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nsdecicco committed Sep 18, 2017
0 parents commit 40b7403
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Showing 2 changed files with 386 additions and 0 deletions.
131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions getscopedat.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
function [data, t] = getscopedat(GPIB, Channel)
% MATLAB Driver for Inif(i)ium Scopes
% Last Update: 2.21.11
% Christopher Tilley, Philip Mease
% This function will access the oscilloscope that is located at GPIB
% address 'GPIB(1,1)' and board index 'GPIB(1,2)' and plot the current wave
% form being displayed on channel 'Channel'. The vector of amplitudes will
% be saved to the variable 'data', and the time vector will be saved to
% 't'.
% GPIB can be sent in two forms. If 'GPIB' is a single value variable then
% the function will interpuret 'GPIB' as the GPIB address of the scope and
% use the default board index of 8. If the user wishes to designate the
% board index for the GPIB board in the computer they are using then 'GPIB'
% must be saved as a 1x2 vector, where 'GPIB(1,1)' is the GPIB address of
% the instrument and 'GPIB(1,2)' is the board index of the GPIB adapter in
% the computer. This board index can be found by opening the Agilent
% Control Panel in Windows.
% The following are the acceptable syntax for this function:
% [data, t] = getscopedat(GPIB)
% This syntax uses the default channel 1 of the scope at GPIB
% address 'GPIB(1,1)' and board index 'GPIB(1,2)'
% eg (bi = 8, gpibaddY = 7): [d t] = getscopedat([7 8])
% [data, t] = getscopedat(GPIB, Channel)
% This syntax uses the channel 'Channel' of the scope at GPIB
% address 'GPIB(1,1)' and board index 'GPIB(1,2)'.

%Determine number of inputs provided by user
if nargin > 2, error('Invalid Number of Arguments for viewscope(). Please type help getscopedat for for proper syntax!'); end
if nargin < 2, Channel = 1; end
if nargin < 1, error('Invalid Number of Arguments for viewscope(). Must enter the GPIB Address of the Scope!'); end

%Create a variable name for the scope object
if (length(GPIB) > 1)
board = num2str(GPIB(1,2));
name = ['obj', num2str(GPIB(1,1))];
obj_name = genvarname(name);
board = '8';
name = ['obj', num2str(GPIB)];
obj_name = genvarname(name);

% Create a GPIB object:
eval([obj_name, ' = instrfind(','''Type''', ',', '''gpib''', ',', '''BoardIndex''', ',', '''', board, '''', ',', '''PrimaryAddress''', ',', num2str(GPIB(1,1)), ',', '''Tag''', ',', '''''', ');'])

% Create the GPIB object if it does not exist
% otherwise use the object that was found.
if isempty(eval(obj_name))
eval([obj_name, ' = gpib(', '''AGILENT''', ', ', board, ', ', num2str(GPIB(1,1)), ');']);
eval([obj_name, ' = ', obj_name, '(1)'])

%Set the Input Buffer size:
% NOTE: this is arbitrary until we check. But you cannot set this
% while the object is open... can only be set with objs closed.
ibs = 2100100;
set(eval(obj_name), 'InputBufferSize', ibs);

% POINts sets req memory depth
% WAVeform:POINts?
% WAVeform:PREamble? query for
% :ACQuire:POINts? returns val of mem depth ctrl
% :ACQuire:SRATe? returns current acquisition sa rate

%Open Scope

% Check memory:
memdepth = str2double(query(eval(obj_name),':ACQuire:POINts?'));
str = ['You are acquiring ', num2str(memdepth), ' points.']

if (memdepth >= ibs)
ibs = memdepth + 1; % update ibs to fit aquired data
open = instrfind('Status', 'open');
set(eval(obj_name), 'InputBufferSize', ibs);
fopen(eval(obj_name)); % Reopen the object now buffer is set correctly

%Set the Source of the Scope
%fprintf(eval(obj_name), ':ACQ:SRAT 500 E+4');
cha = [':WAVEFORM:SOURCE CHAN', num2str(Channel)];
fprintf(eval(obj_name), cha);

%Acquire X origin and X increment values
xorg = str2double(query(eval(obj_name),':WAVEFORM:XOR?'));
xinc = str2double(query(eval(obj_name),':WAVEFORM:XINC?'));

%Acquire Y origin and Y increment Values
yorg = str2double(query(eval(obj_name),':WAVEFORM:YOR?'));
yinc = str2double(query(eval(obj_name),':WAVEFORM:YINC?'));

%Setup the Scope for proper output format
fprintf(eval(obj_name), 'WAVEFORM:FORMAT BYTE');
fprintf(eval(obj_name), 'ACQUIRE:TYPE NORM');

%Instruct the scope to make current data available to acquire
fprintf(eval(obj_name), 'WAVEFORM:DATA?');
data1 = binblockread(eval(obj_name), 'int8');

%Create a time variable with the same lenght as "data"
t1 = 0:(length(data1)-1);

%Adjust data and time variables with x/y increments/origins
t = t1 * xinc + xorg;
data = data1 * yinc + yorg;


open = instrfind('Status', 'open');


255 changes: 255 additions & 0 deletions writefunc.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
function writefunc(GPIB, DATA, AMP, FRQ, OFFSET, TERM)

% Last Update: 1.23.09
% This function will write the waveform stored in the vector Data to the
% device located at the GPIB address 'GPIBAddy'. The waveform will be set
% the an Amplitude of 'AMP', a frequency of 'FRQ', and an offset of
% 'OFFSET'. The vector 'DATA' must be normalized to range between the
% values -1 to 1. The GPIB can be either a variable or vector. If GPIB is
% sent as a single value variable, then it will represent the GPIB address
% of the function generator that the signal is to be sent to. In lab 201
% this is 10 for the top function generator, and 11 for the bottom function
% generator. The board index for the GPIB card will then be assumed to be
% 8. Which is the case in lab 201. If the computer that this program is
% being run on has a different board index simply send a vector with 2
% columns and 1 row as 'GPIB'. The vale in 'GPIB(1,1)' will represent the
% GPIB address of the instrument you are trying to access. The value in
% 'GPIB(1,2)' will represent the board index for the GPIB card in the
% computer that you are using. You can find this information out by
% opening the Agilent IO Control or other control program for the
% instruments you are working on. This program will only work with Agilent
% technology at the moment.
% The Amplitude can range from 12.5mV to 10V (peak to peak).
% Depending on the wave contained in 'DATA', the function generator will
% adjust the maximum amplitude that can be used.
% In order to achieve the proper waveform, the vector that is specified by
% 'DATA' should represent the amplitudes of the wave for ONE period. If
% the wave is not periodic the vector should represent the amplitudes from
% the begining of the wave to the end of the wave. The function generator
% will then repeat this wave (essentially making the wave periodic).
% Another point to consider, if you start your time interval at 0 and have
% your end point at the first period of your wave, you are effectively
% adding one to many points to the vector 'DATA' which will be visably
% noticable when constructing waves with a low number of data points, but
% will not be able to be noticed when using a high number of data points.
% Although you can not see this inperfection in your wave, it will throw
% off any data collected by the oscilloscope or other data collection
% tools. In order to avoid this problem, simply subtract the last point
% off your time interval vector before solving your wave vector. For
% example:
% If my wave has a period of 2 seconds, T1 = 2, and I want to
% construct a time vector with 8000 points my time vector would
% originally look like this:
% t = [0:2/8000:2]'; {WRONG FOR THIS PROGRAM}
% This will result in that extra time step being incorporated into
% your 'DATA' vector. To avoid it simply change your time vector to
% the following:
% t = [0:2/8000:2-(2/8000)]'; {CORRECT FOR THIS PROGRAM}
%The following are the correct versions of the syntax that can be used with
% writefunc(GPIB, DATA)
% This syntax will output the data to the device located at GPIB
% address 'GPIBAddy'. The vector 'DATA' must be normalized to be
% in the range of -1 to 1. If it is not, an error will be
% reported. The following will be used as default settings for
% the other inputs: Amplitude: 1 Vpp, Frequency: 1 kHz, Offset:
% 0 Vpp. The output termination is set to the default value of
% 50 Ohms.
% writefunc(GPIB, DATA, AMP)
% This syntax will output the data to the device located at GPIB
% address 'GPIBAddy'. The amplitude of the wave will be set to
% 'AMP'. This is a peak to peak value, which means if 'AMP' =
% 10, then Vmax = 5 Volts and Vmin = -5 Volts. The vector 'DATA'
% must be normalized to be in the range of -1 to 1. If it is
% not, an error will be reported. The following defaults will be
% used for the other inputs: Frequency: 1 kHz, Offset: 0 Vpp.
% writefunc(GPIB, DATA, AMP, FRQ)
% This syntax will output the data to the device located at GPIB
% address 'GPIBAddy'. The amplitude of the wave will be set to
% 'AMP'. This is a peak to peak value, which means if 'AMP' =
% 10, then Vmax = 5 Volts and Vmin = -5 Volts. The vector 'DATA'
% must be normalized to be in the range of -1 to 1. If it is
% not, an error will be reported. The frequency of the wave will
% be set to the value 'FRQ'. The following will be used as a
% default for the offset: 0 Vpp.
% writefunc(GPIB, DATA, AMP, FRQ, OFFSET)
% This syntax will output the data to the device located at GPIB
% address 'GPIBAddy'. The amplitude of the wave will be set to
% 'AMP'. This is a peak to peak value, which means if 'AMP' =
% 10, then Vmax = 5 Volts and Vmin = -5 Volts. The vector 'DATA'
% must be normalized to be in the range of -1 to 1. If it is
% not, an error will be reported. The frequency of the wave will
% be set to the value 'FRQ' and with an offset of 'OFFSET'.
% This syntax does the same as the above, but allows the user to
% set the output termination of the function generator. There
% are only 2 valid entries for this 50 or INF (case does matter).
% If the value of 'DATA' is one of the following:
% Then the program will switch the function generators output to the
% specified wave type. The amplitude, frequency and offset will be set
% according to the inputs of the function unless not specified, which
% will result in the default settings listed above.

%Determine the number of arguments sent to the function and set the missing
%values to their default settings.
if nargin < 6, TERM = 50; end
if nargin < 5, OFFSET = 0; end
if nargin < 4, FRQ = 1000; end
if nargin < 3, AMP = 1; end

if nargin < 2, error('Incorrect Syntax. Must have at least 2 arguments for function to be proper'); end
if nargin > 6, error('Incorrect Syntax. Must have 5 or fewer arguments'); end

% Generate object name for the function generator.
if (length(GPIB) > 1)
board = num2str(GPIB(1,2));
name = ['obj', num2str(GPIB(1,1))];
obj_name = genvarname(name);
board = '8';
name = ['obj', num2str(GPIB)];
obj_name = genvarname(name);

% Create a GPIB object for the Function Generator
eval([obj_name, ' = instrfind(','''Type''', ',', '''gpib''', ',', '''BoardIndex''', ',', '''', board, '''', ',', '''PrimaryAddress''', ',', num2str(GPIB(1,1)), ',', '''Tag''', ',', '''''', ');'])

% Create the GPIB object if it does not exist
% otherwise use the object that was found.
if isempty(eval(obj_name))
eval([obj_name, ' = gpib(', '''AGILENT''', ', ', board, ', ', num2str(GPIB(1,1)), ');']);
eval([obj_name, ' = ', obj_name, '(1)'])

set(eval(obj_name), 'OutputBufferSize', 1048576);
set(eval(obj_name), 'Timeout', 120);

% Connect to instrument object, fungen.


% Manipulate the inputs to prepare them to be sent to the Function
% Generator.

if ischar(DATA)
DATA = upper(DATA);
if (strncmp(DATA, 'SIN', 3))
%Changes the output of the Function Generator to a Sine wave with the
%characteristics supplied by the user (or defaults if none are sent to
output = ['APPL:SIN ', num2str(FRQ), ',', num2str(AMP), ',', num2str(OFFSET)];
fprintf(eval(obj_name), output);
elseif (strncmp(DATA, 'SQU', 3))
%Changes the output of the Function Generator to a Square wave with the
%characteristics supplied by the user (or defaults if none are sent to
output = ['APPL:SQU ', num2str(FRQ), ',', num2str(AMP), ',', num2str(OFFSET)];
fprintf(eval(obj_name), output);
elseif (strncmp(DATA, 'TRI', 3))
%Changes the output of the Function Generator to a Triangle wave with the
%characteristics supplied by the user (or defaults if none are sent to
output = ['APPL:TRI ', num2str(FRQ), ',', num2str(AMP), ',', num2str(OFFSET)];
fprintf(eval(obj_name), output);
elseif (strncmp(DATA, 'RAMP', 4))
%Changes the output of the Function Generator to a Ramp wave with the
%characteristics supplied by the user (or defaults if none are sent to
output = ['APPL:RAMP ', num2str(FRQ), ',', num2str(AMP), ',', num2str(OFFSET)];
fprintf(eval(obj_name), output);
error('Incorrect String value for DATA. Options are SIN, SQU, RAMP or TRI');
% Create a string using inputed vector. Each field will be seperated
% with a comma followed by a white space.
mstring = '';
for i=1:length(DATA)
string = num2str(DATA(i));
mstring = [mstring, ', ', string];

%Concatinates the command word onto the string of values
output = ['DATA VOLATILE', mstring];

%Put Function Generator in proper Mode
fprintf(eval(obj_name), 'FUNC:SHAP USER');

% Write data to volatile memory in function generator:
disp('Please wait, this might take up to 1.5 minutes!!!');
fprintf(eval(obj_name), output);

% Make function generator output waveform in volatile memory:
fprintf(eval(obj_name), 'FUNC:USER VOLATILE');

% Set the Amplitude of the wave to the specified amount
amp = ['VOLT ', num2str(AMP)];
fprintf(eval(obj_name), amp);

% Set the Frequency of the wave to the specified amount
freq = ['FREQ ', num2str(FRQ)];
fprintf(eval(obj_name), freq);

% Set the Offset of the wave to the specified amount
off = ['VOLT:OFFS ', num2str(OFFSET)];
fprintf(eval(obj_name), off);

if (ischar(TERM))
TERM = upper(TERM);
if (strcmp(TERM, 'INF'))
load = ['OUTP:LOAD ', TERM];
fprintf(eval(obj_name), load);
error('Incorrect value for output Termination. Must be either 50 or INFinity');
if (TERM == 50)
fprintf(eval(obj_name), 'OUTP:LOAD 50');
error('Incorrect value for output Termination. Must be either 50 or INFinity');

open = instrfind('Status', 'open');

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