This two factor authentication provider creates 6-digit random authentication codes and sends them to the user's primary email address.
Currently this app must be installed by an admin and must be enabled by the user. It currently uses the primary email address set in 'Personal info' and cannot be activated if none is set there. There is an issue that argues that using the primary notification address poses a security risk (to be discussed).
It currently cannot be used on first login when two-factor authentication is enforced (not implemented yet). It might be enhanced to enable admins to enforce 2FA via email for new (and existing?) users. Any pull requests or offers to help are welcome, please contact the maintainer (see wiki).
The easiest way to install this app is to select "Apps" from the menu (as admin) and search for "two", then install it (which will retrieve it from the App Store).
The version 2.x ("v2") of this app was not updated for quite a while and left admins and their users in an uncomfortable situation. I am sorry for that and try not to let that happen again. This app was never and is not abandoned. But it is merely in a feature freeze state. I will just make sure it's secure¹ and works for officially supported Nextcloud versions.
¹Security: I am aware that this app has npm security warnings when building it. This in not due to my code but due to Nextcloud dependencies still relying on vue2, which is EOL since end of 2023 (and that EOL was annonced more than a year before that). When resolving dependencies, packages are used that do have known issues. Most of them are development dependencies "only" (meaning that potentially vulnerable code is not in the build code, but only used when building it) - with one notable exception: vue2.
So, I ask all volunteers to work with Nextcloud projects to get rid of vue2. If you want to enhance this app, please contact me, and put your efforts in the version 3 ("v3") of this app, which now lives in my company's repository datenschutz-individuell/twofactor_email.