StochasticModels is a Julia library which provides high-performance stochastic models. It is powered by DifferentialEquations.jl.
The following models are supported:
Affine Model
Arithmetic Brownian Motion Model
Bates Model
Constant Elasticity Variance Model
Chen Model
Cox-Ingersoll-Ross Model
Clewlow-Strickland Model
Fong-Vasicek Model
Garch Model
Geometric Brownian Motion Model
Gibson-Schwartz Model
Heston Model
Hull-White Model
Longstaff-Schwartz Model
Piterbarg Model
SABR Model
Vasicek Model
3/2 Model
- General affine model and evolution of trajectories:
using StochasticModels
x0 = 1.3
tspan = (0.0, 1.0)
κ(t) = 0.3
θ(t) = 1.
σ(t) = 0.2
α(t) = 1.
β(t) = 0.0
params = (κ = κ,
θ = θ,
σ = σ,
α = α,
β = β)
affine = AffineModel(x0, params, tspan)
solution = solve(EnsembleProblem(affine); alg=SRA1(), trajectories=1000)
- Price and distribution of Call on Call option under Geometric and Arithmetic Brownian Motion models:
using StochasticModels, Statistics, Plots
u0 = 2.0
p = (μ=0.03, σ=0.2)
tspan = (0.0, 1.0)
op = (K0 = 0.9,
K1 = 0.8,
T = 1.0)
paths = 1E4
function call_on_call(S, p)
T = p.T
K1 = p.K1
K0 = p.K0
return max(max(S(T) - K1) - K0, 0.0)
gbm = GeometricBrownianMotionModel(u0, p; tspan)
abm = ArithmeticBrownianMotionModel(u0, p; tspan)
ensgbm = EnsembleProblem(gbm, output_func = (sol, i) -> (call_on_call(sol, op), false))
ensabm = EnsembleProblem(abm, output_func = (sol, i) -> (call_on_call(sol, op), false))
solgbm = solve(ensgbm; alg=SRA1(), trajectories=paths)
solabm = solve(ensabm; alg=SRA1(), trajectories=paths)
arrgbm = Array(solgbm)
arrabm = Array(solabm)
pricegbm = mean(solgbm)
priceabm = mean(solabm)
histogram(arrgbm, xlabel="Value", ylabel="Number of occurences", label="GBM")
histogram!(arrabm, label="ABM")
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