Haven't you ever been bored to simply make this:
my_object_element.addEventListener("click", handleFreakinClick, false);
And just handle it like a regular <div> or whatever? Well… I do, so I tested this proof of concept and it seems to work.
- Can dispatch AS3 events or custom events (make a new Event("whatever")) to the DOM
- Communicate to a JS bridge which can create the markup too (SWFObject style, but… lighter)
- Clean existing AS3 events to dispatch them to the DOM. Some AS3 events' properties doesn't make sense on the DOM (such as event.stage)
- Custom events can be used via ondataavailable and onlosecapture in IE which doesn't support custom events on a tag. Have a look at the example.html to see how to handle it
- No framework needed (nor SWFObject)
In AS3 :
FlashElement.dispatch("custom"); // I want a custom event, create a bulk one
FlashElement.dispatch(event); // Dispatch an existing event (MouseEvent, KeyboardEvent, etc)
In JS :
Create a bridge instance:
new FlashElement(); // Fully automatic new FlashElement("player_id"); // Define the object ID and use default options (attributes, flashvars) new FlashElement("player_id", options); // Define the object ID and use specific options (will be merged to default) new FlashElement(options); // Set automagically an ID and use specific options
Create the <object> and replace a dummy node (I know, this method name is crappy)
instance.create("dummy_node"); // Return the <object> element
Register some listerners
element.addEventListener("click", handler, false); // Good browsers element.attachEvent("click", handler); // Bad browsers
Have a beer
A LOT! Go on, fork it!
A lot I think, it's a proof of concept. I'd be please to solve issues if you notice me ;).