What's Changed
- fix git default branch by @rokej in #71
- Update channel version and remove redunant file by @mikeshng in #72
- Update dependencies by @mikeshng in #73
- Include kind in appsubStatus and appsubReport structs by @philipwu08 in #74
- Use updated e2e tests by @philipwu08 in #75
- Run Git channel dryruns even if commit didn't change by @philipwu08 in #76
- add app labels to subscription by @rokej in #77
- Cleanup deployables for old subscriptions by @philipwu08 in #78
- Remove DNS check for Helm subscription by @mikeshng in #79
- appstatus deployed on the local-cluster should have the same appsub name by @xiangjingli in #80
- Update dependencies to use the most recent Go libs by @philipwu08 in #82
- set default value for helmrelease chart directory by @mikeshng in #83
- Cleanup Go lib dependencies by @philipwu08 in #84
- check other cluster role bindings for subscription admin by @rokej in #86
- Use ManifestWork delete policy to keep the managed cluster appsub namespace by @mikeshng in #87
- code refactoring by @rokej in #89
- Remove cleanup of deployables by @philipwu08 in #88
- Allow appsub controllers to be able to run outside of cluster by @xiangjingli in #90
- Add agent-install-all flag to subscription addon by @ivan-cai in #91
- Only detect if the placementDecsion API is ready on the hub cluster by @xiangjingli in #94
- fix memory leak from helm chart dry runs by @rokej in #95
- Show error when Helm subscription failed to find any matching Helm chart. for deployment. by @mikeshng in #96
- Skip getting PlacementRule in PlacementDecision sync. by @mikeshng in #93
- Build related updates by @mikeshng in #99
- Support installation of app mgr addon on managed clusters by @philipwu08 in #100
- add mergeAndOwn option by @rokej in #101
- fix mergeAndOwn and error status report by @rokej in #102
- handle channel and secret namespace changes between hub and managed by @rokej in #103
- fix minor misplacement by @vMaroon in #98
- Update the Policy Generator to v1.5.0 by @mprahl in #104
- Create ClusterManagementAddon CR for application-manager by @philipwu08 in #105
- Simplify Ansible integration example by @mikeshng in #107
- Add ansiblejob e2e test. by @mikeshng in #108
- placement API upgrade to v1beta1 by @rokej in #109
- Use agent image from env var OPERAND_IMAGE_MULTICLUSTER_OPERATORS_SUB… by @philipwu08 in #110
- upgrade addon-framework to the latest version by @zhiweiyin318 in #111
- Use git-core package instead of git in Docker image by @philipwu08 in #112
- Add Ansible post hook only example by @mikeshng in #113
- not install addon CRDs in hub cluster by @zhiweiyin318 in #115
- fix the pre-delete job no namespace filed by @zhiweiyin318 in #117
- Fix Ansible posthook not creating AnsibleJob CR by @mikeshng in #114
- use manualSelector for job in addon by @zhiweiyin318 in #119
- Add e2e helm repo for future e2e tests by @mikeshng in #120
- Create one ManagedClusterView per app on the first failing cluster by @xiangjingli in #121
- Perform dry-run Helm operations before action operations by @mikeshng in #122
- fix sonarcloud warning - Implicit memory aliasing in for loop by @xiangjingli in #123
- Fix e2e: after applying changes, not waiting enough by @mikeshng in #128
- Update the Policy Generator to v1.6.0 by @ChunxiAlexLuo in #127
- update doc according to latest code by @jichenjc in #124
- nit: fix log (error => info) by @jichenjc in #126
- return true if both allowed is false and denied is false in SubjectAc… by @xiangjingli in #132
- Add appsub status reference to subcription CRD by @philipwu08 in #133
- include helmrelease in appsubstatus by @mikeshng in #136
- Add placement rule status controller by @mikeshng in #135
- update doc to align with latest code by @jichenjc in #137
- Fix cluster override not handling ownerref properly by @mikeshng in #138
- show version in the status as well by @mikeshng in #139
- Evaluate user access to managed cluster by selfSubjectAccess with Imp… by @xiangjingli in #140
- cve fix by @xiangjingli in #141
- Update lastUpdateTime for appsub on reconcile by @philipwu08 in #142
- Hub cluster helm dry run should not fail subscription propgation by @mikeshng in #146
- fix git clone error status by @rokej in #145
- ServiceAccount type subscription-admin role binding by @rokej in #147
- subscription addon support v1beta1 CSR (update addon-framework to v0.3.0) by @ivan-cai in #148
New Contributors
- @philipwu08 made their first contribution in #74
- @ivan-cai made their first contribution in #91
- @vMaroon made their first contribution in #98
- @ChunxiAlexLuo made their first contribution in #127
- @jichenjc made their first contribution in #124
Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.7.0
multicloud-operators-subscription v0.7.0
- See the CHANGELOG for more details.
- The released image is quay.io/open-cluster-management/multicloud-operators-subscription:v0.7.0