This binding connects openHAB with your Zigbee2Mqtt server using MQTT.
- Disclaimer
- Prerequisites
- Installation and upgrade
- Supported Things
- Discovery
- Configuration
- Channels
- File based configuration
- Support
This binding is currently under development. Your help and testing would be greatly appreciated but there is no stability or functionality warranty.
- A working Zigbee2Mqtt installation (
- Enable 'homeassistant' in data/configuration.yaml (
For the first installation of the binding you need to copy the latest release into the /addons folder of your openHAB installation. In case you want to upgrade the binding to a newer version, please check the release notes first.
Currently following Things are supported:
- Zigbee2Mqtt Server Thing representing the Zigbee2Mqtt server
- One or many Things for supported Zigbee2Mqtt Device
The Binding supports two ways of configuration. Auto-discovery and manual configuration. Once the binding has been installed your network will be scanned on port 1883 to find any MQTT broker with disabled username/password authentication. It will then automatically add the required things Zigbee2Mqtt Server and Zigbee2Mqtt Device.
Manual configuration can be achieved via PaperUI - Configuration - Things - Add Thing “+” Button - Zigbee2mqtt Binding - Add manually - Zigbee2Mqtt Server. Here you can provide your broker IP, port, login credentials and if needed modified zigbee2mqtt base/dicover topics. Once the server thing has been added Zigbee2Mqtt Devices will be discovered automatically and appear in your PaperUI inbox. You just need to add them as new things.
If new devices joined to the network (documentation) they will automatically appear in the INBOX.
Following options can be set for the Zigbee2Mqtt Server:
Property | Description |
mqttbrokerIpAddress | IP-Address or hostname of the MQTT-Broker |
mqttbrokerPort | Port of the MQTT-Broker |
mqttbrokerUsername | Username to access the MQTT-Broker |
mqttbrokerPassword | Password to access the MQTT-Broker. |
z2mBaseTopic | Base topic for Zigbee2Mqtt MQTT messages: default = 'zigbee2mqtt'. Can be edit in data/configuration.yaml -> base_topic |
z2mDiscoveryTopic | Discovery topic which is used by Zigbee2Mqtt: default = 'homeassistant'. Can be edit in data/configuration.yaml -> homeassistant_discovery_topic |
Channel | Type | Values |
permitJoin | Switch |
logLevel | String |
networkMap | Image |
Example NetworkMap:
Channel | Type | Values |
state | Switch |
temperature | Number |
illuminance | Number |
occupancy | Switch |
humidity | Number |
pressure | Number |
contact | Contact |
water_leak | Switch |
battery | Number |
linkquality | Number |
brightness | Number |
color_temp | Number |
color | Color |
click | String |
This is a trigger channel and cannot be link to an item. The values depend on device e.g.: single, double, triple, quadruple ... |
action | String |
This is a trigger channel and cannot be link to an item. The values depend on device e.g.: shake, wakeup, fall, tap, slide, flip180 ... |
Bridge zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttServer:z2m [
z2mDiscoveryTopic="homeassistant" ] {
Thing zigbee2mqttDevice XiaomiMCCGQ11LM "Xiaomi MCCGQ11LM door" @ "Zigbee2Mqtt" [ieeeAddr="0x00158d0002286a02"]
Thing zigbee2mqttDevice XiaomiWSDCGQ11LM "Xiaomi WSDCGQ11LM temperature" @ "Zigbee2Mqtt" [ieeeAddr="0x00158d0002320b4f"]
Thing zigbee2mqttDevice XiaomiMFKZQ01LM "Xiaomi MFKZQ01LM cube" @ "Zigbee2Mqtt" [ieeeAddr="0x00158d000276f951"]
Thing zigbee2mqttDevice OsramAC03645 "Osram AC03645 bulb" @ "Zigbee2Mqtt" [ieeeAddr="0x7cb03eaa00ada0df"]
// Zigbee2Mqtt Server
Group gZ2m
String Z2mLogLevel "LogLevel" (gZ2m) {channel="zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttServer:z2m:logLevel"}
Switch Z2mPermitJoin "PermitJoin" (gZ2m) {channel="zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttServer:z2m:permitJoin"}
Image Z2mNetworkMap "NetworkMap" (gZ2m) {channel="zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttServer:z2m:networkMap"}
Switch Z2MRefreshNetworkMap (gZ2m) {channel="zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttServer:z2m:networkMap"}
// Xiaomi Sensor (WSDCGQ11LM)
Group gXiaomiWSDCGQ11LM
Number XiaomiWSDCGQ11LMTemperature "Temperatur OD [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (gXiaomiWSDCGQ11LM) { channel="zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttDevice:z2m:XiaomiWSDCGQ11LM:temperature"}
Number XiaomiWSDCGQ11LMHumidity "Humidity [%d %%]" <humidity> (gXiaomiWSDCGQ11LM) { channel="zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttDevice:z2m:XiaomiWSDCGQ11LM:hunidity"}
Number XiaomiWSDCGQ11LMPressure "Pressure [%d mbar]" <pressure> (gXiaomiWSDCGQ11LM) { channel="zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttDevice:z2m:XiaomiWSDCGQ11LM:pressure"}
Number XiaomiWSDCGQ11LMLinkquality "Linquality [%d]" <signal> (gXiaomiWSDCGQ11LM) { channel="zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttDevice:z2m:XiaomiWSDCGQ11LM:linkquality"}
Number XiaomiWSDCGQ11LMBattery "Battery [%.1f %%]" <batterylevel> (gXiaomiWSDCGQ11LM) { channel="zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttDevice:z2m:XiaomiWSDCGQ11LM:battery"}
// Xiaomi Door (MCCGQ11LM)
Group gXiaomiMCCGQ11LM
Contact XiaomiMCCGQ11LMContact "Door [%s]" <door> (gXiaomiMCCGQ11LM) {channel="zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttDevice:z2m:XiaomiMCCGQ11LM:contact"}
Number XiaomiMCCGQ11LMLinkquality "Linquality [%d]" <signal> (gXiaomiMCCGQ11LM) {channel="zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttDevice:z2m:XiaomiMCCGQ11LM:linkquality"}
Number XiaomiMCCGQ11LMBattery "Battery [%.1f %%]" <batterylevel> (gXiaomiMCCGQ11LM) {channel="zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttDevice:z2m:XiaomiMCCGQ11LM:battery"}
// Xiaomi Cube (MFKZQ01LM)
Group gXiaomiMFKZQ01LM
Number XiaomiMFKZQ01LMLinkquality "Linquality [%d]" <signal> (gXiaomiMFKZQ01LM) {channel="zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttDevice:z2m:XiaomiMFKZQ01LM:linkquality"}
Number XiaomiMFKZQ01LMBattery "Battery [%.1f %%]" <batterylevel> (gXiaomiMFKZQ01LM) { channel="zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttDevice:z2m:XiaomiMFKZQ01LM:battery"}
//Osram Bulb (AC03645)
Group gOsramAC03645
Switch OsramAC03645Power "Power" <light> (gOsramAC03645) { channel="zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttDevice:z2m:OsramAC03645:state"}
Dimmer OsramAC03645Brightness "Brightness [%d]" (gOsramAC03645) { channel="zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttDevice:z2m:OsramAC03645:brightness"}
Dimmer OsramAC03645Colortemp "Colortemp" (gOsramAC03645) { channel="zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttDevice:z2m:OsramAC03645:color_temp"}
Color OsramAC03645RGBW "Color" (gOsramAC03645) { channel="zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttDevice:z2m:OsramAC03645:color"}
Number OsramAC03645Linkquality "Linquality [%d]" <signal> (gOsramAC03645) {channel="zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttDevice:z2m:OsramAC03645:linkquality"}
sitemap zigbee2mqtt label="Zigbee2Mqtt"
Frame label="Zigbee2Mqtt Server"{
Selection item=Z2mLogLevel mappings=[debug="Debug", info="Info", warn="Warn", error="Error"]
Switch item=Z2mPermitJoin
Image item=Z2mNetworkMap
Switch item=Z2MRefreshNetworkMap mappings=[REFRESH='REFRESH']
Frame label="XiaomiWSDCGQ11LM SENSOR"{
Text item=XiaomiWSDCGQ11LMTemperature
Text item=XiaomiWSDCGQ11LMHumidity
Text item=XiaomiWSDCGQ11LMPressure
Text item=XiaomiWSDCGQ11LMLinkquality
Text item=XiaomiWSDCGQ11LMBattery
Frame label="XiaomiMCCGQ11LM DOOR"{
Switch item=XiaomiMCCGQ11LMContact
Text item=XiaomiMCCGQ11LMLinkquality
Text item=XiaomiMCCGQ11LMBattery
Frame label="XiaomiMFKZQ01LM CUBE"{
Text item=XiaomiMFKZQ01LMLinkquality
Text item=XiaomiMFKZQ01LMBattery
Frame label="OsramAC03645 BULB"{
Switch item=OsramAC03645Power
Slider item=OsramAC03645Brightness
Slider item=OsramAC03645Colortemp
Colorpicker item=OsramAC03645RGBW
Text item=OsramAC03645Linkquality
rule "Refresh Z2MRefreshNetworkMap"
Time cron "0 0 0 * * ?"
rule "Zigbee2Mqtt Cube SLIDE"
Channel "zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttDevice:z2m:XiaomiMFKZQ01LM:action" triggered "slide"
logInfo("cube", "slided" )
rule "Zigbee2Mqtt Cube action"
Channel "zigbee2mqtt:zigbee2mqttDevice:z2m:XiaomiMFKZQ01LM:action" triggered
switch(receivedEvent.getEvent()) {
case "slide": {
logInfo("cube", "cube slided" )
case "rotate_right": {
logInfo("cube", "cube rotate_right" )
case "rotate_left": {
logInfo("cube", "cube rotate_left" )
case "shake": {
logInfo("cube", "cube shake" )
case "fall": {
logInfo("cube", "cube fall" )
If you encounter critical issues with this binding, please consider to:
- create an issue on GitHub
- search community forum for answers already given
- or make a new post there, if nothing was found
In any case please provide some information about your problem:
- openHAB and binding version
- error description and steps to retrace if applicable
- any related
from openhab.log (log:set DEBUG org.openhab.binding.zigbee2mqtt
) - whether it's the binding, bridge, device or channel related issue
For the sake of documentation please use English language.