Releases: opendatahub-io/modelmesh-serving
Releases · opendatahub-io/modelmesh-serving
What's Changed
- Modelmesh owners by @anishasthana in #1
- Revert "Fix etcd endpoints when etcd is in different namespace (#188)" by @crobby in #2
- Prototype for oauth config by @anishasthana in #3
- Add odh model controller by @anishasthana in #4
- Allow ODH Model Controller to create cluster role bindings by @anishasthana in #5
- Add authentication images for ModelMesh by @anishasthana in #6
- Adding ModelMesh Serving end to end tests by @DharmitD in #7
- Update manifests' directory structure by @DharmitD in #8
- Add simple demo for modelmesh usage by @anishasthana in #9
- Wait for CRDS to be created in quickstart script by @anishasthana in #10
- Removing Pipfile and Pipfile.lock references by @DharmitD in #11
- Removing micropipenv install by @DharmitD in #12
- Allow users to manually specify creation of routes by @anishasthana in #19
- Sync upstream by @anishasthana in #20
- Stop deploying runtimes by default by @anishasthana in #21
- Add Resource Requests and Limits for Minio and Etcd Deployments by @gmfrasca in #23
- Stop odh model controller from creating serving runtimes by @anishasthana in #24
- Adding Probes to ModelMesh Serving pods by @DharmitD in #22
- Update manifests to use RH-built Etcd image by @gmfrasca in #27
- Update quickstart to use ovms backend by @lugi0 in #29
- Change modelmesh deployments to expose metrics port by @rimolive in #32
- Enable HA for modelmesh serving controller pod by @anishasthana in #26
- Allow users to configure authentication by @anishasthana in #25
- Fix: Fix sed for kfdef URI / CI test failure by @DharmitD in #33
- Upstream sync merge by @anishasthana in #43
- Stop odh model controller from adding/removing namespace labels by @anishasthana in #34
- Update images to latest tags by @anishasthana in #45
- Update the annotations required for authentication and routes by @anishasthana in #49
- Add Humair to OWNERS by @anishasthana in #46
- Stop workflows from triggering on PRs to main by @anishasthana in #50
- [pull] main from kserve:main by @pull in #48
- Allow odh model controller to manage the storage config secret by @anishasthana in #51
- Move model-controller back into dedicated repo by @anishasthana in #53
- Have etcd service select only etcd pods. by @HumairAK in #54
- Update OWNERS to reflect new team structure by @anishasthana in #57
- Update newTag to match the one in odh-manifests by @heyselbi in #64
- Update kustomization for OVMS 2022.3 by @Xaenalt in #61
- Sync upstream by @Jason4849 in #65
- [pull] main from kserve:main by @pull in #52
- Sync downstream manifests by @anishasthana in #67
- Fix unit test for odh by @Jooho in #68
- Fix e2e test and add openshift-ci make target by @Jooho in #70
- Create etcd secrets inside initContainer by @VedantMahabaleshwarkar in #69
- add findutils package for openshift ci by @Jooho in #72
- add modelmesh-serving-image option to accept a custom image url by @Jooho in #73
- create modelmesh-serving-sa and update oauth-proxy deployment by @Jooho in #74
- Update test-data for unit test about sa by @Jooho in #75
- [pull] main from kserve:main by @pull in #71
- Sync upstream V0.11.0 alpha by @Jooho in #79
- [pull] main from kserve:main by @pull in #76
- update test config yaml to use the right servingaccount by @Jooho in #80
- add trustAI processor into tmpl file by @Jooho in #81
- Add version information by @Jooho in #83
- update version information for master by @Jooho in #84
- Add PR checklist by @VedantMahabaleshwarkar in #86
- Update OWNERS by @Xaenalt in #87
- Removed Anish from Owners per request by @heyselbi in #89
- restructured odh manifests by @Jooho in #90
- fix scripts for e2e by @Jooho in #91
- Scripts fix by @Jooho in #93
- Sync between RHODS and ODH by @Jooho in #92
- opendatahub docs are updated by @Jooho in #94
- [Upstream Sync] 2023.05.4 by @Jooho in #95
- add stable manifests for odh-manifests repo by @Jooho in #97
- Quick Start Guide for basic,pvc,hpa by @Jooho in #99
- Add downloading required binaries logic by @Jooho in #101
- doc-review-qs copy edit of quick starts for ModelMesh by @MelissaFlinn in #100
- fix rhods-8873 and remove unnecessary manifests by @Jooho in #103
- add/update OWNER file by @Jooho in #104
- Fix quickstart link in / by @israel-hdez in #108
- [Sync] kserve/modelmesh-serving-v0.11.0-rc0 to main branch by @Jooho in #107
- [pull] main from kserve:main by @pull in #98
- Fix quick start link to go to the root of quick starts by @israel-hdez in #109
- Add Profiling feature to get debug data for modelmesh controller. by @Jooho in #102
- Enhance gen-scripts for new manifests by @Jooho in #111
- Fix instruction sequence in ModelMesh Installation guide by @vaibhavjainwiz in #117
- Add pod anti-affinity to odh-model-controller manifests by @israel-hdez in #115
- fix RHODS-9627 - rollback label by @Jooho in #138
- Revert accidental commits from fork by @VedantMahabaleshwarkar in #139
- Fix the script of pvc #177 by @rpancham in #178
- update odh-model-controller manifests by @VedantMahabaleshwarkar in #176
- [Sync] kserve/modelmesh-serving-main to main branch by @vaibhavjainwiz in #174
- [pull] main from kserve:main by @pull in #147
- update fast manifests based on main branch by @Jooho in #181
- Fix fvt by @vaibhavjainwiz in
What's Changed
- [Cherry-pick] from main to release: Add release metadata for MM (#312) by @heyselbi in #314
- [Cherry-pick] Update the oauth-proxy to the latest (#315) by @spolti in #316
- [Cherry-pick][RHOAIENG-18240] - Update ETCD in ModelMesh (#313) by @spolti in #317
Full Changelog: odh-v2.24...odh-v2.25
What's Changed
Full Changelog: odh-v2.23...odh-v2.24
Full Changelog: odh-v2.21...odh-v2.22
Full Changelog: odh-v2.20...odh-v2.21
Full Changelog: v0.12.0.6-rc0...odh-v2.20
What's Changed
- RHOAIENG-11850: Cherry-pick fix to release-0.12.0-rc0 by @mholder6 in #304
- Cherry-pick the etcd fix to the release branch by @mholder6 in #306
Full Changelog: v0.12.0.5-rc0...v0.12.0.6-rc0
Full Changelog: v0.12.0.5-rc0...v0.12.0.5-rc0
Full Changelog: v0.12.0.3-rc0...v0.12.0.4-rc0