QQ group: 姿态检测&跟踪 781184396
The codes are expanded on a ReID-baseline
Bag of tricks
- Warm up learning rate
- Random erasing augmentation
- Label smoothing
- Last stride
"ranked_loss", SoftMax(LS) + w*RLL, results as "Results". For RLL I use Ranked List Loss for Deep Metric Learning, what the difference is I set the max distance of two feature to ALPHA.
"cranked_loss", SoftMax(LS) + w*RLL(kmeans), before compute RLL i use kemeans to cluster features to help find hard samples. Now I can only get same performance to ranked_loss, so not report results. And for I need to find job, I haven’t studied it for a long time.
NOTE: For the the limitations of the device (GTX1060 6G), while training Se_ResNet50 and Se_ResNext50 i can only set batchsize = 48, others is 64.
to folder where you want to download this repo -
git clone https://github.com/Qidian213/Ranked_Person_ReID
Install dependencies:
- pytorch>=0.4
- torchvision
- ignite=0.1.2 (Note: V0.2.0 may result in an error)
- yacs
Prepare dataset
Create a directory to store reid datasets under this repo or outside this repo. Remember to set your path to the root of the dataset in
for all training and testing or set in every single config file inconfigs/
or set in every single command.You can create a directory to store reid datasets under this repo via
cd reid-strong-baseline cd data
- Download dataset to
from http://www.liangzheng.org/Project/project_reid.html - Extract dataset and rename to
. The data structure would like:
data market1501 # this folder contains 6 files. bounding_box_test/ bounding_box_train/ ......
- Download dataset to
from https://github.com/layumi/DukeMTMC-reID_evaluation#download-dataset - Extract dataset and rename to
. The data structure would like:
data dukemtmc-reid DukeMTMC-reID # this folder contains 8 files. bounding_box_test/ bounding_box_train/ ......
- Download dataset to
Prepare pretrained model if you don't have
from torchvision import models models.resnet50(pretrained=True)
import torch.utils.model_zoo as model_zoo model_zoo.load_url('the pth you want to download (specific urls are listed in ./modeling/backbones/senet.py)')
Then it will automatically download model in
, you should set this path inconfig/defaults.py
for all training or set in every single training config file inconfigs/
or set in every single command.(3)ResNet_IBN_a , faster implementation
You can download from here [link]
(4)Load your self-trained model If you want to continue your train process based on your self-trained model, you can change the configuration
from 'imagenet' to 'self' and set thePRETRAIN_PATH
to your self-trained model. -
If you want to know the detailed configurations and their meaning, please refer to
. If you want to set your own parameters, you can follow our method: create a new yml file, then set your own parameters. Add--config_file='configs/your yml file'
int the commands described below, then our code will merge your configuration. automatically.
- Market1501
python tools/train.py --config_file='configs/softmax_ranked.yml' DATASETS.NAMES "('market1501')"
- DukeMTMC-reID
python tools/train.py --config_file='configs/softmax_ranked.yml' DATASETS.NAMES "('dukemtmc')"
python tools/test.py --config_file='configs/softmax_ranked.yml' MODEL.DEVICE_ID "('your device id')" DATASETS.NAMES "('market1501')" TEST.FEAT_NORM "('yes')" TEST.RE_RANKING "('no')" MODEL.PRETRAIN_CHOICE "('self')" TEST.WEIGHT "('your path to trained checkpoints')"
- DukeMTMC-reID
- Market1501
python tools/demo.py
Compute threshold , to compute threshold i use the hardest samples of negative and postive samples in a batchsizes.
python tools/compute_threshold.py --config_file='configs/softmax_ranked.yml' MODEL.PRETRAIN_CHOICE "('self')" DATASETS.NAMES "('market1501')" TEST.WEIGHT "('models/resnet50_ibn_a/mar_resnet50_ibn_a_model.pth')"