a list of 185 javascript modules that extend or depend on nock
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This list is created by:
- Consuming the entire npm registry using package-stream.
- Plucking out packages that depend on "nock" or have the word "nock" in their name or description.
- Sorting results by average daily downloads and direct dependents counts.
- nock - HTTP Server mocking for Node.js (2335 direct dependents; 14899 downloads/day)
- nock-vcr-recorder-mocha - Wrapper around nock-vcr-recorder to simplify creating vcr cassettes in mocha. (7 direct dependents; 62 downloads/day)
- nock-exec - NodeJS mock module around the child_process.exec function inspired by nock. (4 direct dependents; 15 downloads/day)
- nock-vcr-recorder - A test framework agnostic vcr implementation that uses nock. (3 direct dependents; 62 downloads/day)
- tape-nock - Automatically record and playback HTTP calls for each tape test. (2 direct dependents; 20 downloads/day)
- mocha-vcr - Minimal mocha DSL extension to support VCR like http request recording via nock (1 direct dependent; 1 download/day)
- fake-clickbus-api - A nock for the clickbus api (1 direct dependent; 39 downloads/day)
- nock-vcr - Automate the recording and play-back of HTTP requests with the nock framework. (1 direct dependent; 3 downloads/day)
- nock.jsx - HTTP mock for jsx (1 direct dependent; 3 downloads/day)
- fake-server - Nock.js-based server to fake API responses (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- finboxio-nock - HTTP Server mocking for Node.js (0 direct dependents; 2 downloads/day)
- generate-nocks-from-requests - Automatically generate Nock mocks from requests made with Request (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- ava-playback - Record and playback http requests with nock, integrated into ava (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- icedfrisby-nock - Concise support for mock requests in IcedFrisby (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- knockers - Slightly friendlier interface for nock (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day)
- mocha-nock-fixtures - A simple library that makes saving fixtures with nock and mocha easy. (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day)
- nock-auto - Helpers for using
and generating API stubs from it. (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day) - nock-back-mocha - Thin wrapper around nock.back that uses different nock files for each test, and cleans up when the mocha test is done. (0 direct dependents; 5 downloads/day)
- nock-fixtures - Fixture loader for nock (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- nock-github-oauth - GitHub OAuth HTTP intercepts via nock. (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day)
- nock-hook - Convinient wrapper around Nock for HTTP testing (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day)
- nock-hotfixed - HTTP Server mocking for Node.js (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- nock-json-recorder - HTTP Server mocking for Node.js (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day)
- nock-knock - Advanced router handling for nock (0 direct dependents; 2 downloads/day)
- nock-playback - Small helper for nock library to record definitions and play it back (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day)
- nock.js - Nock interpreter (0 direct dependents; 3 downloads/day)
- nockable - Nock-style HTTP mocking using either nock or real servers (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- nockturnal -
is a test-helper module for mocha that wraps nock, enabling unit-testing 3rd party REST APIs on CI servers. (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day) - clay-nock - HTTP Server mocking for Node.js (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- npmdoc-nock - #### basic api documentation for nock (v9.0.13)
- npmtest-nock - #### basic test coverage for nock (v9.0.13)
- real-nock - Create stub HTTP servers that you can modify on the fly (0 direct dependents; 2 downloads/day)
- retyped-nock-tsd-ambient - TypeScript typings for nock (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- setup-nocks - Helper module to automatically mock all routes in app for testing (0 direct dependents; 2 downloads/day)
- superagent-nock - Mock superagent http requests (0 direct dependents; 81 downloads/day)
- recastai - Recast.AI official SDK in NodeJs (3 direct dependents; 21 downloads/day)
- ys-vcr - Play cassettes instead of making http queries (3 direct dependents; 5 downloads/day)
- taskcluster-lib-testing - taskcluster-lib-testing (3 direct dependents; 31 downloads/day)
- nock-vcr-recorder - A test framework agnostic vcr implementation that uses nock. (3 direct dependents; 62 downloads/day)
- amperize - AMP up your plain HTML (2 direct dependents; 399 downloads/day)
- riak-dc - A very, very tiny interface to Riak (2 direct dependents; 12 downloads/day)
- rm - An object storage layer for Riak (2 direct dependents; 11 downloads/day)
- tape-nock - Automatically record and playback HTTP calls for each tape test. (2 direct dependents; 20 downloads/day)
- gdax - Client for the GDAX API (2 direct dependents; 12 downloads/day)
- co-test-helpers - Helpers to simplify writing node.js tests (2 direct dependents; 6 downloads/day)
- minorjs-test - Functional testing framework for the MinorJS web framework. (1 direct dependent; 50 downloads/day)
- msw-api - Node wrapper for Magicseaweed API (1 direct dependent; 14 downloads/day)
- coinbase-exchange - Client for the Coinbase Exchange API (1 direct dependent; 6 downloads/day)
- fake-clickbus-api - A nock for the clickbus api (1 direct dependent; 39 downloads/day)
- falkor - HTTP Level Functional Testing Library (1 direct dependent; 28 downloads/day)
- nock-vcr - Automate the recording and play-back of HTTP requests with the nock framework. (1 direct dependent; 3 downloads/day)
- dolar-blue - dolar-blue ========== (1 direct dependent; 12 downloads/day)
- cloudmine - CloudMine JavaScript library for node and browsers (1 direct dependent; 16 downloads/day)
- node-lendingclub - A wrapper for the lending club api (1 direct dependent; 2 downloads/day)
- oxr - Advanced Node.js wrapper for the Open Exchange Rates API (1 direct dependent; 3 downloads/day)
- papermonk-downloader-plosone - plosone.org scraper (1 direct dependent; 8 downloads/day)
- protractor-ci - Easily run protactor using Travis CI and Sauce Labs. (1 direct dependent; 7 downloads/day)
- biojs-io-graduates - A parser for the BioJS tutorial graduate list (1 direct dependent; 10 downloads/day)
- connect-vtexid - VTEX ID Authentication middleware for Connect (1 direct dependent; 32 downloads/day)
- github-oauth-prompt - Easy creation of GitHub OAuth tokens for your app name (1 direct dependent; 10 downloads/day)
- sendgrid-mustacher - Send lot emails using Sendgrid and template that using Mustache ;D (1 direct dependent; 3 downloads/day)
- iprofilesync-chef - Access the Opscode Chef Server API from Node (1 direct dependent; 1 download/day)
- atlasboard - AtlasBoard is dashboard/wallboard framework written all in JS (1 direct dependent; 38 downloads/day)
- vcrecorder - To record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast. (1 direct dependent; 11 downloads/day)
- yo-api2 - Yet Another Yo API wrapper (1 direct dependent; 2 downloads/day)
- nock.jsx - HTTP mock for jsx (1 direct dependent; 3 downloads/day)
- mrspider - simple polite crawling of the web. (0 direct dependents; 20 downloads/day)
- dolar-blue-enbitcoins - dolar-blue ========== (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- arhs-atlasboard - Arhs-atlasBoard is an extension of Atlasboard from Atlassian. It allows to create dashboard, add/remove and configure widgets via the web interface. (0 direct dependents; 12 downloads/day)
- dunajs-client-dev - Duna framework javascript client development support (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day)
- ember-cli-deploy-notifications - Ember CLI Deploy plugin to notify external services during deployments. (0 direct dependents; 8 downloads/day)
- exo-dataset - Google BigQuery Dataset which deals with the creation and destruction of it's inner tables (0 direct dependents; 5 downloads/day)
- factual-api-tester - factual-api-tester ================== (0 direct dependents; 3 downloads/day)
- aries-data -
(0 direct dependents; 5 downloads/day)
- fake-server - Nock.js-based server to fake API responses (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- agile-proxy-client - Javascript client (browser based) for agile-proxy server (0 direct dependents; 6 downloads/day)
- faux-server - Intercept requests to RESTful endpoints and replace them with requests against the client store. (0 direct dependents; 3 downloads/day)
- ferreter - Collect anonymous usage for NPM package usage (0 direct dependents; 3 downloads/day)
- fetch-factory - A wrapper around the new
API to make creating services to talk to APIs easier. (0 direct dependents; 5 downloads/day) - frisby-hack - Frisby.js: REST API Endpoint Testing built on Jasmine (hacked to allow different path characters) (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- frisby-plus - REST API Testing framework build on Frisby.js and Jasmine (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- fz-react-cli - react-test-renderer dependencies missed - object-assign,fbjs after that we have to remove these two dependencies from package.json. https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/8467/files (0 direct dependents; 32 downloads/day)
- authmosphere - authmosphere is a library to support OAuth2 workflows in JavaScript projects. (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- generator-oss-component - generator for open source components (0 direct dependents; 17 downloads/day)
- geokan - Find geodata in CKAN (0 direct dependents; 2 downloads/day)
- ava-playback - Record and playback http requests with nock, integrated into ava (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- github2es - --- github2es is a utility that serves as a walker to populate metadata from github for each package on npm's couch database to the corresponding ElasticSearch Documents forindexing. In order to not go over github's rate limit the module takes 10 packages (0 direct dependents; 10 downloads/day)
- grunt-screeps-customserver - A Grunt plugin for committing code to an arbitrary Screeps server (0 direct dependents; 2 downloads/day)
- gtfs-sequelize - A model for the static GTFS using sequelize. (0 direct dependents; 16 downloads/day)
- gulp-jasmine-webdriverio - gulp-jasmine-webdriver is a Gulp plugin to run Selenium tests with Jasmine and WebdriverIO (0 direct dependents; 11 downloads/day)
- harvey - Simplifies the testing of RESTful web services, or any other HTTP endpoint for that matter. (0 direct dependents; 44 downloads/day)
- http-client-x-mock - A mock for http-client-x (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- hubot-lgtm - Automatically merge pull requests after contributors have given the thumbs up (0 direct dependents; 8 downloads/day)
- hubot-lil-scripts - A hubot script that does the things (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- hulk-cut -
(0 direct dependents; 31 downloads/day)
- huracan - Monitor cyclones near Mexico shores (0 direct dependents; 3 downloads/day)
- imitation - A few testing helpers for mocking (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- indix-api-nodejs - Indix API NodeJS Client (0 direct dependents; 9 downloads/day)
- azure-search-client - Client for Azure Search (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- jcdecaux - JCDecaux API (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- jenkins-run - A test package for running jenkins through command line (0 direct dependents; 20 downloads/day)
- jest-playback - Record and playback http requests from your Jest tests (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- kinvey-javascript-sdk-core - Kinvey JavaScript SDK Core (0 direct dependents; 22 downloads/day)
- knockers - Slightly friendlier interface for nock (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day)
- lazycoder-page-loader -
](https://codeclimate.com (0 direct dependents; 2 downloads/day)
- lib-oauth-tooling - A simple typescript based oauth tooling library (0 direct dependents; 7 downloads/day)
- loggerware - An express middleware for application access and error logs (0 direct dependents; 11 downloads/day)
- logmein-webclient-be - LogmeIn web client backend Node.js module (0 direct dependents; 3 downloads/day)
- loopback-nodejs-client - (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day)
- luis-mocker - Http mocking for Luis.ai (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- mandre - Recast.AI official SDK in NodeJs (0 direct dependents; 11 downloads/day)
- markit-on-demand - Markit On Demand JS Lib (0 direct dependents; 7 downloads/day)
- memebot - An IRC bot that spits our random memes on request. (0 direct dependents; 5 downloads/day)
- metatags - Extract all metatags about a link (0 direct dependents; 5 downloads/day)
- microservice-toolkit - Toolkit to support the development of microservices developed in nodejs. (0 direct dependents; 5 downloads/day)
- anison - The best project ever. (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day)
- miperize - MIP up your plain HTML (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- mocha-nock-fixtures - A simple library that makes saving fixtures with nock and mocha easy. (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day)
- book-bugsnag - bugsnag logger for book (0 direct dependents; 10 downloads/day)
- zl-fetch-factory - Fetch-factory's copy (0 direct dependents; 14 downloads/day)
- ajaxjs - A small Ajax library. (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- botmaster-test - test utility for end to end testing with botmaster (0 direct dependents; 12 downloads/day)
- nalanpa-third-project - Page Loader -- Third learning project on Hexlet (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- nicoscraper - Scraping tool for NicoNico Douga (0 direct dependents; 3 downloads/day)
- nock-auto - Helpers for using
and generating API stubs from it. (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day) - nock-back-mocha - Thin wrapper around nock.back that uses different nock files for each test, and cleans up when the mocha test is done. (0 direct dependents; 5 downloads/day)
- calculus-cli - AWS Lambda CLI to quickly generate Nodejs Lambda functions along with a CI/CD pipeline. (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- nock-fixtures - Fixture loader for nock (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- nock-github-oauth - GitHub OAuth HTTP intercepts via nock. (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day)
- nock-hook - Convinient wrapper around Nock for HTTP testing (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day)
- nock-playback - Small helper for nock library to record definitions and play it back (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day)
- castleio-sdk - The castle.io SDK for Node.js (0 direct dependents; 14 downloads/day)
- cdc - Consumer Driven Contracts (CDC) (0 direct dependents; 21 downloads/day)
- chaudron - -> todo : remove LoadRoutes (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- chrysalis - The best module ever. (0 direct dependents; 5 downloads/day)
- cityhall - npm library for accessing City Hall Enterprise Settings Server (0 direct dependents; 2 downloads/day)
- nockable - Nock-style HTTP mocking using either nock or real servers (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- nockturnal -
is a test-helper module for mocha that wraps nock, enabling unit-testing 3rd party REST APIs on CI servers. (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day) - node-crawler-scraper - Simple and powerful crawler. It scraps content and collects links from websites using request or phantomjs. The whole magic and simplicity is behind configuration. (0 direct dependents; 2 downloads/day)
- node-madgex - node-madgex (0 direct dependents; 5 downloads/day)
- nodecube - nodecube is a batch of continuously updated base code and configurations for the minimal modern node.js service that conform to RESTful API, 12-Factor App, Microservice Architecture (0 direct dependents; 251 downloads/day)
- npd - Node Packages Deployer (0 direct dependents; 46 downloads/day)
- npm-collection-tools-for-testing - Useful modules for writing tests (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- ns1 - NS1.com JS API (0 direct dependents; 10 downloads/day)
- omnibus - A hybrid web service/node module that provides a clean API for accessing data concerning the activities of the US Congress. (0 direct dependents; 9 downloads/day)
- onlinepbx-telegram - Плагин для интеграции OnlinePbx и Telegram (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day)
- osmcal - Parser for OpenStreetMap Calendar (0 direct dependents; 3 downloads/day)
- api-caf - API CAF (0 direct dependents; 6 downloads/day)
- p-loader - Hexlet Project #3 (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- page-load - Hexlet project (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- page-loader-ultimate - project-lvl3-s97 (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- page-loader - Local saving of the web page (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- page-loader223 - Downloader of the pages (0 direct dependents; 10 downloads/day)
- api-key-validator - A package to easily validate api keys email, sms, push and web push service providers (0 direct dependents; 6 downloads/day)
- phoenix-cypto - node-http-signature (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- plucky-rest - rest plugin (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- pro3 - page loader (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- project-snowflake - a rendition and remix of chalda's DiscordBot (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- cognitive-luis-client - Client library for LUIS (Language Understanding Intelligent Service) (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- qrs-interact - A small javascript library to interact with the Qlik Sense Repository Service (0 direct dependents; 12 downloads/day)
- quadro -
- react-router-redux-example - react-router-redux example with universal rendering (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day)
- real-nock - Create stub HTTP servers that you can modify on the fly (0 direct dependents; 2 downloads/day)
- cognitive-speech-client - Client library for Bing Speech and Custom Speech (CRIS) APIs (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- replay-test-utils - This package is used to share repeated test code, or utils, that you find yourself copying across several microservices in replay project. (0 direct dependents; 12 downloads/day)
- resin-universal-http-mock - Mocks the
in Node.js and theXHR
in the browser (0 direct dependents; 2 downloads/day) - reveal-cli - Command line interface for RevealJS (0 direct dependents; 3 downloads/day)
- apish-fork - Mock APIs and Services from API Blueprint or Swagger (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- compy - component js boilerplate js project (0 direct dependents; 40 downloads/day)
- ro-dev-utils - A library of utilities meant for development (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- rrm - A non-relational "ORM" that sits atop Riak. (0 direct dependents; 6 downloads/day)
- safebrowsing - (Work in progress.) Client for the Google Safe Browsing API v3. (0 direct dependents; 2 downloads/day)
- satoshi-tv - Satoshi TV ========== (0 direct dependents; 5 downloads/day)
- confluent-client - A Javascript wrapper for the Confluent Kafka REST API (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- sendotp - Integrate sendotp (0 direct dependents; 22 downloads/day)
- setup-nocks - Helper module to automatically mock all routes in app for testing (0 direct dependents; 2 downloads/day)
- slack-mock - Slack API mocker (0 direct dependents; 7 downloads/day)
- streamstatsbots - A Discord bot (0 direct dependents; 2 downloads/day)
- suddenly - The tools that power Suddenly apps (0 direct dependents; 66 downloads/day)
- swagger-services - Swagger services helpers for microservices intercommunication (0 direct dependents; 6 downloads/day)
- syncer-sdk - SDK for syncer (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- apish - Mock APIs and Services from API Blueprint or Swagger (0 direct dependents; 15 downloads/day)
- consumr-rest - Consumr plugin for building REST API wrappers (0 direct dependents; 2 downloads/day)
- td - Node.js client for Treasure Data (0 direct dependents; 7 downloads/day)
- tidio-apps-api - Api for integrations & bots with Tidio (0 direct dependents; 5 downloads/day)
- tinderauth - Get your credentials for the Tinder API programatically (0 direct dependents; 6 downloads/day)
- tmt-helios-ui-bootstrapper - TMT Helios UI Bootstrapper Module (0 direct dependents; 38 downloads/day)
- twreporter-react-redux-registration - registration sginIn system (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- twreporter-registration - registration sginIn system (0 direct dependents; 14 downloads/day)
- vcr-proxy - A proxy that records and replay HTTP interractions (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- da-dashboard - Arhs-atlasBoard is an extension of Atlasboard from Atlassian. It allows to create dashboard, add/remove and configure widgets via the web interface. (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- vimeo-downloader - downloading and streming vimeo videos in pure javascript. (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day)
- watchtower-js - Monitors your site and posts outages to Slack. (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day)
- waybill-parser - A module to parse waybill using waybill masks (0 direct dependents; 2 downloads/day)
- webwx-api - web wechat helper (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- whispir-node-sdk - Node.js SDK for Whispir's Powerful Conversation API. (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- wordpress-client - WordPress XML-RPC client. (0 direct dependents; 4 downloads/day)
- wxmlerize - 支持wxml图像正常显示 (0 direct dependents; 0 downloads/day)
- yahoo-fantasy-without-auth - NodeJS wrapper for the Yahoo! Fantasy Sports API. Needed to implement Yahoo OAuth 2.0 flows in your own app (0 direct dependents; 6 downloads/day)
- data.js - data.js is a lightweight library providing a standardized interface for accessing data files and datasets. (0 direct dependents; 1 download/day)
- youbase - An Individual-Centric Cryptographic Data Store (0 direct dependents; 8 downloads/day)
- dev-babb - For dev (0 direct dependents; 2 downloads/day)
- modeify - Web TDM (0 direct dependents; 10 downloads/day)