An Open ROS Simulation Framework for TWR-Based Acoustic Localization of Underwater Robots: Design and Experimental Validation
by Fabian Steinmetz, Daniel Duecker, Nils Sichert, Christian Busse, Edwin Kreuzer, Christian Renner
implementation by Nils Sichert
Requirements for using the acoustic simulation from csv-files:
- ROS Noetic
- Python 3
git clone
additional requirements for using the acoustic simulation in Gazebo, with BlueRov as agent and ability to follow a path:
- QGroundControl
Structur should be: PX4-Autopilot catkin_ws
- build
- devel
- logs
- src
- bluerov_sim
- control
- hippocampus_sim
- hippocampus_msgs
- mavlink
- mavros
- path_planning
- acoustic_sim
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
Don't forget to rebuild your workspace, before running simulation in Gazebo!
There are 2 independent functionalities:
- set flag in acoustic_config: "RosRun":true
- launch simulation with following code:
roslaunch acoustic_sim simulation_path.launch vehicle_type:=bluerov use_external_controller:=true vehicle_name:=bluero
- set flag in acoustic_config: "RosRun":false set GPS-file path in acoustic_sim/src/acoustic_sim/
- run simulation by executing acoustic_sim/nodes/ or:
rosrun acoustic_sim
There are two config-files (acoustic simulation, filter settings): You can finde them: acoustic_sim/config/
- Timings
- SOS: speed of sound
- algortihm: alternating/ broadcast (MAC-protocoll)
- pollcircle: timetrgd (time triggered), lstAcktrgd (last Response and time triggered)
- TimeOut: time soundwave exists
"type": "[agent or anchor]",
"name": "[Name]",
"shortname": "[Shortname]",
"modem": {
"id": [INT],
"DelayTime": [Float],
"PacketReceptionRate": [Float between 1 = 100% and 0 = 0%],
"dst": "broadcast",
"position":[0.8, 2.55,-0.3]
- filterTyp: UKF/EKF selection of applied filter
- PredictFrequency: frequency of prediction iterations per second
- lengthDatabag: length of a Databag which record the last filter settings of the last few simulations runs; important for correcting the time step
- MeasErrLoc/ MeasErrScale: Mean and standard deviation [m] applied on prediction data
- beta, alpha, kappa, process noise, initial state, inital covariance, covarianz of measurements
- process noise, inital state, inital covariance, covarianz of measurements
If you have issues with installing the simulator or other questions, feel free to contact:
- Daniel Duecker: [email protected]
- Nils Sichert: [email protected]