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The component is moved to the ocm as this task of consolidating code is going, please follow the CONTRIBUTING Guidence in the ocm to contribute.


Support a primitive that enables resources to be applied to a managed cluster.


Work agent

Work agent is a controller running on the managed cluster. It watches the ManifestWorks CRs in a certain namespace on hub cluster and applies the manifests included in those CRs on the managed clusters.

Work webhook

Work webhook is an admission webhook running on hub cluster to ensure the content of ManifestWorks created/updated are valid.

Getting Started


These instructions assume:

  • You have at least one running kubernetes cluster;
  • The name of the managed cluster is cluster1;


Deploy on one single cluster

Set environment variables.

export KUBECONFIG=</path/to/kubeconfig>

Override the docker image (optional)

export IMAGE_NAME=<your_own_image_name> # export

And then deploy work webhook and work agent

make deploy

Deploy on two clusters

Set environment variables.

  • Hub and managed cluster share a kubeconfig file
    export KUBECONFIG=</path/to/kubeconfig>
    export HUB_KUBECONFIG_CONTEXT=<hub-context-name>
    export SPOKE_KUBECONFIG_CONTEXT=<spoke-context-name>
  • Hub and managed cluster use different kubeconfig files.
    export HUB_KUBECONFIG=</path/to/hub_cluster/kubeconfig>
    export SPOKE_KUBECONFIG=</path/to/managed_cluster/kubeconfig>

Set cluster ip if you are deploying on KIND clusters.

export CLUSTER_IP=<host_name/ip_address>:<port> # export CLUSTER_IP=hub-control-plane:6443

You can get the above information with command below.

kubectl --kubeconfig </path/to/hub_cluster/kubeconfig> -n kube-public get configmap cluster-info -o yaml

Override the docker image (optional)

export IMAGE_NAME=<your_own_image_name> # export

And then deploy work webhook and work agent

make deploy

What is next

After a successful deployment, a namespace cluster1 is created on the hub cluster. You are able to create ManifestWorks in this namespace, and the workload will be distributed to the managed cluster and then be applied by the work agent.

Create a manifest-work.yaml as shown in this example:

kind: ManifestWork
  name: hello-work
  namespace: cluster1
    app: hello
      - apiVersion: apps/v1
        kind: Deployment
          name: hello
          namespace: default
              app: hello
                app: hello
                - name: hello
                  command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "Hello, Kubernetes!" && sleep 3600']

Apply the yaml file to the hub cluster.

kubectl --kubeconfig </path/to/hub_cluster/kubeconfig> apply -f manifest-work.yaml

Verify that the ManifestWork resource was applied to the hub.

kubectl --kubeconfig </path/to/hub_cluster/kubeconfig> -n cluster1 get manifestwork/hello-work -o yaml
kind: ManifestWork
    app: hello
  name: hello-work
  namespace: cluster1
  ... ...
    - lastTransitionTime: '2021-06-15T02:26:02Z'
      message: Apply manifest work complete
      reason: AppliedManifestWorkComplete
      status: 'True'
      type: Applied
    - lastTransitionTime: '2021-06-15T02:26:02Z'
      message: All resources are available
      reason: ResourcesAvailable
      status: 'True'
      type: Available
      - conditions:
          - lastTransitionTime: '2021-06-15T02:26:02Z'
            message: Apply manifest complete
            reason: AppliedManifestComplete
            status: 'True'
            type: Applied
          - lastTransitionTime: '2021-06-15T02:26:02Z'
            message: Resource is available
            reason: ResourceAvailable
            status: 'True'
            type: Available
          group: apps
          kind: Deployment
          name: hello
          namespace: default
          ordinal: 0
          resource: deployments
          version: v1

As shown above, the status of the ManifestWork includes the conditions for both the whole ManifestWork and each of the manifest it contains. And there are two condition types:

  • Applied. If true, it indicates the whole ManifestWork (or a particular manifest) has been applied on the managed cluster; otherwise reason/message of the condition will show more information for troubleshooting.
  • Available. If true, it indicates the corresponding Kubernetes resources of the whole ManifestWork (or a particular manifest) are available on the managed cluster; otherwise reason/message of the condition will show more information for troubleshooting

Check on the managed cluster and see the Pod has been deployed from the hub cluster.

kubectl --kubeconfig </path/to/managed_cluster/kubeconfig> -n default get pod
NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hello-64dd6fd586-rfrkf   1/1     Running   0          108s

Clean up

To clean the environment

make undeploy

Run e2e test cases as sanity check on an existing environment

In order to verify the ManifestWork API on an existing environment with work webhook/agent installed and well configured, you are able to run the e2e test cases as sanity check by following the steps below.

Build the binary of the e2e test cases

make build-e2e

And then run the e2e test cases on a certian managed cluster e.g. cluster1.

./e2e.test --ginkgo.v --ginkgo.label-filter=sanity-check -hub-kubeconfig=/path/to/file -cluster-name=cluster1 -managed-kubeconfig=/path/to/file

By setting the deployment name of the work valiating webhook on the hub cluster, the test cases will not start running until the webhook is ready.

./e2e.test --ginkgo.v --ginkgo.label-filter=sanity-check -hub-kubeconfig=/path/to/file -cluster-name=cluster1 -managed-kubeconfig=/path/to/file -webhook-deployment-name=work-webhook

Community, discussion, contribution, and support

Check the CONTRIBUTING Doc for how to contribute to the repo.

Communication channels

Slack channel: #open-cluster-mgmt


This code is released under the Apache 2.0 license. See the file LICENSE for more information.