Zipkin 1.10
Zipkin 1.10 addresses a couple long-term problems relating to span timestamp and duration.
Firstly, we no longer attempt to support duration queries on the "cassandra" storage type. Cassandra 2.2+ doesn't support SASI indexing, and trying to work around that resulted in a feature most couldn't use. @michaelsembwever from The Last Pickle has a more sustainable solution in mind that uses Cassandra 3.8+. Please look for announcements on the experimental cassandra3 storage type.
Next is something that applies to all storage types. When trace instrumentation don't record Span.timestamp and duration, the Zipkin server tries to guess by looking at annotations. Previously, when we guessed wrong, the trace would render strangely. We now guess much more conservatively so as to avoid this.
Here's the impact:
- Span duration is no longer derived by collectors, as it is often wrong. Duration queries won't work unless traces reported to zipkin include duration.
- Span timestamp is derived only when needed, usually to support indexing
- Span timestamp and duration are still backfilled at query time, as otherwise the UI wouldn't work.
Note: The Span.timestamp and duration fields were added a year ago, but many tracers still don't record them. We hope our documentation on how to record timestamp and duration will help ease the task of updating them. If you use a tracer that doesn't yet record Span.timestamp and duration, please raise an issue or PR to the corresponding repository so that it is eventually fixed.