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Albert Plugins

This is a collection of plugins I made for Albert launcher.



lxml is required for the Google plugin. It is used for parsing the results pages. It can be installed by running:

pip install lxml

The script requires xdotool, this script is used to open albert with a certain query/trigger already in it.


Here's a list of the plugins and a description of how they work.

Google (gg) Get suggestions like the ones you get when searching on Google. When you select an item the corresponding results page is opened in your default browser. If you append _ to your query you'll get the results directly on albert (eg: gg unixporn reddit_), and selecting any of the results will open it with your default browser.

YouTube (yt) Same as above but it's for YouTube. When searching with an underscore after your query (eg: yt panda dub_) you get a list of videos as results, and selecting any one of them will open that video with your default browser.

Learn Anything (la) Get suggestions from Learn Anything. For now you only get the suggestions, but I plan on adding something similar to YouTube, where you get a list of nodes/resources for each map when you select it.

GitHub (gh) Search for a GitHub repo.

Wordreference (enit) Get suggestions from Wordreference, I use it mostly when I'm not sure how to spell a word, but if you select a word you can search for the translation. For now it's only English to Italian or vice-versa, but I think it would be cool to be able to set that in a config or just specify it on the query.


You can find my keybindings on my i3 config but I'll go over the ones regarding Albert here. I remapped my spacebar to be spacebar when pressed on its own, but Mod3 when pressed together with any other key. This is accomplished by adding the following to .xmodmaprc:

keycode 65 = XF86Mail
keycode any = space
add mod3 = XF86Mail

You can use anything you want instead of XF86Mail, just check that it's a key that you don't use. After that on your .xinitrc you should have two lines like these:

xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc
xcape -e "XF86Mail=space"

xcape is the program doing the magic I described before, and here's a reddit post going more in detail on why you should use spacebar as a modifier.

The keybindings I have for these plugins are just calling with the trigger to use each plugin.

Here's the list of keybindings:

  • Space + b: Toggle Albert
  • Space + g: Google
  • Space + h: GitHub
  • Space + y: Youtube
  • Space + a: Learn Anything
  • Space + e: Wordreference


Plugins for albert launcher






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