#Project Proposal A web application that provides context for the artists listed in the Billy Rose Theater Collection at the New York Public Library Digital Collection.
##Use Case For any researcher or student who finds a picture in the current collection, the images are labeled with the person's name, but also no other identifying information is available.
Currrently, you can view a picture like this one: http://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/707ded43-45bd-be59-e040-e00a18066cf0
But there is no information about this person. #####Who was she? What plays or films did she make?
A quick google search shows her Broadway Database Page: http://ibdb.com/person.php?id=15075
And her Broadway World Credits: http://www.broadwayworld.com/people/Terese-Hayden/
And her IMDB Page: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4067275/
##Solution Using the NYPL API, the Wikimedia API, the IMDB api, I will create a website that would allow a user to have a greater context for an actor. This information would be nicely formatted, and would provide more context to the photo of the production.
The website will be hosted for free and will be open-access.
##User Stories
As a fan of a particular performer, I want be able to see information and images from multiple websites so I don't have to visit multiple sites
As a historian, I want to be able to bookmark, save and store multiples actors, so that I can refer to the research
As actor, I want to be able to see their productions so I can research historical productions and choices.
As a librarian, I want to be able to see call numbers so that I can find materials in my library and other libraries.
As student of acting, I want to be able to see how career paths move between theater and film, so that I can see when/how/where actors can make that transition.