What I did:
I created a google homepage using html/css.
Heroku page: morning-dusk-1532.herokuapp.com/
Problems I had
Had problem creating footer and navigation bar.
How to solve it
Used the check element on the browsers to find styling information.
Project ideas:
What does the fox say
People post a recording of making animal sound. It could be searched by tags and people can vote for the best recordings.
My roommate is _
People anonymously post something they want to say about their roommates. Image, video and audio all welcomed. Contents could be searched by tags, and people can comment and like/dislike it.
Accent 101
People choose their hometown, and then tell a story about their hometown, childhood and etc and upload the recording. Non-english speaker can also speak in native language and submitted a translation.
Set up ruby, rails, git and Heroku
Set up a new rails app
Update Gemfile to run postgresql in production, but sqlite in development
Add a home page and write your name in the html file
Store code on Github
Deploy it to Heroku
Update README on Github to include: link to Heroku page, what you did, and any issues you had (and how you solved them)
Heroku Page: morning-dusk-1532.herokuapp.com/
Problem Encountered:
Error after changed the routes.rb file, found solution here :