Keyword Management System (KMS) is a application for maintaining keywords (science keywords, platforms, instruments, data centers, locations, projects, services, resolution, etc.) in the earthdata/IDN system.
To install the necessary components, run:
npm install
In order to run KMS locally, you first need to setup a RDF database.
In order to run serverless-offline, which is used for mimicking API Gateway to call lambda functions, run:
npm run offline
To run the test suite, run:
npm run test
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=[your access secret access key]
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=[your session token]
export RDFDB_PASSWORD=[your rdfdb password]
cdk deploy rdf4jIamStack
cdk deploy rdf4jEfsStack
cdk deploy rdf4jEcsStack
One thing to note is if you destroy the rdf4jEfsStack and redeploy, this will create a new EFS file system. You will need to copy the data from the old EFS file system to the new one. This can be done by mounting the old EFS file system to an EC2 instance and copying the data to the new EFS file system.