This is an application that lets Users create, view and modify diary entries.
Project is currently being built with the Project Management Tool, Pivotal Tracker. You can find the template at
API is deployed at
- ESLint - Linter Tool
- Babel - Compiler for ES6 Javascript
- Mocha - JavaScript Test Framework for API Tests
- Chai - TDD/BDD Assertion Library for Node
- View landing page
- Create account
- Login
- Create diary entries
- View diary entries
- View a single diary entries
- Modify diary entries
- Delete diary entries
- Add Notification to make a new entry
- git clone MY_DIARY
- Run npm install to install packages
- Run npm run build to build the project
- Run npm start to start the server
- Navigate to localhost:3000 in a browser to access the application
- Postman - API Toolchain
- After installing as shown above
- Navigate to localhost:3000 in Postman to access the application
After installing as shown
Run npm test
It will lint code, run test and display coverage data as generated by nyc
You can run npm run start:serve in development to use Babe-Node
Babe-Node helps to compile es6 codes to es5 before running the server.