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Terra-form configuration for Deduction

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PRM Deductions Support Infrastructure

This is the minimal, very first setup of terraform backend in S3 and DynamoDB.

The terraform state produced in this repository is pushed to a separate bucket with AWS CLI.

To deploy infrastructure, run the following commands:

terraform init
terraform apply

Please note the terraform state is local.

Utility scripts

Folder utils contains common scripts to be used across projects.

Access to AWS

In order to get sufficient access to work with terraform or AWS CLI:

Make sure to unset the AWS variables:


As a note, the following set-up is based on the README of assume-role tool

Set up a profile for each role you would like to assume in ~/.aws/config, for example:

[profile default]
region = eu-west-2
output = json

[profile admin]
region = eu-west-2
role_arn = <role-arn>
mfa_serial = <mfa-arn>
source_profile = default

The source_profile needs to match your profile in ~/.aws/credentials.

aws_access_key_id = <your-aws-access-key-id>
aws_secret_access_key = <your-aws-secret-access-key>

Assume role with elevated permissions

Install assume-role locally:

brew install remind101/formulae/assume-role

Run the following command with the profile configured in your ~/.aws/config:

assume-role admin

Run assume-role with dojo:

Run the following command with the profile configured in your ~/.aws/config:

eval $(dojo "echo <mfa-code> | assume-role admin"

Run the following command to confirm the role was assumed correctly:

aws sts get-caller-identity

AWS SSM Parameters Design Principles

When creating the new ssm keys, please follow the agreed convention as per the design specified below:

  • all parts of the keys are lower case
  • the words are separated by dashes (kebab case)
  • env is optional


Please follow this design to ensure the ssm keys are easy to maintain and navigate through:

Type Design Example
User-specified /repo/<env>?/user-input/ /repo/${var.environment}/user-input/db-username
Auto-generated /repo/<env>?/output/<name-of-git-repo>/ /repo/output/prm-deductions-base-infra/root-zone-id

AWS helpers script

Release cycle and development


./tasks set_version

to bump patch version,


./tasks set_version 0.X.Y

to set a new version of the script.

Then make your changes and update the description.

Commit and push. A new release will be created on github.