A simple python script for parsing CASTEP output files especially for ELNES calculations.
This includes some functions for reading .cell, .castep, .bands, and .eels_mat files, calculating excitation energy, and forming core-loss spectra with Gaussian smearing.
- python (=>3)
- numpy
Clone this repository and run pip install
git clone https://github.com/nmdl-mizo/castep_elnes_parser.git
cd castep_elne_parser
pip intall .
or directry run pip install
pip install git+https://github.com/nmdl-mizo/castep_elnes_parser
This simple script contains several primitive functions for dealing with CASTEP files.
This script can extract energies and calculate the excitation energies from a pair of {seed_name}.castep files for the ground state (gs) and excited state (ex).
The label of the site of interest can be specified by element
and suffix
>>> !ls . # prepare two {seed_name}.castep files for ground state and excitated state
case_gs.castep case.castep
>>> import ceparser as cep
>>> # extract energies and calculate excitation energy for a site labelled as "C:ex"
>>> energies = cep.get_energies(filename_gs="./case_gs.castep", filename_ex="./case.castep", element="C", suffix=":ex")
This script can form spectra from a pair of {seed_name}.bands and {seed_name}.eels_mat files.
>>> !ls . # prepare {seed_name}.bands and {seed_name}.eels_mat
case_elnes.bands case_elnes.eels_mat
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import ceparser as cep
>>> # calculate gaussian smeared spectra of Gaussian sigma 0.3 eV
>>> energies = np.arange(-4.999, 30.002, 0.001) # make an array for energies with a desired range and resolution
>>> sp = cep.get_smeared_spectrum(energies=energies, sigma=0.3, calc_dir=".", seed_name="case_elnes") # parse and make spectra by gaussian smearing with sigma
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
>>> ax.set_xlabel("Energy (eV)")
>>> ax.set_ylabel("Intensity (arb. u.)")
>>> ax.plot(energies, sp[0, 0], label="x") # plot a spectrum for x component of the 1st core projection
>>> ax.plot(energies, sp[0, 1], label="y") # plot a spectrum for y component of the 1st core projection
>>> ax.plot(energies, sp[0, 2], label="z") # plot a spectrum for z component of the 1st core projection
>>> ax.plot(energies, np.mean(sp[0], axis=0), label="total") # plot a total spectrum of the 1st core projection
This script is tested on input and output files of CASTEP version 8 and may not be incompatible to other versions.
This code is citable through Zenodo with the following DOI:
In all papers using the CASTEP code, you should cite:
"First principles methods using CASTEP", Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie 220(5-6) pp. 567-570 (2005) S. J. Clark, M. D. Segall, C. J. Pickard, P. J. Hasnip, M. J. Probert, K. Refson, M. C. Payne
If you use get_energies() for calculating excitation energy, please consider to cite:
Mizoguchi, T.; Tanaka, I.; Gao, S.-P.; Pickard, C. J. "First-Principles Calculation of Spectral Features, Chemical Shift and Absolute Threshold of ELNES and XANES Using a Plane Wave Pseudopotential Method."
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 2009, 21 (10), 104204.
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The source code is licensed MIT.