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AWS IaC Igniter

From root to routine.


You have a pristine AWS account that is owned exclusively by you. This is not an AWS account that your enterprise provisioned for you. You can sign in as the root user and no other users exist.

Manual AWS Management Console Steps

  1. Go to your Security credentials settings and add an MFA device to the root user.

    Any account-local unique name is fine. We assume mfa-root for this document.

  2. In the IAM console, create a new User.

    Any account-local unique name is fine. We assume igniter for this document.
    This user DOES NOT have AWS Management Console access.

    Attach policies directly, and select the AdministratorAccess policy.

  3. Add an MFA device to the igniter user.

    Any account-local unique name is fine. We assume mfa-igniter for this document.

  4. Add an Access key to the igniter user.

    Use the Download .csv file button to grab the credentials. We assume the file is called igniter_accessKeys.csv.

    Add the missing User Name field to the first line of the .csv file, and add the user name on the second line in the same column.

    Import the credentials into a new AWS CLI v2 profile:

    aws configure import --csv file://igniter_accessKeys.csv

    Verify setup with aws --profile igniter sts get-caller-identity

  5. Use to establish a temporary session.

    Verify setup with aws --profile igniter-mfa sts get-caller-identity


Don't skip switching over to the MFA session. We will break the ability to operate in single-factor-authenticated sessions during further setup.

IaC Backend Deployment

Deploy a new IaC state storage backend using iac-aws-bootstrap:

AWS_PROFILE=igniter-mfa AWS_REGION=eu-west-1 terraform apply
./ >
  1. If you haven't already, take note of the id of the seed for your backend:

    terraform output seed
  2. Copy the to the terraform folder in this workspace.

Next steps

  1. Deploy the configuration in the terraform folder.

    AWS_PROFILE=igniter-mfa AWS_REGION=eu-west-1 \
        terraform init && \
        terraform apply -var="github_owner=owner/repo"
  2. Prepare the handover to GitHub IaC management.

    terraform output github
  3. Create a new repository secret named IAC_ARN and put the github.role_arn inside the secret.

  4. Create a new repository secret named IAC_SEED and put the inside the secret.