- Nguyễn Văn An - [email protected]
- Nguyễn Huy Long - HE160140
- Nguyễn Hữu Kiên - HE173489
- Đỗ Nhật Minh - HE170712
- Vũ Gia Huy - HE163358
- Ngô Hải Lâm - HE161923
We use the following commit types:
feat: Introduces a new feature to the application. Should be used when adding significant functionality.
- Example:
feat: Implement user authentication
- Example:
fix: Corrects a bug in the application. Use this for bug fixes, hotfixes, and patches.
- Example:
fix: Resolve issue with form submission
- Example:
chore: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code, such as updating dependencies, configuration files, or build scripts. Also used for general housekeeping tasks.
- Example:
chore: Update dependencies to latest versions
- Example:
docs: Updates to the documentation, including READMEs, API docs, or other documentation files.
- Example:
docs: Add instructions for setting up the development environment
- Example:
style: Changes that do not affect the logic of the code, but improve its readability or style, such as formatting, whitespace changes, or linting fixes.
- Example:
style: Apply code formatting according to PEP 8
- Example:
refactor: A code change that neither adds nor removes functionality, but improves the internal structure or design of the code, e.g., renaming variables, extracting methods, or simplifying logic.
- Example:
refactor: Extract database connection logic into a separate module
- Example:
test: Adding or modifying tests.
- Example:
test: Add unit tests for the new feature
- Example:
build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example: npm, gradle, maven, pip).
- Example:
build: Upgrade Gradle version
- Example:
ci: Changes related to the continuous integration system (e.g., GitHub Actions, CircleCI, Travis CI).
- Example:
ci: Configure automatic deployment to staging environment
- Example:
perf: A code change that improves performance.
- Example:
perf: Optimize database queries for faster response times
- Example:
revert: Reverts a previous commit.
- Example:
revert: Revert "feat: Implement user authentication" due to unforeseen issues
- Example: