This library provides an OCaml front-end to the OpenSCAD solid modelling language. All SCAD primitives and transformation functions are made available.
- Angles are represented in radians (and converted to degrees when compiling to OpenSCAD).
- The dimensional system (2D or 3D) each shape inhabits is tracked by the type
system. This is used to restrict the operations that can be legally applied
can only be applied to 2D shapes) and enforcing non-mixing of 2D and 3D shapes during boolean operations.
open Scad_ml
let scad_logo =
let rad = 5.
and fn = 720 in
let cyl = Scad.cylinder ~fn ~center:true (rad /. 2.) (rad *. 2.3) in
let cross_cyl = Scad.rotate (0., Float.pi /. 2., 0.) cyl in
[ Scad.difference
(Scad.sphere ~fn rad)
[ cyl; cross_cyl; Scad.rotate (0., 0., Float.pi /. 2.) cross_cyl ]
; Scad.color ~alpha:0.25 Color.Magenta cross_cyl
let () =
let oc = open_out "/path/to/things/scad_logo.scad" in
Scad.write oc scad_logo;
close_out oc
Generated scads can then be viewed with the OpenSCAD
viewer as you normally would.
Online documentation is available here.
There is a companion ppx, [@@deriving
scad] for generating
transformation functions for user-defined records and abstract types made up of
the Scad.t
and Vec3.t
types provided in this library.
- @namachan10777
- Original author
- @geoffder
- Overhaul and add many functions