A docker-based setup to build llama-cpp binaries:
- supports CUDA and CPU based builds
- cross-build for Linux x86_64 and arm64
Used as a base for nixiesearch/nixiesearch embedded llamacpp-server.
Create the build container:
docker build -t llamacpp-build:latest --platform=x86_64 .
Build the binary without CUDA:
docker run -i -t -e "LLAMACPP_GPU=false" -v ./llama.cpp:/llama.cpp llamacpp-server-bin:latest
OR with CUDA:
docker run -i -t -e "LLAMACPP_GPU=true" -v ./llama.cpp:/llama.cpp llamacpp-server-bin:latest
Resulting binaries are going to be found in llama.cpp/build/bin
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