############################################# VBF Higgs to Invisible Full Run 2 Analysis #############################################
Othmane Rifki ([email protected]) - DESY
Doug Schaefer, Ben Rosser, Christian Sander, Rui Zou
- Code runs on DAOD_EXOT5 using the
algorithm - Code runs on DAOD_TRUTH3 using
algorithm - Output is a flat ntuple called
- CutBookkeeper output for histogram normalization is in
lsetup git
git clone https://gitlab.cern.ch/VBFInv/STAnalysisCode.git
source STAnalysisCode/VBFInvAnalysis/scripts/setupRelease.sh
source setup.sh
# alias for: cd build && cmake ../STAnalysisCode && make && source */setup.sh && cd ../run
# alias for: cd build && make && source */setup.sh && cd ../run
# local with exact path to file in debug mode
runVBF.py -f <path/file.root> -n100 --debug
# local with folder containing datasets (one per subdirectory)
runVBF.py -i <folder> -n100
# local running on TRUTH3, need to specifiy the algorithm (-a)
runVBF.py -i <folder> -n100 -a VBFInvTruth
# grid submission with file containing list of datasets (one per line)
runVBF.py -l <rucio list> -u $USER -v <Ntuple version> --driver prun
See more options in the runVBF.py help:
runVBF.py -h
To check that you have downloaded all of the samples. Run
checkSample.py -l data_MC_EXOT5.txt -i local_List.txt
is the list of DAOD's submitted for processing with STAnalysisCode.
is the list of directories containing the output of STAnalysisCode (ls -d path/*
SUSYToolsTester <myAOD.pool.root> maxEvents=100 isData=0 isAtlfast=0 Debug=0 NoSyst=0 2>&1 | tee log
To configure the script starting at Line 57 to:
- Select which DSIDs to list in the
- Determine the p-tags for data and MC you want to select Then run:
lsetup rucio
python STAnalysisCode/VBFInvAnalysis/scripts/listSamples.py -t mc16_13TeV,data15_13TeV,data16_13TeV -c mc16a,mc16d -d DAOD_EXOT5 -v v05 -s
When developing new code, it is important to work on a seperate branch. Once the development is over you can make a merge request to merged the changes into master. The CI tests [.gitlab-ci.yml][.gitlab-ci.yml] will check that the code still compiles correctly before accepting the changes. In the merge request, tag @othrif so that I get a notification to approve the merge.
Make sure you have the latest version of STAnalysisCode checked out, otherwise you run into conflicts:
cd STAnalysisCode
git fetch origin
Create a topic branch with a meaningful name (here we used master-my-topic
but consider using a meaningful name)
git checkout -b master-my-topic
For each of the files you want to commit, do
git add <file>
double-check the status of the repository with
git status
Modifications can be listed with
git diff STAnalysisCode
and commit locally
git commit -m "message"
Push the changes from your local repository to your fork with
git push --set-upstream origin master-my-topic
Git will now print an output message with a link to submit the merge request. The request can be submitted also by accessing on the browser your forked repository on GitLab and selecting the relevant branch. Make sure to tag Othmane Rifki (@othrif).
To format code please use clang-format, which is based on the .clang-format
file in this folder:
clang-format -i *.h *.cxx
If you edit the README, you can update the Table of Contents by running the following script:
ruby tableOfcontent.rb
git tag -a vXX-AB21p2pYY -m "Tag version vXX"
git push origin vXX-AB21p2pYY
This is run from my service account, and the password is set under settings+CI. A maintainer of the code can updated it. If you intentially changed the cutflow, then you can update the reference file. This is done by
runVBF.py -f root://eosuser.cern.ch//eos/user/s/schae/HInv/mc16_13TeV.308276.PowhegPy8EG_NNPDF30_AZNLOCTEQ6L1_VBFH125_ZZ4nu_MET125.deriv.DAOD_EXOT5.e6126_s3126_r9364_p3575/DAOD_EXOT5.14490426._000001.pool.root.1 --doMuonDetail --doElectronDetail --doEventDetail --doSkim -n 5000
cp submitDir/data-MiniNtuple/mc16_13TeV.308276.PowhegPy8EG_NNPDF30_AZNLOCTEQ6L1_VBFH125_ZZ4nu_MET125.root /eos/user/s/schae/HInv/mc16_13TeV.308276.PowhegPy8EG_NNPDF30_AZNLOCTEQ6L1_VBFH125_ZZ4nu_MET125.deriv.DAOD_EXOT5.e6126_s3126_r9364_p3575/mc16_13TeV.308276.PowhegPy8EG_NNPDF30_AZNLOCTEQ6L1_VBFH125_ZZ4nu_MET125.root