"serve": "fe-cli-service serve",
"build": "fe-cli-service build",
"inspect": "fe-cli-service inspect"
based on Vue CLI service remake https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli
Research learning, simplified configuration, decoupled plug-ins, React support, etc
- Webpack upgraded to 5
- less/sass/stylus loader built-in
- The Babel Plugin has built-in generic configuration
- Packaging the ESLint/styelint configuration to simplify configuration
- The built-in Vue is extracted as a plug-in "@etherfe/cli-plugin-vue"
- Add Vue3 plugin "@etherfe/cli-plugin-vue3"
- Add React plugin "@etherfe/cli-plugin-react"
- Add Eslint version of the typescript "@etherfe/cli-plugin-typescript"
- Add Stylelint plugin "@etherfe/cli-plugin-eslint-stylelint"
- Optimize the plugin "@etherfe/cli-plugin-typescript"
- The environment file variable starts with "APP_"
- Added plugin run check prompt function
- Keep Webpack Configuration habits and use Plugin Configuration Decoupling
- Plug-in configuration has both global and local configuration capabilities
lintOnSave: 'default',
// Move to "global.eslintOptions.fix" or "@etherfe/cli-plugin-react.fix" of feConfig
publicPath: '/',
// please use "webpack.output.publicPath"
outputDir: 'dist',
// please use "webpack.output.path"
indexPath: 'index.html',
// removed
pages: undefined,
// please use "webpack.entry"
// entry: {
// pageA: './src/app.js',
// pageB: './src/adminApp.js'
// }
devServer: {},
// please use "webpack.devServer"
module.exports = ({ feConfig, chainWebpack } = {}) => {
// plugin configuration items
feConfig(config => {
// Prints configurable items for the current plug-in
// console.log(config)
return {
// global: {
// test: true, // Shared by all plug-ins
// // https://cli.vuejs.org/zh/config/
// assetsDir: '',
// filenameHashing: true,
// runtimeCompiler: false,
// transpileDependencies: [],
// productionSourceMap: true,
// parallel: true,
// crossorigin: undefined,
// integrity: false,
// css: {
// extract: true,
// modules: false,
// sourceMap: false,
// loaderOptions: {}
// },
// },
// 'local:fe-cli-plugin-test': { // !important
// test: true,
// }
// modify plug-ins chainConfig
chainWebpack(chain => {
// console.log(chain.toConfig())
// webpack raw config
return {
// mode: 'development',
// entry: {
// app: 'src/main.js',
// },
// output: {
// path: 'dist',
// publicPath: '/',
// },
// externals: {
// // npm module mapping cdn variable
// },
// module: {},
// plugins: [],
// devServer: {
// /*
// open: false,
// host: '',
// port: 8080,
// https: false,
// hotOnly: false,
// proxy: null, // string | Object
// before: app => {}
// */
// }
module.exports.skipPlugins = [
// 'local:fe-cli-plugin-test'
// .env
APP_1 = 1
APP_2 = 2
APP_3 = 3
// .env.development
APP_2 = 2dev
APP_3 = 3dev
// .env.production
APP_3 = 3pro
yarn build
console.log(process.env.APP_1) // 1
console.log(process.env.APP_2) // 2
console.log(process.env.APP_3) // 3pro