"Server25" is a very mysterious OS. It's quite slow, However it is advanced! Slow isnt ideal, but it is temporary! It will be faster overtime. Let's get into its features, current & coming soon!
Feature | Date Added | Implemented? |
Kernel | 03.21.2025 | Y |
Boot Screen | 03.21.2025 | Y |
Log-In Screen | - | N |
Basic Settings | - | N |
Basic Wallpapers | - | N |
Pacakge Manager | - | N |
Log-In Manager | - | N |
next up, is the....(drumroll pls)
this is the list of contributors!
Kenny | 肯尼 |
the goals of this project can be found here :3
Make it boot to server OR non-server version.
Make server version 1.0
Make non-server version 1.0
Make the server functional for web development.
More goals soon.