v20+)
  • Go (v1.21+), Mage, gcc (building the backend requires CGO)

Building Locally


To build the backend plugin binary for your platform, run:

mage -v build:<platform> build:GenerateManifestFile

possible values for <platform> are: Linux, Windows, Darwin, DarwinARM64, LinuxARM64, LinuxARM.

Note: There's no clear way to cross-compile the plugin since it involves cross-compiling DuckDB via CGO.


  1. Install dependencies

    npm install
  2. Build plugin in development mode and run in watch mode

    npm run dev
  3. Build plugin in production mode

    npm run build
  4. Run the tests (using Jest)

    # Runs the tests and watches for changes, requires git init first
    npm run test
    # Exits after running all the tests
    npm run test:ci
  5. Spin up a Grafana instance and run the plugin inside it (using Docker)

    npm run server
  6. Run the E2E tests (using Cypress)

    # Spins up a Grafana instance first that we tests against
    npm run server
    # Starts the tests
    npm run e2e
  7. Run the linter

    npm run lint
    # or
    npm run lint:fix
