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Frontend Project

This is a React-based frontend project designed with modern tools and frameworks. The application incorporates various features like authentication, task management, real-time notifications, permission handling, and more, making it suitable for scalable and complex web applications.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Project Structure
  3. Installation
  4. Usage Instructions
  5. Core Application Workflow
  6. API Documentation
  7. Component Highlights
  8. Custom Hooks
  9. Context Management
  10. Screenshots
  11. Development Workflow
  12. Future Scope
  13. Contributing
  14. License
  15. Contact


  • Authentication: Secure login and sign-up forms with validation.
  • Task Management: Intuitive drag-and-drop task board for organizing projects.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Manage roles, permissions, and access levels.
  • Real-Time Notifications: Stay updated with live notifications for task updates and system events.
  • Responsive Design: Optimized for mobile and desktop views.
  • Customizable Components: Built using reusable UI components.
  • State Management: Context API for managing user and workspace state.
  • Dynamic Sidebar: Interactive and personalized sidebar with company and workspace management.

Project Structure

├── components.json               # Component metadata
├── package.json                  # Project dependencies and scripts
├── tailwind.config.js            # Tailwind CSS configuration
├── tsconfig.json                 # TypeScript configuration
├── tsconfig.node.json            # Node-specific TypeScript configuration
├── vite.config.ts                # Vite configuration
├── yarn.lock                     # Yarn lock file
├── src                           # Source files
│   ├── api                       # API services for backend integration
│   ├── components                # UI components and forms
│   ├── context                   # Global context providers
│   ├── hooks                     # Custom React hooks
│   ├── pages                     # Page components
│   ├── styles                    # Global styles
│   ├── types                     # TypeScript interfaces and types
│   └── utils                     # Utility functions



  • Node.js (>= 14.x)
  • Yarn (>= 1.22.x)


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd your-repo-name
  2. Install dependencies:
    yarn install
  3. Start the development server:
    yarn dev
  4. Open the app in your browser at http://localhost:3000.

Usage Instructions

Example Workflows

  • Adding a Task:

    1. Navigate to the Task Board page.
    2. Click the "Create Task" button.
    3. Fill in the task details and assign it to a user.
    4. Click "Submit" to save.
  • Managing Roles:

    1. Go to the Role Management page.
    2. Create a new role or edit an existing one.
    3. Assign permissions and save changes.
  • Receiving Notifications:

    1. Perform an action like adding a task or updating a role.
    2. Observe the real-time notification popup in the application header.
  • Using the Sidebar:

    1. Navigate through dynamic links for different sections.
    2. Add a new company or workspace using the "Add" button with a modal form.
    3. View updates in real-time as changes are made.

Core Application Workflow

User Journey:

  1. Sign Up for the Application:

    • Users can register with their details to create an account.
  2. Log In to the Application:

    • After registering, users can securely log in to their account.
  3. Create a New Company:

    • Users can create a new company to group related projects and workspaces.
  4. Set Up a Workspace:

    • Within a company, users can create workspaces to organize their projects.
  5. Create Projects Under the Workspace:

    • Users can define specific projects within a workspace.
  6. View and Create Tasks:

    • Navigate to the task board to view tasks.
    • Create new tasks and assign them to users.
  7. Assign Tasks to Users:

    • Users can assign tasks to other team members, ensuring collaboration.
  8. Comment Under Tasks:

    • Add comments to tasks for effective communication and tracking.
  9. Receive Real-Time Notifications:

    • Users are notified instantly of updates like task assignments or new comments.
  10. Promote and Demote Tasks:

    • Tasks can be prioritized or reprioritized to reflect their importance.

API Documentation

Key API services in the project:

  • Authentication:

    • auth.ts: Handles login and signup operations.
  • Tasks:

    • task.ts: API operations for fetching, creating, and managing tasks.
  • Roles and Permissions:

    • role.ts: Manage user roles.
    • permission.ts: Handle permission-related API calls.
    • rolepermission.ts: Manage relationships between roles and permissions.
  • Notifications:

    • notification.ts: Fetch and manage real-time notifications.
  • Company Management:

    • company.ts: Handles company-related data operations.
  • Workspace Management:

    • workspace.ts: Manage workspaces.

Component Highlights

Common Components

  • Reusable Inputs: Components like email-input.tsx, password-input.tsx, and first-name-input.tsx simplify form creation.
  • Modal Form: modal-form.tsx and ModalFormHandler.tsx allow dynamic form rendering within modals.
  • Protected Routes: protected-route.tsx ensures secure navigation for authenticated users.

Dashboard Components

  • Dashboard Content: dashboard-content.tsx serves as the main container for displaying user and project data.
  • Details Management: Components like company-details.tsx and workspace-details.tsx handle the display and editing of entity details.
  • Collapsible Projects: ProjectCollapsible.tsx organizes projects in expandable sections.

Login and Sign-Up Forms

  • Login Form: login-form.tsx with modular components for header, body, and footer.
  • Sign-Up Form: sign-up-form.tsx with similar modularity and validation.

Task Board Components

  • Task Board: TaskBoardContent.tsx with drag-and-drop task management.
  • Task Dialog: TaskDialog.tsx provides a modal for editing task details.
  • User Search: UserSearch.tsx facilitates assigning tasks to users.


  • Dynamic Navigation: Side-bar.tsx with SidebarNav.tsx for rendering links.
  • Action Buttons: Add companies and workspaces with SidebarButton.tsx.

Permission and Role Management

  • Permission Management: PermissionManagementContent.tsx for handling access controls.
  • Role Management: RoleManagementContent.tsx and RolePermissionManagementContent.tsx for defining and assigning roles and permissions.

Custom Hooks

  • Authentication:

    • useLoginMutation.ts: Handle login logic.
    • useSignUpMutation.ts: Simplify user registration processes.
  • Data Fetching:

    • useFetchUser.ts: Fetch the current logged-in user's data.
    • useNotifications.ts: Manage real-time notifications.
    • useTasks.ts: Fetch and manage task data.
  • Mutations:

    • useCommentMutations.ts: Handle comment-related actions.
    • useCompanyMutations.ts: Manage company data operations.
    • useWorkspaceMutations.ts: Handle workspace creation and updates.
  • Permission Handling:

    • usePermissions.ts: Check and manage user permissions.
    • useRolePermissions.ts: Fetch and manage role-permission relationships.

Context Management

  • Global State Management:
    • user-context.tsx: Provides global user data and actions.
    • workspace-context.tsx: Manages workspace state and operations.




Login Page

Login Page

Task Board

Task Board

Development Workflow

  1. Setting Up:

    • Follow the installation steps above.
  2. Debugging:

    • Use the browser developer tools.
    • Check logs for errors in the console.

Future Scope

  • Add unit and integration tests.
  • Improve accessibility features.
  • Integrate advanced analytics.
  • Expand role and permission customizations.
  • Enhance notification settings and controls.
  • Implement advanced sidebar features like collapsible groups and drag-and-drop reordering.


Contributions are welcome! Follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch:
    git checkout -b feature-name
  3. Commit your changes:
    git commit -m "Add feature-name"
  4. Push to your branch:
    git push origin feature-name
  5. Open a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


For inquiries or support, please email [email protected].


No description, website, or topics provided.






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