PlugMan is a Minecraft Paper Plugin that allows you to manage and download new plugins all in-game.
- Enable All Plugins: /enableall
- Disable All Plugins: /disableall
- Toggle Plugin on or off: /toggle [PluginName]
- Edit or Add Value to Config of other Plugin: /setconfig [PluginName] [Key] [Value]
- Download Plugin via URL: /downloadPlugin [URL] [FileName.jar]
- Reload Plugin: /reloadPlugin [Pluginname/*]
- View What Plugins you have Enabled/Disabled (Only Discord Bot): /plugins
- Upload locally stored plugins (Only Discord Bot): /uploadPlugin [File] [FileName.jar]
To use a DiscordBot you have to
- Create your Bot on the Discord Developer Portal
- Create the token.txt file in Server/plugins/PlugMan/
- Paste the Bot Token into the Text file
- Restart/Reload your Server
Currently, Only Users with the Administrator Permission or the Role "PluginPerms"(You have to create this one yourself, I recommend turning off all permissions and putting it at the bottom of the role list) can use Discord Commands.
- PlugMan.deleteconfig: /deleteconfig
- PlugMan.disableall: /disableall
- /downloadplugin
- PlugMan.enableall: /enableall
- PlugMan.reload: /reloadplugin
- PlugMan.setconfig: /setconfig
- PlugMan.toggle: /toggleplugin
If you want to contribute to this Project, create a fork and open a pull request after you have made your changes!