This is an initial version of the CRF release.
To download supporting files:
To build this version of caffe:
follow instructions for setting up dependencies:
cd caffe; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make -j8; cd ../..;
To get dev results:
caffe/build/tools/caffe test --model of500_crf_1024/network.prototxt --weights of500_crf_1024/crf.caffemodel.h5 --iterations 504 -gpu 0
To view per verb summaries of current performance, browse html files in results/results_5/ (top-5) or results/results_25/ (top-25)
Note: I've merged this caffe fork with the version of caffe as of 9/18/16. It has weak cudnn v5 support (~1.8 speed up), and I will merge again when full support is added.