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SQuery Plugin

SQuery is an apex plugin that helps you to create dynamic soql queries with a structural and flexible way. It also allows you to enforce field/object level securities while you are running your queries besides that it adds the package prefixes to custom objects and its custom fields that you use in your queries.


Installation to your scratch org.

# Set the defaultdevhubusername
sfdx force:config:set defaultdevhubusername=<yourdevhubusername>
# Create a new scratch org if you don't already have it 
sfdx force:org:create -f config/project-scratch-def.json -a squery-org
# push the source code to your scractch org
sfdx force:source:push -u [email protected]
# open your org.
sfdx force:org:open -u [email protected]

Installation to your non-scratch org(s).

# Login your developer or sandbox org with the following sfdx command
sfdx force:auth:web:login --setalias my-dev-org
# Deploy the source code to your org
sfdx force:source:deploy -p force-app -u my-dev-org 


Select query fields

You can select query fields by using addFields methods. you can either give comma separated fields or a List of fields as an argument. If you do not add any fields to your query, Squery adds the Id field of that given sobject as a default.

List<Account> accounts= new SQuery('Account')
//or you can send a list of fields to addFields method
//also Squery can be initialized by an SobjectType
List<Account> accounts= new SQuery(Account.SObjecType)
    .addFields(new List<String>{'Id','Name,AccountSource'})

//this is equivalent to List<Account> accounts = [SELECT Id,Name,AccountSource From Account];

Enforce Object/Field Level Security

The following query will enforce field level securities. If the running user has no permission to read one of the fields in the query, Squery will throw a permission error.

List<Account> accounts= new SQuery('Account')

Select all fields

This will select all fields that belongs to specified object type.

List<Account> accounts= new SQuery(Account.SObjectType)

Select fields by given Field Set

The following code will query the fields that are specified in field_set_name fieldset that is created for Account object.

List<Account> accounts = new SQuery(Account.SObjectType)

Select Parent Fields

In order for selecting parent fields, you must leverage the addParentField() or addParentFields() method.

String query = new SQuery('Case')
  .toSoql(); //toSoql method return the generated query as string 

System.assertEquals(query,'SELECT Id,Subject,Type,Status,Account.Name,Owner.Email FROM Case');


String query = new SQuery('Case')
  .toSoql(); //toSoql method return the generated query as string 

System.assertEquals(query,'SELECT Id,Subject,Type,Status FROM Case LIMIT 100');

Offset usage

String query = new SQuery('Case')
  .toSoql(); //toSoql method return the generated query as string 

System.assertEquals(query,'SELECT Id,Subject,Type,Status FROM Case LIMIT 100 OFFSET 10');

Add Order BY statement

orderBy method accepts two arguments, first param is field API name , second param is SortDirection enum type, available enum types are; SortDirection.ASCENT,SortDirection.DESCENT,SortDirection.ASC_NULL_LAST,SortDirection.DESC_NULL_LAST

List<Account> = new SQuery('Account')

// It is equivalent to
// List<Account> accounts = 
  // Database.query('SELECT Id,Name,CreatedDate FROM Account ORDER BY CreatedDate ASC,Name DESC');

Get Record By Id

The following code will return the account by given Id.

String accountId = '0010Y00000rFprSQAS';
String query = new SQuery('Account')
System.assertEquals('SELECT Id,Name,CreatedDate FROM Account WHERE Id ='\'0015C00000M7IEwQAN'\'',query);

It is possible to fetch all account records by the given list of Id

List<Id> idList = new List<String>{'0010Y00000rFprSQAS','0010Y00000DWdKIQA1'};
String query = new SQuery('Account')

// the query is equivalent to
// SELECT Id,Name,CreatedDate FROM Account WHERE Id IN ('0015C00000M7IEwQAN','0010Y00000DWdKIQA1')

Adding conditions to your query

addCondition method provides you a way of adding a condition(s) to your queries. This method only accepts a class instance that is extended by the Condition class which can be either Field, AndCondition or OrCondition classes.

String query = new SQuery(Contact.SObjectType)
    .addCondition(new Field('FirstName').equals('John'))
    .addCondition(new Field('LastName').equals('Doe'))
// the query is equivalent to
// SELECT Id,FirstName,LastName From Contact WHERE FirstName='John' AND LastName='Doe'

Grouping Conditions

If you want to group your conditions you can leverage the AndCondition or OrCondition class, which are extended by the Condition class, so that it can be passed to addCondition method as condition argument.

List<Account> accounts = new SQuery('Account')
  .addFields(new List<String>{'Name','AccountSource','AnnualRevenue','NumberOfEmployees'})
    new andCondition()
      .add(new Field('AccountSource').equals('Web'))
        new orCondition()
          .add(new Field('Rating').equals('Hot'))
          .add(new Field('AnnualRevenue').greaterThan(1500000))
//it is equivalent to
  SELECT Name,AccountSource,AnnualRevenue,NumberOfEmployees FROM Account
  WHERE ( AccountSource = 'Web' AND (Rating = 'Hot' OR AnnualRevenue > 1500000))

Adding Sub-Queries

String query =
  new SQuery('Account')
          //Param1 : sObjectType of query object
          //Param2 : Child Relationship API Name
          new SQuery(Opportunity.SObjectType,'Opportunities')
              .addCondition(new Field('Amount').greaterThan(50000))
    'SELECT ID,Name,AccountSource,(SELECT Id,Amount,StageName FROM Opportunities WHERE Amount>50000 ) FROM Account');


Field class helps you to filter query records based on the condition. Since the Field class is extended by the Condition class, it can be used as an argument in addCondition methods which only accepts Condition class You can instantiate a field class by giving the Field API name as String or SobjectField type.

String query = new SQuery(Contact.SObjectType)
    .addCondition(new Field('FirstName').contains('John'))

// the query is equivalent to
// SELECT Id,FirstName,LastName From Contact WHERE FirstName LIKE '%John%'

Field class methods

  • equals(Object value)
  • notEquals(Object value)
  • lessThan(Object value)
  • lessThanOrEqual(Object value)
  • greaterThan(Object value)
  • greaterThanOrEqual(Object value)
  • isLike(Object value)
  • startWith(Object value)
  • endWith(object value)
  • contains(object value)
  • includes(object value)
  • excludes(object value)
  • isIN(Object value)
  • notIN(object value)
  • isNull(object value)
  • isNotNull(object value)

and toSoql() method that returns the completed condition as filter string.


// Name = 'John'
new Field('Name').equals('John');
// Name != 'John'
new Field('Name').notEquals('John');
// Amount < 5000
new Field(Opportunity.Amount).lessThan(5000); 
//For the date fields you can either pass a Date type or DateLiteral enum type
// CreatedDate < YESTERDAY
new Field('CreatedDate').lessThan(DateLiteral.YESTERDAY); 
// CreatedDate < 2019-1-18
new Field('CreatedDate').lessThan(;
// AnnualRevenue <= 1500000
new Field(Account.AnnualRevenue).lessThanOrEqual(1500000);
// AnnualRevenue > 1500000
new Field(Account.AnnualRevenue).greaterThan(1500000);
// AnnualRevenue >= 1500000
new Field(Account.AnnualRevenue).greaterThanOrEqual(1500000);
// FirstName LIKE '%John%'
new Field(Contact.FirstName).isLike('%John%');
// FirstName LIKE 'John%'
new Field(Contact.FirstName).startWith('Jan');
// FirstName LIKE '%John'
new Field(Contact.FirstName).endWith('Doe');
// FirstName LIKE '%John%'
new Field(Contact.FirstName).contains('Doe');
// Custom_MultiSelectPicklist_Field__c INCLUDES ('itemA;itemB')
new Field(Custom_Object_Name__c.Custom_MultiSelectPicklist_Field__c).includes('itemA;itemB');
// Custom_MultiSelectPicklist_Field__c EXCLUDES ('itemA;itemB')
new Field(Custom_Object_Name__c.Custom_MultiSelectPicklist_Field__c).excludes('itemA;itemB');
// ID IN ('0015C00000M7IMRQA3','0015C00000M7IEwQAN')
new Field(Account.Id).isIN(new List<Id>{ '0015C00000M7IMRQA3','0015C00000M7IEwQAN'});
// ID NOT IN ('0015C00000M7IMRQA3','0015C00000M7IEwQAN')
new Field(Account.Id).notIN(new List<Id>{ '0015C00000M7IMRQA3','0015C00000M7IEwQAN'}); 
// FirstName = NULL
new Field(Contact.FirstName).isNull();
// FirstName != NULL
new Field(Contact.FirstName).isNotNull();


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