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SOPHYSM.jl PublicSOPHYSM - SOlid tumors PHYlogenetic Spatial Modeller - Julia GUI for Histological Analysis and Cancer Simulation
Julia 2
JHistint.jl PublicJulia interface for implementing REST APIs available on the CDSA (Cancer Slide Digital Archive) portal for managing histological images available from TCGA. The library includes functions for manag…
Julia 1
BIMIB-DISCo/J-Space.jl PublicJ-SPACE is a Julia package to simulate the spatial growth and the genomic evolution of a cell population and the experiment of sequencing the genome of the sampled cells.
ScriptPythonForAI-ECG PublicRepository dedicato al materiale della tesi sperimentale adibita alla generazione di un questionario in LimeSurvey per il supporto dell’intelligenza artificiale (IA) in ambito cardiologico.
Python 1
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