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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

API Design
API Design
We can't optimize what we can't measure
breaking change
breaking change
browser: Edge
browser: Edge
browser: Firefox
browser: Firefox
browser: IE11
browser: IE11
browser: Safari
browser: Safari
bug 🐛
bug 🐛
Something doesn't work
component: Box
component: Box
The React component.
component: ButtonBase
component: ButtonBase
The React component.
component: ButtonGroup
component: ButtonGroup
The React component.
component: charts
component: charts
component: CircularProgress
component: CircularProgress
The React component
component: ClickAwayListener
component: ClickAwayListener
The React component
component: Collapse
component: Collapse
The React component
component: Container
component: Container
The React component
component: CssBaseline
component: CssBaseline
The React component
component: Fab
component: Fab
The React component.
component: FocusTrap
component: FocusTrap
The React component.
component: FormControl
component: FormControl
The React component
component: GlobalStyles
component: GlobalStyles
The React component.
component: Grid
component: Grid
The React component.
component: Hidden
component: Hidden
The React component.
component: Icon
component: Icon
The React component.
component: LinearProgress
component: LinearProgress
The React component.
component: LoadingButton
component: LoadingButton
The React component.
component: NoSsr
component: NoSsr
The React component