This proof of concept is a lpms fork project to enable scene classification in LPMS
A Nvidia GPU (pascal or higher) is needed for real-time scene classification and transcoding.
To try this project as a standalone service, follow the instructions below.
You can load any trained classifier and get a propability result during the livestream encoding.
Project requires libavcodec (ffmpeg) and friends. See
. Running this script will install everything in ~/compiled
. In order to build the project, the dependent libraries will need to be discoverable by pkg-config and golang. If you installed everything with
, then run export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/compiled/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
so the deps are picked up.
remark: For rapid quality assurance we offer use of burned in subtitle. To use this ffmpeg should be built with --enable-libass
For the classification need to install tensorflow 1.15 and CUDA 10.0.
To build the project, you need to install golang.
check PKG_CONFIG_PATH,CGO_CFLAGS,CGO_LDFLAGS environment values.
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATH:-}:$HOME/compiled/lib/pkgconfig"
export CGO_CFLAGS="-I$HOME/compiled/include"
export CGO_LDFLAGS="-L$HOME/compiled/lib"
git clone
cd lpmsdemo
go build cmd/example/main.go
If the build successed, you can find the main execute file in the lpmsdemo folder.
For classification needs a trained model file. Please change trained filename(base on tensorflow) to tmodel.pb and copy it to the lpmsdemo folder, now you can start the lpms server.
./main or ./main -interval=1.5 -dnnfilter=PDnnDetector,PDnnOtherFilter -metamode=2 -gpucount=2 -parallel=2 -embededdnn=1
interval: time intervals(unit second) for classification
dnnfilter: dnn model name for classification
metamode: select metadata store type.(0: subtitle, 1: ffmpeg metadata, 2: hls timed metadata(default))
gpucount: Nvidia GPU card count
parallel: concurrent stream count at the same time
embededdnn: execute dnnmodule while transcoding( 0: execute dnnmodule with file mode, 1: execute dnnmodule while transcoding(default))
remark(dnnfilter): Users can use own trained models after register in here. The Model trained using the Tensorflow should be a model for classification. In other words, the outputs of the model should be inference values array, not an image buffer.
The test server exposes a few different endpoints:
for uploading/viewing RTMP video stream.http://localhost:7935/stream/test_classified.m3u8
for verification classification the HLS video stream.
remark: can check deterministic streamname with postfix "_classified" for the classifier output
Do the following steps to view a live stream video:
Start LPMS by running
go run cmd/example/main.go
Upload an RTMP video stream to
. We recommend using ffmpeg or OBS.
For ffmpeg on osx, run: ffmpeg -f avfoundation -framerate 30 -pixel_format uyvy422 -i "0:0" -c:v libx264 -tune zerolatency -b:v 900k -x264-params keyint=60:min-keyint=60 -c:a aac -ac 2 -ar 44100 -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/stream/test
For OBS, fill in Settings->Stream->URL to be rtmp://localhost:1935
- If you have successfully uploaded the stream, you should see something like this in the LPMS output
I0324 09:44:14.639405 80673 listener.go:28] RTMP server got upstream
I0324 09:44:14.639429 80673 listener.go:42] Got RTMP Stream: test
- If you have scene classification successfully running, you should see something like this in the output
Opening '/home/gpu-user/lpmsdemo/.tmp/fca11fb1bd091e944388.m3u8.tmp' for writing
Got seg: fca11fb1bd091e944388_12.ts fca11fb1bd091e944388
#Engine Probability = 0.800000
Shaper: FriBidi 0.19.7 (SIMPLE) HarfBuzz-ng 1.7.2 (COMPLEX)
Using font provider fontconfig
- Now you have a RTMP video stream running, we can view it from the server. Simply run
ffplay http://localhost:7935/stream/test_classified.m3u8
, you should see the hls video playback.
git clone
cd lpmsdemo
go build cmd/server/testserver.go
If the build successed, you can find the testserver executable file in the lpmsdemo folder. To test the api server, follow the steps below:
- run the api server(broadcaster flag is the mockup address of the broadcaster, set it as the current IP address.) ./testserver
- Create a "stream" with the transcoding profiles and detection profiles you want by sending POST to /stream with name and profiles. For example:
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "test_stream",
"profiles": [
"name": "P720p25fps16x9",
"bitrate": "600k",
"fps": 30
"name": "P360p30fps4x3",
"bitrate": "600k",
"fps": 30
"name": "PDnnDetector"
Supported Detector Profiles: PDnnDetector, PDnnVioFilter, PDnnYoloFilter
- Request a broadcaster address from /broadcaster.
- POST your .ts segment. to {broadcaster_address}/live/{stream_id}/{media_number}.ts, and get your results.
curl -i -X POST<stream_id>/1.ts \
-H "Accept: multipart/mixed" \
--data-binary "@source_segment.ts" | munpack
API Response should look something like this
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 22:07:17 GMT
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=421e8e76020c72589048
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="P720p25fps16x9_4.ts"
Content-Length: 1722080
Content-Type: video/mp2t; name="P720p25fps16x9_4.ts"
Detection-Result: content:football match,
Rendition-Name: P720p25fps16x9
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="P360p30fps4x3_4.ts"
Content-Length: 751812
Content-Type: video/mp2t; name="P360p30fps4x3_4.ts"
Detection-Result: content:football match,
Rendition-Name: P360p30fps4x3
Processing on Nvidia GPUs is supported. To enable this capability, FFmpeg needs to be built with GPU support. See the FFmpeg guidelines on this.
To execute the nvidia tests within the ffmpeg
directory, run this command:
go test -tag=nvidia -run Nvidia
To run the tests on a particular GPU, use the GPU_DEVICE environment variable:
# Runs on GPU number 3
GPU_DEVICE=3 go test -tag nvidia -run Nvidia
Aside from the tests themselves, there is a sample program that can be used as a reference to the LPMS GPU transcoding API. The sample program can select GPU or software processing via CLI flags. Run the sample program via:
# software processing
go run cmd/transcoding/transcoding.go transcoder/test.ts P144p30fps16x9,PDnnDetector sw
# nvidia processing, GPU number 2
go run cmd/transcoding/transcoding.go transcoder/test.ts P144p30fps16x9,PDnnDetector nv 0
To execute the test and benchmark within the ffmpeg
directory, run this command:
go test -run Dnn -bench DnnXX
In here if have Nvidia GPU, can run the benchmark and test on GPU, otherwise can run on CPU
# Runs on GPU
go test -run Dnn -bench DnnHW
# Runs on CPU
go test -run Dnn -bench DnnSW