This is a very simple example of how to create a text messenger app for use with twilio and heroku built with the Ruby on Rails framework.
To get this app working, you will need to:
- sign up for twilio and get an sms capable number
- signup for heroku and install the CLI toolbelt
- create a new heroku app:
$ heroku create
- deploy:
$ git push heroku master
- migrate your database:
$ heroku run rake db:schema:load
- set the following keys in your production environment:
- MESSENGER_TWILIO_SID (your twilio sid)
- MESSENGER_TWILIO_SECRET_TOKEN (your twilio secret token)
- MESSENGER_TWILIO_NUMBER (the twilio number you are using)
- Example usage:
$ heroku config:set MESSENGER_TWILIO_SID=12345
That's it. Have fun.