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The goal of this project was to create a small GPS tracker powered by the smallest Arduino possible aka Arduino nano and the use of the famous MQTT protocol for integration with IBM Cloud. NODE-RED was also used to create some workflows in order to integrate the data generated by the GPStracker with other systems but this will not be covered here for now.

Getting Started

These instructions will try to help you build the project on your own.I will try to be quick and simple



Arduino nano(Any compatible board will do really)
SIM808 GPS/GSM Module
5V 2A DC power supply(SIM808 is really power hungry)


Arduino IDE

Configuring Hardware

SIM808 to Arduino

TX  -> PIN4
RX  -> PIN3
VIN -> 5V

You will have to make sure to have common GND for the Arduino and the SIM808
module, otherwise serial communication wont work. If you do see -1 or other
not comprehensible messages on the serial monitor check your GND connection.
Be aware that supplying less than 5V 2A will force the SIM808 module to shutdown
and restart making it impossible to acquire a GPS fix and a connection to the GSM network.

Configuring Software

GSM Connection

To achieve a gsm connection we will be using TinyGSMClient library.
You will have to find your sim provider APN settings and plug them like this

const char apn[]  = "";
const char user[] = "";
const char pass[] = "";

IBM Watson IoT Connection

To connect to the IBM Watson IoT you will need first an IBM Cloud account then you
will have to fill your credentials as shown below.

#define ORG "<your organization>"
#define DEVICE_TYPE "your-device-name"
#define DEVICE_ID "your-device-id"
#define TOKEN "<your-authMethod>"

const  char server[] = ORG "";
const  char topic[] = "iot-2/evt/status/fmt/json";
const  char authMethod[] = "use-token-auth";
char token[] = TOKEN;
char clientId[] = "d:" ORG ":" DEVICE_TYPE ":" DEVICE_ID;

I strongly suggest to take a look at the following documentation for further clarification:

MQTT connection

To connect to your mqtt broker of your choice supply the following credentials.
mqtt.setServer(server, 1883);

Use IBM Watson server as mqtt server
- - - - - - -  token  as mqtt password
               authMethod as mqtt authMethod

client.loop() is a function of the PubSubClient that keeps the connection alive and gives time to the client to
process any messages to be sent/received etc..                


Step 1:
Open sketch with Arduino IDE and upload it to your device.
After the uploading is complete open the serial monitor and set the baudrate (9600) of the Arduino IDE.
There you should see the attempt of the SIM808 to connect to your GSM network.
If it fails check that:

--You have a good power supply as aforementioned
--You have a common GND
--You have supplied the correct APN settings

Step 2:
If you succefully connect then move your device to an open area and allow your device some time to lock GPS signal.
If your GPS fails to acquire a GPS lock again check the following:

--You have a good power supply as aforementioned
--You have a common GND
--You are in an open area

Step 3:
If do acquire a GPS lock then the device will try to communicate with the provided MQTT broker every 10 seconds and
try to publish the acquired coordinates.
If it fails to publish to the MQTT broker provided that the above instructions are met then:

--Check your MQTT broker credentials. The device should not have a problem publishing messages thus this is a
 misconfiguration issue on your side and something that you will have to find out yourself.


Arduino nano issues

Due to limited SRAM 2KB you will have to make sure that less than 75% is used, otherwise you WILL face
unpredictable behaviour.

--Use EPROM for const variables
--Use Arduino board with bigger SRAM

SIM808 datasheet

Here you will find what each command does to the SIM808 Module what the blinking lights mean etc...


MQTT arduino gps tracker






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