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This is a repository dedicated to maintaining and showcasing my personal resume in a JSON-based format. Additionally, a web-friendly version is available for public viewing.

Table of Contents


To set up the development environment for this project:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd resume.json
  2. Run the setup script:

    bash ./scripts/
  3. Start the development server:

    npx vite dev


  • Node.js (Refer to the .nvmrc file for the preferred version.)
  • npm (Package manager used in this project.)
  • TailwindCSS, PostCSS (for styling and utilities.)

Note: Ensure node_modules are installed by running npm install if the setup script does not handle this.

Live Version

Explore the web version of my resume here:

πŸ‘‰ WEB version


  • JSON-based resume format.
  • Modular and reusable web components.
  • TailwindCSS integration.
  • Continuous Deployment to GitHub Pages via actions.

Tech Stack

This project uses the following technologies and tools:

  • Frontend Framework: Vite
  • Styling: TailwindCSS
  • Testing: Vitest
  • Web Components: Custom Elements for reusable components.
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment: GitHub Actions (deploy-gh-page.yml)
  • Linting and Formatting:
    • ESLint with custom configurations (@busybox/eslint-*)
    • Prettier with a shared config (@busybox/prettier-config)
  • Version Control Hooks: Husky and lint-staged for pre-commit checks.

Skill Level Definitions

Below, I've defined my skill levels across various categories:

Programming Language / Framework / Library

  • Master: I can confidently work on features independently, follow best practices, and avoid reliance on extensive online research.
  • Intermediate: I can work independently with some online research but require a code review by an experienced teammate.

Architecture Components (Queues, Databases, etc.)

  • Master: I can set up optimized configurations, integrate components, and deploy them to production.
  • Intermediate: I can handle code integration and basic development environment setup.

Protocols (REST, HTTP, GraphQL, etc.)

  • Master: I understand best practices, security measures, and performance tuning for the protocol.
  • Intermediate: I can integrate the protocol and understand its mechanics.


  • Master: I have theoretical understanding paired with real-world execution experience. I can conduct technical discussions with teammates effectively.
  • Intermediate: I have practical experience along with a strong theoretical foundation.

Folder Structure

Here's an overview of the directory structure for better understanding:

 β”œβ”€β”€ .github                 # GitHub-related configurations (e.g., workflows)
 β”œβ”€β”€ web-components          # Custom web components
 β”œβ”€β”€ node_modules            # Dependencies managed by npm
 β”œβ”€β”€ public                  # Static assets
 β”œβ”€β”€ scripts                 # Helper scripts for the project
 β”œβ”€β”€ dist                    # Production-ready output (built files)
 β”œβ”€β”€               # Documentation for the project
 β”œβ”€β”€ package.json            # NPM package file with dependencies
 └── vite.config.js          # Vite configuration file


Contributions are welcome! To contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a feature branch:
    git checkout -b GH-[issue_id]_my-feature
  3. Commit your changes with meaningful messages.
  4. Push your branch and submit a Pull Request.

Ensure that your changes pass tests (bash ./scripts/


This repository is licensed under the MIT License.

Thank you for visiting! 😊