This repository contains example code to demonstrate the attack on eMLE-Sig 2.0 described in this official comment on the pqc-forum mailing list.
The attack is mounted against the C reference implementation of eMLE-Sig 2.0, and targets the n = 64 parameter set, claimed to reach NIST Level-I security.
With the notation of the eMLE-Sig 2.0 specification, this attack recovers
the vector
Note that once we know this value, there are only at most 9 choices left
To build and run the attack:
cd eMLE-Sig-I
make test_attack
./test_attack 1000000 #run the attack with 1,000,000 signature samples
./test_attack #run the attack with the default number of samples (2,500,000)
- The exact same attack is expected to break all parameter sets, not just level-I. Corresponding experiments are forthcoming.
—Mehdi Tibouchi, July 20, 2023.