Various object for Pure Data.
- n_canvas - object for draw primitives(lines, rect, ovals and other)
- n_clock~ - clock for sequencing
- n_cnvinfo - return canvas info
- n_date - return date
- n_demux~ - demultiplex 1 signal to 1-of-n outlets(analogy 'zexy/demux~')
- n_env - get and set environments(analogy 'hcs/setenv')
- n_img - image
- n_knob - image based knob
- n_matrix~ - audio matrix with many inputs and many outputs
- n_mux~ - multiplex 1-of-n signals to 1 outlet(analogy 'zexy/mux~')
- n_p2f - convert pitch to frequency(analogy 'mtof')
- n_peak~ - peak amplitude
- n_print - post messages(analogy 'print')
- n_r - receive with select source(analogy 'receive')
- n_random - get random number(analogy 'random')
- n_rec1p~ - record one period wave
- n_sysgui - interface to function "vsys_gui"(analogy 'hcs/sys_gui')
- n_ds~ - simply drum sampler
- n_sampler~ - audio sampler
- n_conv~ - convolver
- n_euklid - euklidian rhythms
- n_graincloud~ - granular synthesizer