What's a "big" phage? What's a "small" phage? I wanted a figure to discuss this in a talk, but I couldn't find a plot that I liked that showed the genome sizes of sequenced phages. The closest thing was this plot from Hyman and Abedon (2012), but it's missing the y-axis labels (?). Although one can infer what those labels should be, I thought this nice little plot was due for a much needed update.
- NCBI Virus: Bacteriophages, Complete nucleotide sequences
The jupyter notebook that generates these plots can be found here.
- Download an interactive version of this plot here
There are clearly some weird outliers, I made the interactive versions of the plots (download here) to make it easier to explore them. Any further curation of this dataset is highly appreciated! If you find something is off, please write issue or contribute with a PR.
If you use these figures or code, please cite it like:
Quinones-Olvera, N. Bacteriophage genome sizes https://github.com/nataquinones/phage_genome_size/